Different versions of same laptop, same except for specs?


Aug 1, 2006

I'm leaning towards an LG T1 laptop and have found a nice deal on one with the L2300, low voltage 1.5 GHz, CPU.

That seems to be the only difference between that and for instance those with the T2500 (2 GHz - non-low-voltage) CPU, that and that the first one has XP home and the second XP pro.

I'm not that fond of XP home but let's say that I'll go for it. The 1.5 GHz will be fine for now but since I plan to keep this laptop for a long time a CPU upgrade might be in place later.

And then I'm wondering if both versions do have the same cooling, just that the one with a low voltage CPU probably doesn't run as hot and therefor doesn't spin the fans as much. But is it safe to assume that I can just swap that low voltage for an regular T2500 or an equivalent Merom CPU (if LG releases an BIOS to support Merom)?
With the only drawback being that the fans probably spins up earlier? (and that the battery life would suffer a bit)