Dell/Alienware Optx AW2310


Jun 14, 2006
So...seems like no one ever created a thread on this monitor...looks like some owners are out there though - just got mine from FedEx today and hooked it up before running to work - I have to say, I didn't miss TN panels.

Initial impressions, from just using Windows (no gaming, no real videos watched):
Vertical viewing angles are bad. Viewing it from above is worse than viewing it from below, oddly enough

Backlight bleed seems to be not too great - overall the blacks aren't so black, and the uniformity isn't good on the edges:

The AW2310: 2.JPG

My old VX2025: 1.JPG

Comparison between the two (VX2025 on the right, and is closer to the camera, hence why it looks bigger.)

Colors: well, I'm hoping someone here can help me. The base monitor settings are TOO bright and TOO washed out. It's just embarassing how bad it looks. Can someone give me the settings they use? Edit: FlatpanelsHD offers some settings that look like they might be good.

Banding/Dithering issues: What can I say other than "present"...they're there, not THAT bad looking - viewing photos I don't see it. On fades to/from black in videos I see it.

As for construction: as is par for the course with Dell, the stand is sturdy and well constructed...however, there's no pivot portrait mode for me, I guess?

Anyone else have thoughts on this monitor?

I'll add more photos in a bit.

Further thoughts:
Having used it for a few hours now: I have to say I like it - I've not gamed yet mind you, watched videos, looked at photos, browsed sites and so forth. All in all, the viewing angles look good - nothing unexpected for TN panels, and perhaps better than most TN panels, really.

Color wise, once I used Flat panels HD's settings, the colors look fine; what still looks off is the brightness - everything looks TOO bright and slightly washed out.

As for what I DON'T like: Hooking up cables is a royal pain; with no ability to go to portrait mode, I can't easily see the connections. This might be forgiveable is this were only the DVI/HDMI/Power connections, but this is ALSO the 4 port USB hub.

Furthermore, the USB connections are ALL on the bottom; unlike other Dell monitors, no USB plugs are on the side of the monitor.
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Viewing angles are pretty bad. I went to the AW2310 from my benq g2400wd, but right now I am using a u2410. The BenQ compared to the u2410's viewing angles are not bad at all, the u2410 has almost no shift in color when moving up down left right and neither does the BenQ which is surprising since it's a TN. However, the AW2310 is crazy, the slightest movement from where I adjusted it results in a major shift in color changes, it was driving me nuts other than the aspect and size.

TBH the ONLY thing the 2310 has going for it is obviously that it has very low input lag and of course 120hz. It's more like a monitor for technology showcase for gaming rather and nothing else. It is a gaming monitor yes, but before you get into the game you're looking at your first desktop at least, and that is a crappy experience IMO.
I had tried a U2311 and ended up with a bad model and just returned it and went back to my VX2025...but my 2025 is getting old and needs to be replaced. I'm unsure if I want to hold on the the alienware right now - I've not gamed yet and not set up the colors obviously, but the viewing angles were something I noticed immediately. I'll try out some BC2/DA2 tonight and see how I like it (DA2 had tons of tearing issues for me, hopefully this will help.)

Any suggestions for a good "dark" game to try out to see if I notice the backlight bleed/uniformity issues while gaming?

I will say, the side by side comparison gave me some new respect for my 2025 - it may not have the best black levels (they look red tinted - that isn't just the photo) but it does have really good uniformity.
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I own one and as hard as it is to say, I regret the purchase. I'm an avid fan of 3D technology, and have been using nvidia's 3D stereo since '06. As much as I want to say I love this monitor, I can't; I expected more out of it.

The picture quality isn't great (or even good, depending on what you're used to..), and the build quality isn't up to my standards - at least not for a $450-$500 monitor. One of the tabs holding the plastic shroud over the base of the monitor broke off - while in the box.. I found it lodged into the bottom right corner of the screen bezel, right where the power button meets the LCD surface. At the OP: Does your monitor bezel have a gap where the power buttons are and the LCD? On mine it is pushed out about a mm, but on the left side of the monitor it is perfectly flush. You can only see it if you look for it, but it drives me nuts..

