Do the ASUS boards read a bit low... or are they dead on?


Mar 30, 2003
I'm pulling 27C idle and about 35C under load on a P4C800 motherboard with a P4b 2.26 NW that has a SLK-900U/Tornado 92mm Combo on it. I'm using AS3 also with that.
Originally posted by Kuros
I'm pulling 27C idle and about 35C under load on a P4C800 motherboard with a P4b 2.26 NW that has a SLK-900U/Tornado 92mm Combo on it. I'm using AS3 also with that.

they read very low, i have an Asus P4P800 in one system and an Abit IC7 in another. The P4P800 would report 1C less then ambient temps at idle at times, which isnt possible. This tells me the Asus temp readings are waaaaaaaaay off. The IC7 with teh same cooling setup and same cpu will read about 10-15C higher then my P4P800. I tend to believe the Abit readings.
Originally posted by Nexx
they read very low, i have an Asus P4P800 in one system and an Abit IC7 in another. The P4P800 would report 1C less then ambient temps at idle at times, which isnt possible. This tells me the Asus temp readings are waaaaaaaaay off. The IC7 with teh same cooling setup and same cpu will read about 10-15C higher then my P4P800. I tend to believe the Abit readings.

That's what I was wondering because I had a Abit IS7-G and it would read about 10C higher.
theoretically, the mobo wouldn't matter, since the diode is in the chip........right?

but then again, that is only theoretical
It is still up to the hardware monitoring chip to return a result from that onboard diode.

In any case, I would only believe a calibrated thermal probe if you wanted absolute measurements.
Asus boards are generally known to read slightly low. Then again, abit boards are known to read slightly high (about 10c high).

The only way to know for sure is to use a thermal probe.. configured correctly of course. It's dumb to compare between two boards/brands that are known to be on the opposite sides of the spectrum.
Originally posted by diredesire
Asus boards are generally known to read slightly low. Then again, abit boards are known to read slightly high (about 10c high).

The only way to know for sure is to use a thermal probe.. configured correctly of course. It's dumb to compare between two boards/brands that are known to be on the opposite sides of the spectrum.

what i want to know, is how do you know certain boards read high/low? an external temp probe is going to always read low, since it isn't at the exact heat source. Heat has many ways of leaving the chip besides the top, so the probe isn't going to detect the exact amount of heat.....

i guess the only way to tell is to measure two seperate boards with the exact same everything and an external thermal probe in a side by side comparison.......... has anyone ever even done that?