DIVX upside down


Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2003
SO i have some files which play upside down.

Is there a player with a 'flip' option? I have all the appropriate codec it seems, i checked them against this program that reads divx files for the codecs they use.

any suggestions?
i remember this problem from waaaaaaaaaay back in the day when i still used windows. you might need to install a graphics-card specific filter (matrox cards for example) or there is a remote option somehwere if ffdshow called "flip video" (assuming you're using this filter - you should if you're not)
yea it prob ur too many codec interacting with each otehr. usually its file >> properies and then u can flick through the options and se if u can find the option to in advert it.
Yeah, it's usually a conflict/improper codec. There SHOULD be an option in the codec configuration settings, especially if you do use something like ffdshow. However, if you are getting this problem, it usually means it's time to upgrade the codec to the latest version.

You should generally avoid codec packs if you can help it and just install the individual parts. It just gets really complicated once you have DivX, XviD, ogm filters, subtitle filters, and just a million others that some of us anime fans run into. You might try uninstalling any codec packs and individual codecs you don't need and just install what you do. That often helps with many problems.
I switchedh te settings in the Fraunhaffer(sp?) codec via BS Player--then everything starte working out. WMP9 kida crashes when I chuch it an avi, but I barely use it any longer--since this experience began, I've learned about a host of other players--Classic is kind of awesome.

Thanks for all your help guys(and gals)