If you haven't done so already, I would advise against putting on the clear-smoke plastic cable organizer. I can't get mine back off... I tried but one of the plastic clips ended up breaking. I'm sure there's some trick to it, but I have yet to find it. I realize this post makes it sound like I'm some sort of brute with my hardware, but I'm quite the opposite. I even assembled it on a dinner cloth so as not to scratch it.

Another thing I noticed, and I don't know if it's just the lighting in this room or what, but it is insanely hard to write papers on this thing. It's extremely bright, and staring at black text on a white background really strains my eyes (only with this monitor, my other ones are fine). On a positive note, at least it looks expensive?

I have yet to purchase my nvidia shutter glasses, so I can't really comment on it's 3D performance yet, but with the recent price drop a couple of days ago I should have them soon enough.

Again, I haven't really decided how I feel about the monitor.
The picture quality isn't great (or even good, depending on what you're used to..), and the build quality isn't up to my standards - at least not for a $450-$500 monitor. One of the tabs holding the plastic shroud over the base of the monitor broke off - while in the box.. I found it lodged into the bottom right corner of the screen bezel, right where the power button meets the LCD surface. At the OP: Does your monitor bezel have a gap where the power buttons are and the LCD? On mine it is pushed out about a mm, but on the left side of the monitor it is perfectly flush. You can only see it if you look for it, but it drives me nuts..

Can you snap a picture? I noticed no defects in my monitor - certainly nothing around the menu/power buttons.

If you have broken items right out of the box, do not accept that, have it replaced by Dell as DOA.

If you haven't done so already, I would advise against putting on the clear-smoke plastic cable organizer. I can't get mine back off... I tried but one of the plastic clips ended up breaking. I'm sure there's some trick to it, but I have yet to find it. I realize this post makes it sound like I'm some sort of brute with my hardware, but I'm quite the opposite. I even assembled it on a dinner cloth so as not to scratch it.

Already put it on, realized how dumb and useless it was, pulled it back off. The pull it AWAY from the monitor (the two clips that are lower just kinda push in, then the whole valence pulls down. Hard to describe, but it worked fine for me.

Another thing I noticed, and I don't know if it's just the lighting in this room or what, but it is insanely hard to write papers on this thing. It's extremely bright, and staring at black text on a white background really strains my eyes (only with this monitor, my other ones are fine). On a positive note, at least it looks expensive?

It IS overly bright on white backgrounds. I turned the brightness down to 25. Use these settings: said:
After calibration
Brightness: 30
Contrast: 50
Input Color Format: RGB
Mode Selection: Graphics
Sharpness: 50
Dynamic Contrast: Off
Response time: Overdrive
RGB: Custom
• R: 92
• G: 84
• B: 84

Now, I left dynamic contrast to whatever the default is - I need to verify that. But overall, the monitor is looking OK for me. Banding is almost not present for me - but it IS there by comparison to my VX2025 which was a MVA panel I believe - but not as bad as older TN panels. Moreover, color correctness looks pretty damned good for a TN panel, using the above settings. The only real characteristic that really screams TN panel that I see are the TERRIBLE viewing angles on the panel. Stand up and look down and it all washes out. But I knew what I was getting into there with a TN panel.

In terms of of game everyone screaming that 120hz looks so much smoother...wait, WHAT? Are we looking at the same monitor? With VSync/Triple buffering on, it all looks the same. And with triple buffering OFF....I still see tearing. So, again...what? And before you ask, yes. I have the monitor on 120hz, confirmed it from the monitor's menu.

I have yet to purchase my nvidia shutter glasses, so I can't really comment on it's 3D performance yet, but with the recent price drop a couple of days ago I should have them soon enough.

I'm about to order glasses myself off newegg. What price drop?


All in all, my impressions so far seem better than yours...but I've not tried 3D yet. Having tried a U2311 and getting a defective unit...and Dell telling me they could only refund has put me off trying the only other monitor I was interested I don't know what I will do. Ugh.

Oh, and yes. WAY overpriced monitor.
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If you have broken items right out of the box, do not accept that, have it replaced by Dell as DOA.
Unfortunately I only noticed it after a month of use (I purchased mine in June). I don't think they'd let me exchange it.

