Decision making difficulty

Nov 21, 2003
Hey guys, im really struggling between PS3 and 360... Its time for me to get a new console. Ill give a few background details so that you guys can relaly help me make a decision here. Basically, ive always been a fan of the PS3's lineup (im a massive god of war, MGS, final fantasy and gran turismo fan). XBOX 360 is a great system as well. Its got XBOX live, which would be incredibly useful to me, as well as a very nice controller and good game lineup. However, for me, i have a few concerns. I really do question how good XBOX 360's future game lineup will hold up against PS3. I really want a lot of killer apps (meaning, flagship games such as MGS and final fantasy), and as of now, im not really sure what 360 has in the future. At the same time, i absolutely adore PS3's killer apps, but what really is driving me insane is the $600 price tag. Thats VERY hard for me to swallow right now, but if i have to, i will. I just wont like it at all. On the other hand, 360 is very affordable for me, and i can get a few games + xbox live for the price of just a PS3. I really really like halo and gears of war, but as of now PS3 has more to offer game-wise (in the future, that is). Price and practically the 360 is better for me, but game wise PS3 is better for me. Also, availability will play a role. Which one should i roll with guys?

Cliff notes:
Pros for 360:
-Halo and Gears of War Series
-XBOX live

Pros for PS3:
-Future game lineup (this is most important to me over almost everything)
-familiarity (almost been an exclusive playstation owner for a long time, just got a regular xbox recently).
-huge potential for fantastic visuals (graphics)

Basically it boils down to whether 360 will be able to keep up with PS3 as far as excellent game titles coming out in the future. I do treasure gameplay over almost anything, but the massive pro's for the 360 do weigh on me. Help me make a decision Smile
I think google or game sites will give you what you want, more than asking people to list every game announced off the top of their head. I'm not trying to troll you, but honestly, that'll give more accurate information than what people can quote from memory. And if they're not quoting from memory, they're just looking it up online, which you can do too, so why not cut out the middle-man?

As it stands, they've both got a future game line-up. It just depends which of these games /you/ like more. And other people can't tell you which games you like. Try the standard or and click PS3, then previews. Or click Xbox360, then previews. Click "Browse all" as needed.

PS3 is losing some exclusive series(but they've got quite a few), some developers are worrying that at the higher price point, there won't be as many PS3 owners for them to sell games to. With less people to sell to, there's less incentive for them to offer exclusives on that console. So they're padding their odds and going multi-platform. I don't think the high price will be that big of a barrier due to the high brand recognition, but it'll take time for the production speeds to make enough units to fill that market out for the game developers.

Any comments on the PS3's future is likely to be a blind guess.
guitarguy316 said:
ps3 = 360 in terms of what games "will/do" look like graphically, until otherwise proven

It's also worth noting that nVidia, maker of PS3's GPU, has *abandoned* that architecture in favor of a new one that's *remarkably* similar to the GPU in Xbox 360. I think that says a LOT about the graphical capabilities of both systems.
full disclosure: 360 owner for a month or so now, no plans to buy a ps3

360 has broken a number of exclusive deals in the last few months. Games like assasin's creed that were once ps3 exclusive are now coming multiplatform. There are many rumors out there that MGS4 will be multiplatform as well. You can find the thread in this forum comparing tech specs...essentially the systems are very similar in their capabilities.

For what the system is though, not comparing it to anything else but itself, I have a great time with it ( the online system is very polished), enjoy the game lineup it has now, and am looking forward to quite a few more games in the future: lost planet, crackdown, bioshock, halo3, gears of war sequels, assasin's creed, fable 2, mass effect, and so on.

All that and I got my "next gen" system (premium version) for 299.00. 100 buck microcenter rebate ftw !
IMO, the 360 will at worst have SLIGHTLY worse graphics than the ps3, and that will be 2-3 years from now. Why? R500 is nicer than rsx, no disputing that fact. The r500 does AA for free due to the on die memory, with the rsx it steals valuable bandwidth. I don't think there is any disputing that the r500 > rsx. Now, the ps3 does have a more powerful cpu however that won't really help with graphics, what it will help with is things like physics and AI. So graphics wise, they will be close to equal and I'd even venture to say that the 360 will have the edge graphics wise.
quiksilverx181 said:
Pros for PS3:
-Future game lineup (this is most important to me over almost everything)

You should rethink your buying descions right there.
Why waste $600 to WAIT for games? That makes no sense.

