Do you really need 15% free space to defrag?

The problem that you will most likely encounter is that your larger/largest files will not be able to be defragmented, while the smaller files will defragment without any complications.

The reason you need so much free space is so that the utility can move large file fragments to free space, then shuffle in a group of consecutive small files, etc. - making room so that the really big files can all be located together on disk.
UnlimitedMP said:
Or is it ok with less? (windows xp home). It warned me since I have less than 15%.
Some third party tools defrag with lesser free space. For improvement through defrag atleast 15% free space is needed for the defragmenter to move chunks around and place them contiguously. You could run the disk cleanup and try to free up some spac and also if ou have music, snaps etc, burn them onto CDs.