Device Not Showing In Network Connections...


Jul 10, 2004
On my comuter I can't seem to get my modem to show up in my netwrok connections, even though I'm using it to connect to the internet. Is there any way to get it to show up somehow? I'm trying to enable ICS on it and I can't until it shows up, but it only shows my ethernet card and 1394 connection.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
I'll bite.

What kind of modem? Dial-Up? If so, a dialup adapter will not show up in Network Connections in the same way as a LAN or Network Bridge will. You have to create a new connection for it to show up.

If it's a cable or DSL modem, and you are using it over USB, it won't show up there either. The modem drivers created the connection if it's over USB.

If the modem has a ethernet port (which I am almost certain it does) you can just dump that into a router of some sort and connect the computers to the "LAN" ports on the router. Then you won't have to rely on the main computer to be on, and it's a helluva lot easier to setup this way, anyway.

Let me know which one it is so I can be more specific.