I'll try and get a picture of the defects later this week.

And that reminds me... Something that might actually be "exchange-worthy"... A couple of times I've come back from class to find half of my monitor completely dark (exactly half of the screen), and the other half normal... The only way to fix it was by turning the monitor off and then back on. I'm not exactly sure what is at fault; it could either be the monitor or just windows 7 forgetting how to put the monitor to sleep, but either way it's pretty bad. I do have a couple of pictures of it. I'll upload those this weekend aswell.

Here's the link to the price drop.

EDIT: And never mind, newegg has it even cheaper now, $124. I wonder if they're clearing their stock for a newer version.
I purshased this monitor about a year ago. Later on i purshased two more and use a triple screen setup. Half of the screen turning off happened to me also. With use though it never happened again. I recall at some time i had to turn on the lcd conditioning option in the menu, but can't really remember if that helped.

I've just noticed two problems with this monitor and this technology in general. I get ghosting in 3D in the upper 10% of the screen and the brightness gets stuck at 100% after 3D use. If someone has a solution please let us know.

Edit: It appears the ghosting is not always present. For example, turned off SLI and upper screen ghosting is gone, specifically in metro2033. I guess that's why i never noticed it cause it's probaby caused by driver or software issues.
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Well today I got the Apple Cinema Display. I got the Brightness fixed I got saturation maxed. I went to play starcraft 2on it and i felt like the resolution was too high and it was a little laggy. Not laggy laggy but it wasn't as fast and fluid like when I used my Alienware AW2310 which I highly recommend for all computer games in a competitive multiplayer scenario. But of course in Single player I would definitly recommend something like a ZR30W or any other big IPS screen. But in computer multiplayer you have to be quick and thats what wins you the games. I feel like the only way to play it is in 120hz and at 1080p on a 24" screen.

I'm gonna hang on to this apple for a week and see if I change my mind. But since apple has no restocking fee I'm thinking maybe return because I don't see myself sticking with 60hz. It just feels so laggy compared to 120hz refresh rate mode.

If you get the chance to try 120hz and then a 60hz ZR30W you will kind of get what I'm saying but since most of u guys are use to 60hz monitors you probably don't know anything else.

I think the colors on the AW2310 are pretty great. I set Digital Vibrance to about 80percent or MAX. Then I set the actualy AW2310 in its OSD I set it to VIdeo mode , Movie, and then I can fool with the saturation which I like putting up to like 75ish or more. It really makes the colors intense like in starcraft it looks pretty nice when you make the colors pop. Looks great in battlefield bad company 2 also. You should pick up the AW2310 and play battle fieldn bad company 2 in 120hz in Laguna Presa which is like a Jungle arena map in Squad deathmatch mode. You'll have alot of fun. I like sniping in that map. But the funnest part is how fluid the game is with 120hz monitors.

I know I've read somewhere that gamers swear by 120hz monitors. Well I get the IPS bug every now and then I got the ZR30W and returned it. Now I currently have the 27" Apple display and I'm about ready to return it.

I don't even know if a 27" 120hz would be so favorable it seems kind of big butt I'll have to test it out when it comes out. Right now 1080p 120hz is king for gaming and everyone should try it out.
Well, a 27" 120hz WILL have a limited drag; the great plus of the AW2310 is the pixel pitch is so high - I love that aspect compared to my VX2025.

If you do 3D gaming on a 27" monitor - the 27" might have a native resolution ABOVE 1080p (likely?) can only do 3D with nVidia's solution at 1080P - not more. And with AMD's/HDMI's solution, you can only do full refresh rate 3D gaming at 720P. My point is....the bandwidth isn't there yet. So the only draw for a 27" 120hz display will be that it is 120hz...since I doubt many people will want to game at below the native resolution.

