Dell M170 vs Sager 5270v


Limp Gawd
Jan 29, 2006
Which should i get?

im leaning toward the dell becuase i can get it a lot cheaper on ebay.... but it looks a little to flashy for my liking..

I know that tons of ppl here have a Dell M170 so if u would please post some pro's and con's of ur expirence with it..

As for the sager 5270v it looks better imo and have heard a lot of good things about it... Does any1 here have one or previously own one?
Not a good review at all. It is comparing a dual channel config with a higher processor and better to a non-dual channel config and a later vid card to an earlier one. Compare APPLES to APPLES. For one:

The M170 is cheaper now. It comes standard with the 7800 GTX and runs 3-5% quicker with dual-channel. It has better heat dissipation, is highly overclockable with a bios mod. It doesn't have the full sized keyboard and doesn't have a camera. But for gaming it is hands down the better machine price/performance wise.

How anyone can look at that review given TODAY's market, and think the 5720 is a better deal the the M170 is smoking crack especially when you consider it can be had for around 1600 now shipped. Just my two cents.

It really torques me off when different configurations are compared. Reviewers should compare the same specs and then decide.
I thought the dell m170 deals are over. i see it for 1900 on their website for the base config.
operaman said:
It really torques me off when different configurations are compared. Reviewers should compare the same specs and then decide.
you have a point but remember the reviewer is not filthy rich. At least its something to compare. If only just the touchpad and screen its at least something. Plus its not like any one else is going to go spend $2500 per laptop just to compare them side by side. I would be grateful someone even took a picture with the two laptops side by side because sure as hell no one else will
you can go to and find them cheaper as well as through eBay. New, I still bet you can find a good deal. It is a choice for each individual. I had a bigger prob with the review based on comparing not the same products. The Sager is a nice notebook, and the full size keyboard and camera are nice. You really can't go wrong with either one.
I have owned a Dell 5150 and a Sager 5790. I say go with the Sager. I loved mine and only parted with it because I needed battery life instead of a gaming machine. I now have an IBM Thinkpad, which in my opinion is the #1 laptop PERIOD. Unless you want to game of course.