Diablo 3

Jan 7, 2002
What the heck is going on with D3. Some of it looks pretty good but some of it does not. D1 and D2 had that dark and gothic feel. It doesn't seem that way anymore from the videos I have seen. Also, why did they get rid of potions and stat points? Stat points are what added more dimension to the game and let you create some cool characters in D2. The death mechanic in D3 is another thing. Now you just spawn at a checkpoint which pretty much takes the fear and suspense away from your character dying.

Why doesn't Blizzard just give God mode to all the characters and also have the option for a bot to control the character for you. That way, your character will never die and the character's stats and skills be optimized.

Are they trying to make this a casual game? I don't see why they would do some of these things since the game will sell regardless if it is hardcore or casual.
I haven't watched anything except the initial barbarian videos basically, but I could've sworn there was potions...

As for the lack of stat points, I agree that I was highly dissapointed to hear that. One of the things I loved about Diablo2 was that you could constantly tweak and change your build and keep making it better. I actually believe this is one of the sole reasons the game has stayed so popular. Every few seasons if you stay on B.net an alteration to a build changes and it becomes highly competitive. It's pretty intense being able to play around so much. In WoW you basically have two cookie cutters for each class, if you try and deviate you usually suck pretty hard.

As for the colors and everything, I'll wait and see. I actually thought what we saw at first looked fine. Im sure with all of the negative feedback they have received it will change a bit. I think a good majority of the people bitching just don't remember Diablo2 at all, though.
I think they took out potions for orbs, when you kill a monster.. it'll heal you.
I think they took out potions for orbs, when you kill a monster.. it'll heal you.


Google brought that up.

I think it's cool, personally. I always thought chugging potions was lame, and always tailored my characters to have a good amount of leech. Most games that are mass monster hack and slash like Diablo(s) have these health orbs, and I think they fit well. The only thing that is going to suck is boss fights if they do indeed have a timer on potions.
What the heck is going on with D3. Some of it looks pretty good but some of it does not. D1 and D2 had that dark and gothic feel. It doesn't seem that way anymore from the videos I have seen. Also, why did they get rid of potions and stat points? Stat points are what added more dimension to the game and let you create some cool characters in D2. The death mechanic in D3 is another thing. Now you just spawn at a checkpoint which pretty much takes the fear and suspense away from your character dying.

Why doesn't Blizzard just give God mode to all the characters and also have the option for a bot to control the character for you. That way, your character will never die and the character's stats and skills be optimized.

Are they trying to make this a casual game? I don't see why they would do some of these things since the game will sell regardless if it is hardcore or casual.

Dead Horse time. Lets kick it.

Google brought that up.

I think it's cool, personally. I always thought chugging potions was lame, and always tailored my characters to have a good amount of leech. Most games that are mass monster hack and slash like Diablo(s) have these health orbs, and I think they fit well. The only thing that is going to suck is boss fights if they do indeed have a timer on potions.

I agree -- it brings the offensive element back into it: rather than running off and chugging a bunch of potions, you are encouraged to become more aggressive. Makes things a little more exciting in my opinion.
I agree with the OP, Diablo 3 doesn't look for feel right (right now) at all. Its missing its dark gothic feel. Honestly It looks like they took the world of warcraft engine, tweaked it a little and gave it an isometric view. It looks way to much like a painting. I guess thats the style today though. I miss the golden years of gaming.:(
is everyone emo or something? In every D3 thread people complain about how the game isn't "dark" and "gothic" enough..
is everyone emo or something? In every D3 thread people complain about how the game isn't "dark" and "gothic" enough..

Or because "dark and Gothic" was the style of the last two games and many people figured that art style would continue instead of the obvious WoW influence on the art style that has been injected into this new sequel.
To be perfectly honest this really looks to be nothing better than Titan Quest or it's expansion pack. Nothing about it be it graphics, gameplay, leveling, stat system, etc seem to be any better or innovative.

I mean this is Diablo 3, either they had there standards really low or Ironlore's was really freakin high.

Granted TQ's online and initial story was lacking which I'm sure D3 will have in spades.

Diablo 3 will however still be a first day buy for me, simply because there are not many games like this coming out any time soon.
Potions are in the game, if you watch the original videos in HD you can clearly see potions being dropped as loot.

