Diablo II Issue... Any ideas?


Sep 14, 2002
Well, on the ghetto secondary rig around here ( the Diablo II box) it doesn't seem to allow an ALT+TAB out of the application to the desktop.

System Specs:
Pentium II 350
256MB Crucial PC100
Supermicro Slot1 Mainboard (designation escapes me right now)
3dfx Voodoo3 3000 16MB - Using the Voodoolizer Win2K Drivers 1.04.01 BETA 6 for WinXP/2K
300w PSU, floppy, you fill in the blanks
Running a fresh install of Windows2000 SP4 with all critical updates, and DX9.

My suspicions lie in the third party video driver... Anyone else have any ideas?
I think it's the video driver. You can always just run D2 in window mode using the -W command. :rolleyes:
Good point. I could play on this, heh, but then you can't see the Gidbinn in the blue orb in Kurast. I can't on any of my GeForce or better boards. Seriously! The Voodoo line was what the game was more or less intended to run on... Remember the wait? It seems be a more accurate rendering of the game in Glide.... Odd, eh?
I had a similar problem before, so I tried reinstalling Diablo 2 and it worked. You may want to try that. If that doesn't work, pick up a geforce 2 or something for like maybe $20
That voodoo 3 should run diablo II just fine.
My 3rd rig is using that video card and it runs the game like a champ.
Just run the video test and make sure you are using the 3dfx Glide setting, instead of the direct3d.
So, YoUnAn, what Voodoo3 driver are you running?

I'll try a reinstall too. And the point of it is to use the Voodoo3 on the old-school gaming machine. Nothings quite like Glide on a P2. :D

And besides, as I said, the Voodoo3 renders the game as it was originally intended. World of difference between Voodoo Glide rendering in Diablo, and the DirectX used by nV/ATi.

Don't believe me? Break that Voodoo2 out of your closet, throw it in a PCI slot and take a look.
Well I can't remember exactly what driver I am running and I can't look because I'm away at school and the PC is at home. lol. All I can remember is that I dl the driver from www.voodoofiles.com
yeah, that game did look better with glide..
but now my 20" LCD helps ease the pain from that old 17" CRT