Different Intel Rapid Storage drivers on Intel's site?


Mar 8, 2006
Hi all,

I'm looking for a little guidance on this. I've noticed that Intel's download center has one (more recent) set of rapid storage drivers(IRST) listed under their own desktop boards (under Desktop Boards/Intel® 7 Series/[insert Intel made Z77 motherboard here]).The system requirements seem to specifically mandate an Intel made board.

Then, under the Chipsets/Chipset Software/Intel® Rapid Storage Technology listing, an older RST version is listed.

Which one would you use for an Asus made Z77 motherboard? Is Intel really making highly specific customizations to the IRST drivers for their own boards? If so, I suppose it would be best to stick with what's under the chipset listing or what Asus themselves provide, but this has been bugging me for a while and I thought I'd ask.
Use the latest (or the latest non-alpha, anyway, if you're understandably not all for the idea of running an alpha storage driver). I recommend Station Drivers as a source. Your RST driver version should be equal to or newer than your OROM version.
Intel's website is a joke and always has been, as much as I hate to recommend it I would just use the latest WHQL driver you can find wherever you can find it.

If your motherboard manufacturer isn't prolific with posting updated driver sets, then the next best place would be something like http://www.station-drivers.com/
Gotcha. So, they're definitely not making specific customizations for their own boards on certain versions of RST?
Gotcha. So, they're definitely not making specific customizations for their own boards on certain versions of RST?

Nope. You'll find a lot of bad information in some of the vendor threads (especially the big Asus thread), but you just want the latest. You can run the latest RST drivers even on ICH8 and possibly ICH7. Some boards with those chips even support running current OROM versions (harder to update, but possible for some, especially Gigabyte boards)

Almost all motherboard/PC manufacturers/vendors do suck at keeping the drivers on their site updated, too, even for current products of theirs.