Disk Boot Failure


Limp Gawd
Dec 14, 2006
I just built my system and I set the Boot priority to CD->CD->HDD.

And now I've been getting this error:

"Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk and Press Enter"

I inserted the Windows XP disc, hit enter, and it would return to the same error message.

Can anyone help me here?
So nothing reads the hard drive?

Is the hard drive detected in the bios?
Nevermind. I fixed it, but I just did the dumbest thing ever.

I connected a fan to the PSU while the comp was running.
Xvash2 said:
Nevermind. I fixed it, but I just did the dumbest thing ever.

I connected a fan to the PSU while the comp was running.
meh, that's dumb. but you could have done a lot worse!