Anyway, back to the Alienware...sounds like you have digital vibrance WAY up...where do you set that, in the nVidia driver panel? Doesn't that look really bad? I keep vibrance at 0 normally.
Yes. Its in Nvidia Driver Panel. And if you have the AW2310. Use the monitor buttons to set it to "Video" Mode, then Movie sub mode of Video then set Saturation to like 80. This gives u double the digital vibrance. Its pretty nice haha. I like colorful stuff

I forgot to mention another reason why I dont like this apple cinema display. I'm download games off steam as I go to bed. I forgot that

Theres no OFF button on the 27" apple cinema display LOL. that means now i gota turn the computer off and dl it tommorow good night
Yes. Its in Nvidia Driver Panel. And if you have the AW2310. Use the monitor buttons to set it to "Video" Mode, then Movie sub mode of Video then set Saturation to like 80. This gives u double the digital vibrance. Its pretty nice haha. I like colorful stuff

I forgot to mention another reason why I dont like this apple cinema display. I'm download games off steam as I go to bed. I forgot that

Theres no OFF button on the 27" apple cinema display LOL. that means now i gota turn the computer off and dl it tommorow good night

Well, my gripe with the Alienware is how it's power modes work; turning it off ALSO turns the USB hub off/cuts connections to all USB devices. Got a razer mamba plugged in to charge? Tough more power.

I mean, easily fixed with a real USB hub, but one of the things I've always enjoyed with Dell displays is the USB hubs built in.
Well today I got the Apple Cinema Display. I got the Brightness fixed I got saturation maxed. I went to play starcraft 2on it and i felt like the resolution was too high and it was a little laggy. Not laggy laggy but it wasn't as fast and fluid like when I used my Alienware AW2310 which I highly recommend for all computer games in a competitive multiplayer scenario. But of course in Single player I would definitly recommend something like a ZR30W or any other big IPS screen. But in computer multiplayer you have to be quick and thats what wins you the games. I feel like the only way to play it is in 120hz and at 1080p on a 24" screen.

I'm gonna hang on to this apple for a week and see if I change my mind. But since apple has no restocking fee I'm thinking maybe return because I don't see myself sticking with 60hz. It just feels so laggy compared to 120hz refresh rate mode.

If you get the chance to try 120hz and then a 60hz ZR30W you will kind of get what I'm saying but since most of u guys are use to 60hz monitors you probably don't know anything else.

I think the colors on the AW2310 are pretty great. I set Digital Vibrance to about 80percent or MAX. Then I set the actualy AW2310 in its OSD I set it to VIdeo mode , Movie, and then I can fool with the saturation which I like putting up to like 75ish or more. It really makes the colors intense like in starcraft it looks pretty nice when you make the colors pop. Looks great in battlefield bad company 2 also. You should pick up the AW2310 and play battle fieldn bad company 2 in 120hz in Laguna Presa which is like a Jungle arena map in Squad deathmatch mode. You'll have alot of fun. I like sniping in that map. But the funnest part is how fluid the game is with 120hz monitors.

I know I've read somewhere that gamers swear by 120hz monitors. Well I get the IPS bug every now and then I got the ZR30W and returned it. Now I currently have the 27" Apple display and I'm about ready to return it.

I don't even know if a 27" 120hz would be so favorable it seems kind of big butt I'll have to test it out when it comes out. Right now 1080p 120hz is king for gaming and everyone should try it out.
woah woah woah, hold up. You're telling me that you need this monitor for "competitive gaming" - by which you mean Starcraft 2? You need a 120hz monitor so you can "own" at starcraft? At Starcraft. Starcraft? This is going to sound rude, but you sound sorta like the kind of people who are easily tricked by the HDTV's they see at bestbuy. They walk around the store in shock and awe seeing all of the set's with digital vibrance set to over 9000. "Well this TV 'pops' more, so obviously the color is better. And, since it's 120hz, it makes my favorite show (NASCAR, etc.) look like it's going twice as fast!". I mean, I guess, if that's what you're looking for... to each their own?

That's an interesting point about the USB ports, rampantandroid. I never used them but that's pretty retarded if they're shut off by the power button. Why would they design the monitor that way? I can't think of one single scenario where that could possibly be beneficial.

@ Ferdster, thanks for letting me know it's not just my monitor.

