DLC Quest... anybody buy this?


Jul 27, 2005
I just learned of this Indie Game the other day, and I'm curious if anybody has purchased it. It's only 80 MS point ($1.00), and although from what I've read it's extremely short, the premise alone makes me want to support this developer.

Basically the game pokes fun at the current trend of games charging for all sorts of DLC, but it takes it to a whole new level. It's a 2D platformer, where you collect coins in the game and use that money to purchase your character's animation, the ability to pause the game, and also buy horse armor :)

Even though it's on both the PC and Mac I think I'll buy the 360 version, since I don't have a controller for my PC, and it's a buck cheaper on XBL than it is on the Mac App Store.

YouTube Trailer
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I found this video while watching the one you linked: If Classic Games had DLC. I hate DLC; wish people would stop buying it.

I used to love game expansions; but it's all just DLC microtransactions now...
I have it for PC. Great game for the price! It's good for a playthrough or 2 and will prob take you 2-3 hours to complete. Total spoof on DLC.
I have it for PC. Great game for the price! It's good for a playthrough or 2 and will prob take you 2-3 hours to complete. Total spoof on DLC.

2 or 3 hours is better then I expected, from some of the other comments I've read. Either way I think I'll buy it this weekend.
nice, finally something to spend my left over xbl coin on. Thanks OP
I had to resurrect this thread, after finally buying and playing through the game last week. We had moved earlier and my 360 remained boxed while we got situated, and then I sort of forgot about it. Anyway, I bought the 360 version and beat it in one sitting (after maybe just over an hour). My only complaints are that it was WAY too short, and that it wasn't really challenging. You don't have to worry about taking damage or dying. Otherwise the concept is hilarious, and some of the dialog with NPCs was pretty funny.

As the credits were rolling I was thinking it'd be great if they made a much longer sequel. I don't know if it'll be longer but it looks like a new downloadable campaign is coming:

“Live Freemium or Die” will be included with “DLC Quest” should it manage to get the Greenlight from Valve. It currently sits in 23rd place on the service. The new campaign will be released in Q4 2012 for PC, Mac and Xbox 360. With your help, that could include Steam.


The full blog post has a teaser trailer.
I had to resurrect this old thread. Live Freemium or Die apparently came out in March, but I didn't notice until the other day. I've already completed the campaign, though I'm missing two awardments. Anyway, if you liked the first one definitely get this one. Personally, I think it's even better than the original. It seems like it takes a little longer to complete, your character can die, and I think the humor is even better.