Dispelling Vista DRM FUD (excellent article)


Oct 8, 2003
Personally, I appreciate this guy's effort to dispell the FUD around Vista, and especially DRM. I'm actually not a Vista user (tried it for a bit, but keep reverting). But I respect how hard it is to dissect illogical and/or erroneous FUD so carefully. It can be exhausting and aggravating. :)

I know what you are saying. I agree 100%.

Ultimately, and this is what some seem to either not understand or refuse to accept, The new DRM in Vista doesn't stop you from doing anything that you can do under XP, Linus or OS-X. All it does is give you the Ability to Play protected HD-Content on systems meeting the requirements. This is something that Vista and ONLY Vista allows you do do. XP, OSX and Linux can not play Protected HD in HD at all. The only way any of the other OS's will be able to is if they add the very same DRM.
In addition, as Gutmann would know if he actually understood how HD hardware works, Vista will indeed display HD content on this monitor over the D-Sub and component video outputs, which are capable of outputting 1080p and 1080i signals, respectively. In the future, a content provider might choose to constrict the output to these devices, but that decision would apply only to a specific piece of media, and it would have to be disclosed on the package, giving the buyer the opportunity to choose not to purchase it.

Doesn't he mean inputs?? Can't Component do 1080p?