Another request: can you guys check and see if your monitor has this problem. Right above the Alienware logo is a line of 1x10 pixels that are slightly miscoloured. It is on the bottom row of the LCD panel, 1 pixel high, and 10 pixels long, directly in the center (X-axis) of the screen. It starts on the right side of the "N" in ALIENWWARE, and ends on the left side of the "W".
You put your finger close to the buttons and they'll light up. When you touch the bezel it will "click" the button. The button closest to the power button is the menu button. From there it's pretty intuitive.
Another request: can you guys check and see if your monitor has this problem. Right above the Alienware logo is a line of 1x10 pixels that are slightly miscoloured. It is on the bottom row of the LCD panel, 1 pixel high, and 10 pixels long, directly in the center (X-axis) of the screen. It starts on the right side of the "N" in ALIENWWARE, and ends on the left side of the "W".

Yes i get that too, its almost unnoticeable to me. Had to stare quite a bit to notice it.
120hz > 60hz. Everyone knows tn panels are faster than ips. so Dezor of course u dont play games and stuff or else u wouldnt even cry about trying to return it. just sell it and get a ips jeez not everyone is a gamer
120hz > 60hz. Everyone knows tn panels are faster than ips. so Dezor of course u dont play games and stuff or else u wouldnt even cry about trying to return it. just sell it and get a ips jeez not everyone is a gamer
Oh of course, you are absolutely right. If I had ever played games I wouldn't care how the picture quality on a $500 monitor looked, I wouldn't care how shitty the build quality was, I wouldn't care that there are 10 dead pixels - by design - on every monitor. I'd accept it as "I'm just too damn 1337 to care; 120 > 60 = win".

No, that is not how it works, my friend.

I was writing up a really big ad hominem attack but I erased it...

To put it simply, I'm just slightly annoyed that no one pointed out these flaws in the countless reviews I read. I'm posting them here so that if someone else considering buying the monitor knows about them before hand. The impression I received from previous reviews was that you basically had two choices for going 3D: this monitor or the acer. The acer was $100 cheaper, but the build quality wasn't as nice and the colors were off. The consensus was that if you spent another $100 and got this thing, most of your problems would drift away.

Sorry for the rant. I'll get my 3D glasses in a couple of days and maybe I'll fall in love with the thing.
Dezor - I looked for the pixels and I don't see anything. I snapped some pictures, but they don't show much very well, I can upload regardless. I did the red/blue/green/white/black tests and looked for off colored pixels and saw none.

FWIW, I'm on rev A01...
Dezor - I looked for the pixels and I don't see anything. I snapped some pictures, but they don't show much very well, I can upload regardless. I did the red/blue/green/white/black tests and looked for off colored pixels and saw none.

FWIW, I'm on rev A01...
I guess I should have phrased that differently. I don't think they're dead pixels, as all the color is there, just faded. It looks like something is in the way of the backlight for 10 pixels. I guess it is could be some sort of flexible PCB running from the backlight to the circuit board, but I really have no idea. I'm not planning on taking my AW2310 apart any time soon. Again, it's really hard to see. I haven't tried running the LCD conditioning test, but I know there aren't any dead pixels on my screen.

I'm also on rev A01.

Here are some pictures of the split screen problem I was speaking about earlier. Sorry for the shitty quality, I just took them on my phone. Hopefully I can borrow someone's camera and snap a few pictures of the deadpixel-ish thing sometime.

Whoa - I don't see that. RMA that....

As for the pixels - nothing looked off to me. Like I said, I made some 1080p red/blue/green/white/black images and displayed them and saw no uniformity issues other than backlight bleed with the black image.
Ahah, well yeah, I would RMA but that's happened only a couple of times since I bought the monitor. I guess we'll see what happens.

My view is that...if it does THAT now, what will come later? Besides, 1 yr it before the warranty ends.
I just played Trine with 3D vision.


If I ever thought 3D a more than ever. Dear lord, it adds NOTHING to the game.

And yes, I DO see ghosting. Regret this monitor and the 3D kit? Yeah. Can I get a 2331H that works instead? Please?

Gonna try RE5 out since it's supposed to be a good title, but if that looks as bad, I'm returning the monitor/selling the 3D kit off...
Try grand theft auto iv with 3d its pretty awesome when the car catchs on fire...... Metro 2033 scared me at night lol started to feel kind of real

I've played assassins creed 2, and resident evil ......starcraft 2...... I definitely recommend those single player games like that in 3d. Its just more real and appealing. You really get into it
I nabbed RE5 on PC last night, so that's up next - I'll give it a try tonight or tomorrow and report back...but Trine is just painful in 3D.

