Do you have types of games that you've sworn off?


Nov 21, 2010
Are their games that you simply don't like at all? I have two:

1) Real-time / turn-based strategy games, like Shogun 2 and StarCraft
2) Hack-n-slash / leveling and item grinding type games, like Borderlands and Diablo

I just don't buy those types of games anymore.
Simulation. I understand why they are appealing but I want to have "fun" when I game , not study up on manuals.
Well you might as well post the reason why... if not why make a post about it at all?
MMO Games - Used to play them but not so much now. Most of them I find lifeless and barren. I prefer a game where I have more of an impact on the world (not just some phased zones).

Sports games - I generally play games as an escape to something i can't usually do on a daily basis. I can play golf/tennis when I choose, I can't kill demons or save the world from terrorists :p
None really. I don't usually like simulation sports games but I can find arcade-style ones fun once in a while. I'm pretty much done with fighting games but I do rent them occasionally to play but I can't play them like I used to.
MMOs, don't have time to invest, I'd rather grind/level-up in real life...
"Modern FPS"

If I ever want a fix, I can always go back to the only one still going that truly entertained me, Counter-Strike. I'm beyond tired of that setting/style... and that includes any Modern Warfare game, Battlefield 3, Medal of Honor whatever, and whatever other clones of the above happen to come out.
MMOs for sure. Zombie games (minus DayZ). Too many of both being crapped out.
Sports, unless it's Blitz 2000 or some weird Wiimote game.
Most MMO's. It seems MMO's follow a trend:

"See how World of Warcraft is doing? That's tons of money, lets do that!"
"What IP's do we have?"
"Well we have this sports game called Golf 2012 where you hit a ball into a hole."
"Great, make an MMO out of that."
"Alright how about this: We'll put in about a $500,000 to develop the game, and about 15 million to advertise it. We'll create a shitty collectors edition and hope people buy it and subscribe for atleast 2 months. That's what our revenue model will be based on."
"Sounds perfect, even if it fails after those 2 months we'll already be paid and will make 10 times more than our previous game's sales figures. Get to it."

lol, srsly though, RTS games, as much as I'd love to play them I'm just no good competitively. I bought SC2, played through the campaign, then didn't touch it since. I'll do the same thing with HotS.
MMOs, don't have time to invest, I'd rather grind/level-up in real life...

Hahah, this is the best post I've read in a while.

I'll have to add MMORPGs to my list as well. I don't play those games and likely never will.
MMORPG's and turn based RPG's.

The combat system bores the fuck out of me. Seriously, I don't get it. Character swings sword while standing in place, wait for cooldown timer, fire another attack, heal, etc. etc. ad nauseum. 5 enemies fight me at once, hacking away at my flesh from behind with battle axes as my character continues to slash at the same character with the same animation over and over. In the meantime, everyone stands in one place waiting to fire off next attack. Giant beast stomps me into the ground a thousand times, the character blocks attacks without any animation. Meanwhile, in a vain attempt to move my character around to dodge fireballs and try to liven things up a little, I miss the cooldown timers and struggle to find one of 20+ attacks on my keyboard...

I just don't get it. I understand that people who play them want to challenge themselves just like any other gamer, but I just don't have the patience to do the same repetition over and over again. I may play the same map over and over again in an FPS, but every time its a new experience going against different players. The PVP of MMO's helps change things a little, but the combat system still bores the hell out of me. No offense to you guys who do play them, but I just can't get immersed with shit like that going on.
Online grinding games. MMORPG, Diablo 3. I can never win. By the time I have my first million gold in Diablo 3, everyone else already have hundreds of millions thanks to booting, AH automated script and all other insane stuff that takes the fun out of gaming.

Actually grinding itself is kind of boring. After playing the same maps over and over again a few times, I tend to lose interest and start playing other games. This is what's happening in Diablo 3 for me. I haven't even got any character up to Hell mode and I've started playing STALKER Clear Sky :p
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I don't have to swear off any kind of game. I barely have time to play the ones I love.
RTS, they get me too angry, if you make a mistake you're going to have a bad time for the rest of the game. And the rest of the game is you getting your ass kicked.
"Modern FPS"

If I ever want a fix, I can always go back to the only one still going that truly entertained me, Counter-Strike. I'm beyond tired of that setting/style... and that includes any Modern Warfare game, Battlefield 3, Medal of Honor whatever, and whatever other clones of the above happen to come out.

Military shooters

Yup, the video game equivalent of regurgitated diarrhea
Facebook and such casual games. I have a personal bias against that stuff.

