Do we need a BF2 Commanders Handbook?


Jan 11, 2002
I've been messing around with the commander role in BF2 lately and I really think we need a nice handbook for those who like to lead. Please give us newb's the 411 on how to effectively lead as a commander, strategies and the like!

Does anybody even listen to the commander anyways?
I agree with you though. The commander screen is filled with icons they make no attempt at explaining to the user.
pigpen said:
Does anybody even listen to the commander anyways?

Some people do, and if you are in a squad/clan it is a huge advantage if your squad mate is the commander.

I too would like to see a guide. I played as commander for a map and a half. Fun in a different way, but also difficult, especially when half the players are asking "what's a UAV," and the other half charge into your artillery fire. Look at the damn minimap folks.\

Found a guide with a good overview: here it is.
zoobaby said:
Some people do, and if you are in a squad/clan it is a huge advantage if your squad mate is the commander.

I too would like to see a guide. I played as commander for a map and a half. Fun in a different way, but also difficult, especially when half the players are asking "what's a UAV," and the other half charge into your artillery fire. Look at the damn minimap folks.\

Found a guide with a good overview: here it is.

yeah, but also I love it when commanders launch a round of artillery when teammates are already within the vicinity ;)
biggest issue with the comander piece is squads not listening to the commander.
neuroquake said:
biggest issue with the comander piece is squads not listening to the commander.

It's like any other multiplayer game: you just need to find a good server where people generally play by the rules. There will always be people who go their own way, but if you find a good server chances are there will be at least one well organized squad willing to take orders and work together. I played on a server last night where we had a nice convoy consisting of a tank and a couple of buggies that went from control point to control point, capturing them at will. A well organized team can really decimante a disorganized one.
Dijonase said:
It's like any other multiplayer game: you just need to find a good server where people generally play by the rules. There will always be people who go their own way, but if you find a good server chances are there will be at least one well organized squad willing to take orders and work together. I played on a server last night where we had a nice convoy consisting of a tank and a couple of buggies that went from control point to control point, capturing them at will. A well organized team can really decimante a disorganized one.
You'd be surprised to find out that "organized teams" are usually just people playing follow the leader. All the strategy in the world isn't going to do a damn thing if the people executing the plan suck.
kick@ss said:
You'd be surprised to find out that "organized teams" are usually just people playing follow the leader. All the strategy in the world isn't going to do a damn thing if the people executing the plan suck.

That may well be, but if the other team is unorganized and spread out all over the map it becomes much easier for a squad to take a control point, even if the squad members aren't all pros. A team of 6 roving the map together with a medic and an engineer among them will have a good chance against a good player who's working alone.

Also, from my limited experience with the game it seems that better players tend to gravitate toward squads whereas the less skilled players (and the jerks who are just there to TK) either don't care about squads or don't know about them. That makes the chances better that someone in a squad will be more skilled than someone not in a squad, though I'm sure it's certianly not always true.