JUST got this myself on a reboot, power cycling the monitor fixed it.

Between my getting a bad 2311H a few months ago out of the box and this problem....well, seriously Dell? For a $400 monitor I expect it to function right. Jeez...
I just played Trine with 3D vision.


If I ever thought 3D a more than ever. Dear lord, it adds NOTHING to the game.

And yes, I DO see ghosting. Regret this monitor and the 3D kit? Yeah. Can I get a 2331H that works instead? Please?

Gonna try RE5 out since it's supposed to be a good title, but if that looks as bad, I'm returning the monitor/selling the 3D kit off...
And 120Hz refresh rate does nothing for you either? I have a 60Hz U2311H next to mine AW2310 and the difference is night and day. The refresh rate makes a HUGE difference even moving the cursor it's immediately obvious. Wanting to sell off the 3D Vision Kit I can understand though, I did the same thing.

I've also been getting that half screen on, half off thing too only twice so far in two months. If it does it again I may consider a replacement or wait for the next revision then RMA it.
I believe rampantandroid did not end up returning the 3D vision kit... He took a more potent action (Ripped the glasses into a thousand little LCD pieces).
I believe rampantandroid did not end up returning the 3D vision kit... He took a more potent action (Ripped the glasses into a thousand little LCD pieces).

Yup. It felt good...really, really good (well, minus the plastic that got embedded in my hand.) As for 120hz - and whether I return the monitor (yeah, not gonna rip that apart with my bare hands, I don't think.) I will decide based on doing some side by side 60hz vs 120hz comparisons tonight or tomorrow. If I can't detect the difference, I'll just return it - it's totally possible I didn't notice the step up, but now would notice the step back down.

Also, they're still on the half screen issue won't be fixed any time soon. I half wonder if there will ever be a A02 - is 3D even selling well? Well enough to justify them putting engineeing efforts into the monitor? (for that matter - is this monitor, the most expensive 120hz monitor, selling well?)
I don't know if you own Farcry2, but I'd be interested to see if there is any difference in image tearing from 60hz - 120hz with the benchmark test (or from a normal LCD monitor to the Alienware) Particularly, there's this one part towards the end of the benchmark where the camera pans over the roof of a shack. This part always tears for me, even with vsync enabled.

The benchmark itself is particularly nice, since you can setup multiple runs with varying settings..for example, have it do one 60hz run and then a 120hz run immediately after to compare the two. I'd do it myself but I seem to have misplaced my copy of farcry2.
I don't know if you own Farcry2, but I'd be interested to see if there is any difference in image tearing from 60hz - 120hz with the benchmark test (or from a normal LCD monitor to the Alienware) Particularly, there's this one part towards the end of the benchmark where the camera pans over the roof of a shack. This part always tears for me, even with vsync enabled.

The benchmark itself is particularly nice, since you can setup multiple runs with varying settings..for example, have it do one 60hz run and then a 120hz run immediately after to compare the two. I'd do it myself but I seem to have misplaced my copy of farcry2.

I think I have FC2 off of steam so I can reinstall when I get home from work. Are you suggesting I try my OLD monitor vs the Alienware, or try the Alienware at 60hz vs 120hz?
Well, ideally both. I'm interested in both comparisons. Your old monitor at 60hz, then the Alienware at 60hz and 120hz. I'm interested in all three.
Found this nifty little program today... It's called "mControl". It lets you control DDC/CI settings from within windows.

Meaning... You can change the brightness of the monitor, see power usage, select preset color modes (standard, game, multimedia, etc) , custom RGB settings, and walk your dog... all from within windows. One of the biggest problems with this monitor is that there are (apparently) issues with 3D games causing the monitor to be locked at 100% brightness after you exit a game. I wonder if this program would fix that.

Regardless, it's a hell of a lot more convenient than messing around with Alienware's cryptic menu options... It's got a 21 day trial, works on almost every monitor, and made by the same people who made powerstrip. Can download it form the developers website: