Do you have 3G in your area?

Feb 8, 2005

This isn't something that's highlighted often, but it should be. 3G coverage in the United States sucks, no matter what carrier you're on. We have far more land area to cover than, say, the UK or Japan, but that doesn't mean we can't whine about it.

Kind of puts things in perspective when phone companies will charge more for data plans even without 3G coverage in the majority of areas. If you only have EDGE available, you're still paying the same amount as the guy using 3G. But then again, where does the money come from to invest in 3G infrastructure? It's a chicken-and-egg problem all over again...
Washington - Seattle/Bellevue, totally covered :p
More or less full coverage north of exit 10 on 390 in the Genesee Valley in NYS.
I am covered, Houston, but still unsure if it is worth it to get the new 3G iPhone. My EDGE iPhone has been fantastic and I am not sure I am going to really gain anything; the one thing I know I would use is the ability to talk on the phone and look up things on the web/maps when not near wifi.
I'm not covered where I live (it's a small town, and EVDO was only available recently), but White Plains, NY is, where I'll be spending most of my time when away from WiFi.
Fully available for me here in Orem, UT. Suprisingly Utah has a really great technology infrastructure setup along the Wasatch Front. I have 50mbps up/down fiber optics in my home for only $40 a month through our utopia network.
I have 3G in my area and I think we are slowly being boosted (Santa Barbara/Goleta, CA 93101-93117). I speedtest it regularly to check if its good enough to play COD4 and LOTR on and the speeds have increased since the last summer and I heard they wanna boost the speeds more at the end of the summer for the 3G iPhone. Last year I got a little under 1mb down/0.2mb up with a ping of 375, then it went up to 1.5mb/0.3-5mb and 250 ping and now i get almost a full 2mb/0.3-5mb and a 200 ping. I think its suppose to be 4mb down by the end of summer.

edit: I pay $70 for unlimited data through AT&T.
Yes, but only on Oahu it seems. Since I mostly stay on Oahu that's good especially if I am paying $70 a month.
wow..I mean...they can't promise anything, but the coverage predictions for the map is very disappointing
Guess I will be removing the iPhone from my wishlist for now :D
I'm located in Seattle. As mentioned a few posts up, the area is totally covered. However, I don't plan on upgrading. EDGE is plenty fast here and most of the time I'm surround by Wifi.
I have 3g both by my home and school, so I'm all set (although I have wifi in both
3G isn't the main selling point for me though, the GPS is. :)
The Space Coast/ Cape Canaveral Area (where they launch the shuttles from) in Florida is Covered
3G, and AT&T coverage in general, where I grew up ranges from non-existant to poor. I don't think it's that much better, where I'm living now (in Wisconsin).
That map that you linked to is inaccurate now. 3G covers my town up in the middle of North Alabama, but also now covers at least 4 or 5 other cities as well. Up till about 4 days ago, the map showed half the coverage in the area it does now. Now it covers everywhere I go on a daily basis.

I'd suggest looking at the real map on

If they updated my area, I wouldn't doubt it happened for other places as well.
That is correct they updated there 3G coverage, and they plan to add (I think) another 20% on to that by the end of the year.