I've been playing Sacred 2 recently, and I've got to say it has raised the bar when it comes to hack and slash gaming. Unlike Diablo and TQ the camera isn't locked at one specific angle, you can move it almost anywhere you want, the world is huge and seamless with no loading screens and with the 7GB elite texture pack it looks amazing.
Potions are in the game, if you watch the original videos in HD you can clearly see potions being dropped as loot.

I've been playing Sacred 2 recently, and I've got to say it has raised the bar when it comes to hack and slash gaming. Unlike Diablo and TQ the camera isn't locked at one specific angle, you can move it almost anywhere you want, the world is huge and seamless with no loading screens and with the 7GB elite texture pack it looks amazing.

I thought those were orbs of health? heh
Or because "dark and Gothic" was the style of the last two games and many people figured that art style would continue instead of the obvious WoW influence on the art style that has been injected into this new sequel.

This is 100% truth.
I thought those were orbs of health? heh
BOTH orbs and potions were in that video (though I don't think he ever actually used a potion). The orbs were seen as the glowing red balls, the potions were seen as loot, where you had to click on the words "Minor Health Potion" to pick it up into your inventory.

I don't like a lot of the design decisions made for Diablo 3 but I completely trust Blizzard to deliver and I bet after I play it I'll think to myself "I can't believe I was bitching about this."
I don't like a lot of the design decisions made for Diablo 3 but I completely trust Blizzard to deliver and I bet after I play it I'll think to myself "I can't believe I was bitching about this."

Yeah.. damn Blizzard.. its like they read our minds... in the future!
This is 100% truth.

yeah but don't you think people are complaining about basically the graphics a bit too much? I've always heard gamers talk about how if a game has good gameplay, graphics aren't important. Why is this different for D3? I think people are just a bit impatient about the game actually coming out. Blizzard will not let their fans down on gameplay, and I guarantee you when the game comes out and people actually PLAY the game, nobody's going to be complaining about the game being "too bright".
I am a bit worried myself.

To be honest, over the last couple of months I've almost completely lost my cheer for D3. I'm almost certain at this point that it wont have quite the juice that made the first two games great. It's a very real possibility that it's going to feel like an "isometric WoW", and this is no conspiracy, the latest videos / screens released from the development proves this to me. The game could still contain some fun to be had, sure, but the style is far from what is to be expected of D3. Remember that the dev team that actually created D2 left blizzard to make Hellgate:London back then. Which means afaik that none of the artists that made the games we love have hands on D3. Keep that in mind when you look back on the warcraft frenzy blizzard has been in for about 10 years since D2.

Am I emo about this? It's not like im crying snot here, but I guess I am slightly "emo"tional that one of my favourite gaming franchise's newest edition, which is to be released in a ocean of shit that is the gaming industry at this point, will lose most of the magic that made the first editions of diablo priceless. If blizzard aint gonna be the one to turn things around, inspire, and put some gold into gaming again, who is? Gaming has officially gone to hell to me the day D3 is released and feels like it caters to 11 year-old faggots.
yeah but don't you think people are complaining about basically the graphics a bit too much? I've always heard gamers talk about how if a game has good gameplay, graphics aren't important. Why is this different for D3? I think people are just a bit impatient about the game actually coming out. Blizzard will not let their fans down on gameplay, and I guarantee you when the game comes out and people actually PLAY the game, nobody's going to be complaining about the game being "too bright".

Art style and number of polygons an object is made up of are two different things. Wanna know why it is you'd rather play Tetris than a dx10 full 3D Hello Kitty on a HD TV screen? Because out of the two of them tetris is the game that wont make you sick to the stomach. Even if Hello Kitty was smooth, no bugs, and ran with 100fps constantly with no loading screens you'd still be puking non stop.
I am a bit worried myself.

To be honest, over the last couple of months I've almost completely lost my cheer for D3. I'm almost certain at this point that it wont have quite the juice that made the first two games great. It's a very real possibility that it's going to feel like an "isometric WoW", and this is no conspiracy, the latest videos / screens released from the development proves this to me. The game could still contain some fun to be had, sure, but the style is far from what is to be expected of D3. Remember that the dev team that actually created D2 left blizzard to make Hellgate:London back then. Which means afaik that none of the artists that made the games we love have hands on D3. Keep that in mind when you look back on the warcraft frenzy blizzard has been in for about 10 years since D2.