I would enjoy RTS games so much (I love Shogun games in theory) but I SUCK at them so hard that I rarely play them anymore. Because I am a slow person, so to speak, a "thinker" and "ponderer" and simply cant keep up with constantly changing situations and multitasking through them all. Civilization games and such turn based stuff are another story because I can take time to think what to do.

Puzzle games do not interest me at all. Sometimes I do Dr. Mario tournaments with my sis just to see which one us is still better, for old times sake, but otherwise I do not touch puzzle games.
RTS's: find them to be tedious and boring. Racing and fight games for the same reason: not dexterous enough for these not to be frustrating.
Run 'n gun shooters that straight-jacket you with the same old linear game play. I've been a diehard FPS fan since DOOM,but I've gotten weary of the same old COD/Halo type clones. S.T.A.L.K.E.R completely ruined me for any of those generic shooters.
I used to like RTS games. I was always terrible at them so I could never play them online but I avoid most of them now because the learning curve is just to time consuming.
Games that require you to level up, get unlocks, or grind gear excessively. Seriously, the leveling up/ unlocking of skills and gear being an expected part of every game, even multiplayer FPS is one of the worst things that happened to gaming. Not only do you have to deal with the BS waste of time unlocking thing that should never be locked in the first place(there is no such thing as an unlock, only "locks" if you get my point), but by the time you get there the game is semi dead anyways. Why? Because new players can't compete with veteran players, who not only have a significant advantage in skill due to their time spent on the game, but now on top of that they have gear and unlocks that makes it even MORE unbalanced than it would already be.
FPS games.... they have no plot,nothing to get hooked in, just "press w and hold left mouse buton". The only thing I can play that has crosshair on screen is Halo series, haven't found anything on PC that would hook me in like Master Chief's adventures.
Pretty much anything by Blizzard has turned my stomach since... StarCraft? WoW, SC2, Diablo III... ugh. Bad, bad bad bad bad bad. Not really a genre, but definitely a "type" of game. Bad Terrible Horrible type. The recent CoD games and now, unfortunately, Battlefields fall under this umbrella.
I very rarely play sports games - MMOs - F2P

I also hate RTSs because i don't feel like learning how to "uber micro" nor I want to see any combat units as "expendables" just because they cost minimal resources to build.

TBSs on the other hand be can be pretty enjoyable but also time consuming so i haven't played any recently, my all time favorite is jagged alliance 2

Games that require you to level up, get unlocks, or grind gear excessively. Seriously, the leveling up/ unlocking of skills and gear being an expected part of every game, even multiplayer FPS is one of the worst things that happened to gaming. Not only do you have to deal with the BS waste of time unlocking thing that should never be locked in the first place(there is no such thing as an unlock, only "locks" if you get my point), but by the time you get there the game is semi dead anyways. Why? Because new players can't compete with veteran players, who not only have a significant advantage in skill due to their time spent on the game, but now on top of that they have gear and unlocks that makes it even MORE unbalanced than it would already be.

I know guys in BF3 who have like 3x my playtime ( 700hrs + while i'm still below 250hrs total ) and they have been my nemesis victims so many times in a row it's not even funny, not to mention they sport horrible stats like 0.9 KD 320SPM etc, playtime doesn't directly translate to skill level PERIOD.

Plus there are no real advantages when it comes to guns in bf3, starter guns are pretty good ( M16 M27 etc ) so you don't really need to reach rank 45 before you start owning, a friend of mine reached that rank in less than 70 hrs of playtime anyway.

Bought gotham city impostors on steam when it was on 5$ sale, same story as above, most recent FPSs are pretty shallow gameplay wise so guys that have been playing them for months have practicaly no advantaged against a decent experienced FPS player who joins a public server for the first time.

Maybe the progression system is worse in really bad games like MW3 where you can be clearly better than a lvl50 when you both use a rifle but the god damn noob deploys with akimbo FNG + steady aim instead

atleast BF3 has no stupid matchmaking lobbies, only a server browser, and most of the servers have rules like no USAS no IRNV etc

Personally, I don't have types of games that I avoid. but rather themes... :cool:

Themes I'll always avoid:

● Any game involving swords and magic.
● Marvel comic games.
● Any movie tie-in game except Star Wars Podracer and Goldeneye.
● Button-bashing yearly sports games (practically all of them).

That's it for now...
Everything except some FPSs, Diablo 3, and Flight Simulator.
MMOs. Too strung out and boring, and huge time sinks. It's like a proper RPG with everything slowed down by 1000x, and no end to it and endless repitition. Also I hate subscription games and p2w. Free to play games can be good, but they also tend to have shithead communities.

Games which are "serious" to the level that they aren't fun anymore.

Games with no personality.