Dell’s Site For Women Makes Women Mad

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Dell’s new “Della” website for the chiX0r3z is pissing women off? Well, at least one lady got her shorts all bunched up over the site. Shame on you Dell! Broads have rights too ya know.:D

Want to market netbooks as a fashion statement? Fine. Just don't create a silo for women in a Web site like Della, that depicts females as poolside-lounging, latte-sipping ladies with little else to do than decide how to match their outfits to a computer.
Judging by the picture of the woman that wrote the article, she's probably more interested in the men's version. 'That's no woman that's a man baby!'
Wow. I just assumed she looked horrific. It's worse than I could have imagined.

who knew sexist advertising wasnt a good idea.

people can be uptight get over it... some people love this shit, others dont give a crap and others think its poop.

if anything sucks, is drag
Sony's $900 VAIO Lifestyle Netbook is shown in various pictures on its site, but it's clearly a woman's hand about to grab it in one of the photos.

She says shit about "stereotypically female" where it should be "statistically female." Obviously this lady has spent too much time being a man, and too little time talking to, what I would call, the average woman/mother.
Lol, it's just like some bitchy, whiny, manly-woman to get all gung-ho "we are equal" over something as stupid as this.

What do guys do online? Look at porn. Women? Look at recipes.

I see nothing wrong with this marketing scheme of Della's! ;)
It's genius if you ask me... what's it cost Dell to spin that up? Pennies, that's what. BRILLIANT!
No one's forcing her, or any woman to visit the Della site instead of Dell's main site... So who gives a flip?
Ignoring the hissy fit, Dell's marketing fails. Dell isn't in the same marketing league as Sony or Apple..
Now all this new dell site needs are links to and/or tutorials on how to use a computer. First course: how to customize windows settings to match your [insert lifestyle item here].
Second course: how to arrange desktop icons in a feng shui style.
Third course: how to open a program.

dont want to stereotype but here are the women users in my life:

1. either want my hand me down computers (mom/sister)
-then blame me when it breaks due to viruses from joke emails /downloads

2. want me to build them a gaming rig (lucky its my fiance muhaha)

3. parents by the the laptop for college and they are still using it 12 years later

4. business purchased the computer

5. hate computers
Tools like Gyminee help you track workouts and reach your fitness goals. You can even map out new running routes via sites like Map my run. Improve your mood by listening to music, viewing pictures or even watching a movie.

Finding recipes online, making "your mini ... your meditation buddy as you take mini-breaks throughout your day (schedule them, with reminders, on your calendar)," and using a netbook "to track calories, carbs and protein with ease, watch online fitness videos, map your running routes and more."

Sounds good to me. I find that you always have to explain yourself to women.
Yep, I would say that the "della" website is made of fail.
Did a Google search on the author.
She's been a tech reporter for NBC/MSNBC for a while.
I have no idea whether or not she's a good reporter, but she's no n00b.

To risk more stereotyping, many women who are successful in traditionally/predominantly male-dominated careers tend to be more "sensitive" to these issues.
I was soooo close to saying "who lit the fuse on your tampon?" but thought better of it ;)

LOL! :)

I thought it was a joke at first. WTF?! Definitely a pissed off dikey lesbian. Nothing wrong with lesbians, just don't get pissed off when women want to be women. Damn. I bet a woman thought of the idea in the first place.

One ugly bitch.

Fuck her and all women who adopt similar attitudes.

They are the reason that hitting a women is domestic abuse, but physically assaulting a man to the point of breaking bones is fine and men are expected to "react cutely" to it.

After seeing and hearing some of the things women say about the computers they're looking to buy, I would say Dell's not far off the mark with that Della site. Its just embarassing for women like the author because they realize that you should buy a computer because it suits your needs, not because it looks good and goes well with the desk it'll be on.

I will say that not ALL women think of form before function, but based on personal interactions and experience, I would say that there is quite indeed a market for it. And it seems to be apparent in all generations. My girlfriend didn't like my previous case, but loves my Stacker 830. Said it suits more of my personality, whatever that means. I think she's just trying to say I'm fat.

My mom, has a generic, plain case. The kill-you-with-sharp-edges kind. She hates it and wants a black case instead.

A girl I used to know wanted help picking out parts for her computer. She was literally more concerned about how everything looked and coordinated color-wise than the performance of any of the parts themselves, down to the soundcard and vidcard. She wound up paying for a case that was a nightmare to work with, RAM that wasn't worth the shipping let alone its actual pricetag, and a power supply that blew out within the first month and all but killed everything else. But hey, it looked pretty, inside and out, and everything matched! :rolleyes:

And I did tell her I told her so. From now on, she doesn't buy a damn thing for her computer unless I say its good or bad.
This woman just offended more women than the Della site might have.
lol sexist? every girl i know is in this kinda shit
guess the sexist ones must have some sand in their della