Am I emo about this? It's not like im crying snot here, but I guess I am slightly "emo"tional that one of my favourite gaming franchise's newest edition, which is to be released in a ocean of shit that is the gaming industry at this point, will lose most of the magic that made the first editions of diablo priceless. If blizzard aint gonna be the one to turn things around, inspire, and put some gold into gaming again, who is? Gaming has officially gone to hell to me the day D3 is released and feels like it caters to 11 year-old faggots.

That last sentence is a classic.

Remember that Blizzard has never produced games that were revolutionary, except maybe the very first Diable. All they've ever done is take an established genre and polish it to a high sheen and then release a stable, balanced game that is casual-friendly and not too hard on system resources.

D1 I thought was one of the greatest games I ever played. I played the demo and immediately ran to the store to buy it. D2 had addictive but simple game play, and the graphics sucked. I never got into Starcraft. Warcraft I and II were great games, but at the time, I felt like other RTSs were better than Warcraft III. I came into WoW late, and stayed for two years before I got bored out of my skull and quit. I've tried nearly every MMO and while I think WoW is the best, no one has created the perfect one for me yet. It's actually been a long time since I've played a Blizz game. It'll be interesting to see if they can draw me in again or not.
see my point? The game isn't even CLOSE to being released, very little has been shown, and statements like "gaming has officially gone to hell............" are already being made.
Another sad case of old IP's being dumbed down in order for more mass appeal.

If they want to appeal to their WoW crowd then they should just build a new IP around that idea and they can have their dumbed down rubbish tailored for them, and then they can build a Diablo 3 which better reprents the original IP.

I'm not a huge Diablo fan but I do understand when devs start messing with a franchise it's really frustrating to see as a fan.
Or because "dark and Gothic" was the style of the last two games and many people figured that art style would continue instead of the obvious WoW influence on the art style that has been injected into this new sequel.

True story.
D3 will be pay to play with no LAN.

I no buy.

Blizzard will be Actavision and care only about moneys and dollars.
yeah but don't you think people are complaining about basically the graphics a bit too much? I've always heard gamers talk about how if a game has good gameplay, graphics aren't important. Why is this different for D3? I think people are just a bit impatient about the game actually coming out. Blizzard will not let their fans down on gameplay, and I guarantee you when the game comes out and people actually PLAY the game, nobody's going to be complaining about the game being "too bright".

Your missing the point.

We are not mad about the Graphics. We are angry with Blizzard for the Art direction they have taken. It looks like a Isometric version of WoW (pastel colors, Smooth large blocky surface textures with defining lines). Different games from the same company should never be intermingled. Let World of Warcraft be what it is and let Diablo be what it is.
i'm going to finally upgrade my rig for when diablo3 comes out. the orbs are in place partially to replace leech, which is fine by me.

i think the thing that no one realizes is that diablo2 is simple at first glance and then incredibly robust and thorough. i can start a game and just dump points and pick up gear and survive through part of nightmare untwinked, or i can calculate breakpoints, tweak gear, etc.

so, from first glance, all these emo gamers are worried about it being too simple and too much like WoW etc. but i think after i play for a little while we'll find out there'll be plenty of sublties
D3 will be pay to play with no LAN.

I no buy.

Blizzard will be Actavision and care only about moneys and dollars.
Source on the Pay to Play? If a subsciption is necessary I'm out as well. Bought every blizzard game on release day, starting with Warcraft I, but avoided WOW for that reason and will do the same if D3 falls into that same sub base model.
The only way I will absolutely not buy Diablo 3 is if they surprise us a la SC2 and make the game come out in installments. Installment 1: Barbarians. Installment 2: Witchdoctor.

At this rate, who knows? It's been in dev forever.
You know - this kind of **tching has happened prior to every Blizzard game. I feel like I could step back 2 5 or 10 years and read this same thread and not feel out of place.

Relax a bit. Blizzard games don't appeal to all. But you should have seen the number of folks worrying about Wow. And then look how many folks signed up to play and sung its praises. D3 won't fail to impress. 3 dimensionality is going to add a lot, as well as updated graphics. Think what D2 would look like in 1920x1200? And the group that made Hellgate London didn't show me that they knew how to make a great game, because that thing was poor, even if I did buy it.

What you have to factor in is that what they showed you was stuff WAY ahead of the release of the game. Quite often an initial build contains just the "classic" elements they plan to keep, plus some code to show off a few of the ideas they have for making the revision better. Moreover, Blizzard is excessively secret about the "around the corner" stuff, and we all know that the beginning of D2 doesn't show you all the stuff that you'll have seen by the time you get to the end.

So take a seat. The game won't be out for a long, long time. It's not "nearly ready" no matter who wishes it so. And when Blizzard is good and ready, and the crowds are ravenously hungry, it'll get released. There will be parts that you go "yeah so what" and parts you go "nice!", but in the end it will be fun, and a breath of fresh air because of so many years since the last one.
You know - this kind of **tching has happened prior to every Blizzard game. I feel like I could step back 2 5 or 10 years and read this same thread and not feel out of place.

Relax a bit. Blizzard games don't appeal to all. But you should have seen the number of folks worrying about Wow. And then look how many folks signed up to play and sung its praises. D3 won't fail to impress. 3 dimensionality is going to add a lot, as well as updated graphics. Think what D2 would look like in 1920x1200? And the group that made Hellgate London didn't show me that they knew how to make a great game, because that thing was poor, even if I did buy it.

What you have to factor in is that what they showed you was stuff WAY ahead of the release of the game. Quite often an initial build contains just the "classic" elements they plan to keep, plus some code to show off a few of the ideas they have for making the revision better. Moreover, Blizzard is excessively secret about the "around the corner" stuff, and we all know that the beginning of D2 doesn't show you all the stuff that you'll have seen by the time you get to the end.

So take a seat. The game won't be out for a long, long time. It's not "nearly ready" no matter who wishes it so. And when Blizzard is good and ready, and the crowds are ravenously hungry, it'll get released. There will be parts that you go "yeah so what" and parts you go "nice!", but in the end it will be fun, and a breath of fresh air because of so many years since the last one.

yeah what he said. ill reserve judgment about the game when its alot closer to being finished and as what was stated above its not even close.
Source on the Pay to Play? If a subsciption is necessary I'm out as well. Bought every blizzard game on release day, starting with Warcraft I, but avoided WOW for that reason and will do the same if D3 falls into that same sub base model.

I no source, it's just what I think will happen.

Sarcraft 2 lost it's LAN it is HIGHLY likely Diablo 3 will not have LAN.

Battlenet will be the only source for online Play and they will probably start with added features costing money at first then move into a full out fee for battle net service.

again no sources other than the logic of greed.
Your missing the point.

We are not mad about the Graphics. We are angry with Blizzard for the Art direction they have taken. It looks like a Isometric version of WoW (pastel colors, Smooth large blocky surface textures with defining lines). Different games from the same company should never be intermingled. Let World of Warcraft be what it is and let Diablo be what it is.

Yeah I liked the ol' pre-rendered graphics slapped onto a 2-D isometric view, but it seems like those days are over. Most companies seem to screenshot live objects as textures or give em a hand-painted look.

I wish there were more 3D games with high res, gritty textures, and do em right too. A lot of game developers that try this end up looking really amateur and stale.
Yeah I liked the ol' pre-rendered graphics slapped onto a 2-D isometric view, but it seems like those days are over. Most companies seem to screenshot live objects as textures or give em a hand-painted look.

I wish there were more 3D games with high res, gritty textures, and do em right too. A lot of game developers that try this end up looking really amateur and stale.

I don't understand what you're complaining about. Diablo 3 has 3D graphics, isometric view like the previews diablo games, has high res, and only A TINY portion of the levels has been shown.
i just wish they would get done with the dam game.im not to worried that i wont like it. i do think that companies are becoming more greedy and its rather disappointing.
What the heck is going on with D3. Some of it looks pretty good but some of it does not. D1 and D2 had that dark and gothic feel. It doesn't seem that way anymore from the videos I have seen. Also, why did they get rid of potions and stat points? Stat points are what added more dimension to the game and let you create some cool characters in D2. The death mechanic in D3 is another thing. Now you just spawn at a checkpoint which pretty much takes the fear and suspense away from your character dying.

Why doesn't Blizzard just give God mode to all the characters and also have the option for a bot to control the character for you. That way, your character will never die and the character's stats and skills be optimized.

Are they trying to make this a casual game? I don't see why they would do some of these things since the game will sell regardless if it is hardcore or casual.

this has never been discussed in any diablo3 thread on the internet!

Seriously though, can we pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease wait till the game is released or we more than a few glimpses to declare the game to be auto mode, and bot controlled? hyperbole much?
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