It took 2 years after the PS2 launch for MGS2 to come out.
Is that how long you are going to wait for your game? Not to mention price drops.

Dont forget the PS3 was supposed to be out last spring. How long do you want to wait?
Do you honestly think Final Fantasy XIII is coming to the states in 2007? If you hold your breath you will die.
Dude, fuck the future. Buy what you can play now.
Technoob said:
full disclosure: 360 owner for a month or so now, no plans to buy a ps3

360 has broken a number of exclusive deals in the last few months. Games like assasin's creed that were once ps3 exclusive are now coming multiplatform. There are many rumors out there that MGS4 will be multiplatform as well. You can find the thread in this forum comparing tech specs...essentially the systems are very similar in their capabilities.

For what the system is though, not comparing it to anything else but itself, I have a great time with it ( the online system is very polished), enjoy the game lineup it has now, and am looking forward to quite a few more games in the future: lost planet, crackdown, bioshock, halo3, gears of war sequels, assasin's creed, fable 2, mass effect, and so on.

All that and I got my "next gen" system (premium version) for 299.00. 100 buck microcenter rebate ftw !
I think your right.... I think ill just spring for a 360 premium and enjoy it, especially until PS3 possibly has a price drop and/or games start coming out after the next year or so. I guess the best thing to do is to be patient. Thanks a ton guys, i really appreciate you taking time out to advice me on both systems. 360 Premium it is. For the present :)
quiksilverx181 said:
Thanks a ton guys, i really appreciate you taking time out to advice me on both systems. 360 Premium it is. For the present :)
Enjoy! :D
Just got a 360 a couple weeks ago and it's the perfect complement to the SLI pc rig in my sig. I just watched a CNN video of 2 thirty-something newscasters playing the Wii and it confirmed my suspicion that I would look like a retard waving a controller around at my age. :p Having said that...I may at some point pick up a Wii just to experience some of the first party Zelda/mario titles. I really have no desire for a PS3 and the exclusives aren't enough to justify the cost of admission imo..
First off, you don't need the $600 PS3 if you are comparing just against the 360, the $500 PS3 has all of the capabilities of the 360 premium.

As for RSX vs G500, there is some argument on which is better. The RSX has greater raw power and push more pixels, the G500 looks like it might be better for tweaking. As for AA, I find the lack of it a plus, I never play games with AA as I find it blurs over fine details, so a little bit of jaggies is worth the trade-off.

Judging from the PS3 sales so far, I think there will be plenty of developer exclusives in the future. Slightly to moderately greater development costs will count into it more this gen than previous, but at the same time, there are a ton of people who will go with the PS3 to keep their old game libraries playable, and while the XBL vs. PSOnline is a little bit confusing due to Sony still developing the online system, if it does end up having all of the features of XBL, and is free as has been hinted by Sony, that is a big plus to saving money on the time.

Of course the question is a bit moot at this point as you have a very slim chance of landing any kind of PS3 for under $1000 before next year, so if timing is a concern, the 360 is really the only next-gen choice at the moment (well, you do have the Wii, but seeing as graphically it is only marginally better than the GameCube, I am not sure if I would fully consider it a next-gen system).
NulloModo said:
First off, you don't need the $600 PS3 if you are comparing just against the 360, the $500 PS3 has all of the capabilities of the 360 premium.

As for RSX vs G500, there is some argument on which is better. The RSX has greater raw power and push more pixels, the G500 looks like it might be better for tweaking. As for AA, I find the lack of it a plus, I never play games with AA as I find it blurs over fine details, so a little bit of jaggies is worth the trade-off.

Judging from the PS3 sales so far, I think there will be plenty of developer exclusives in the future. Slightly to moderately greater development costs will count into it more this gen than previous, but at the same time, there are a ton of people who will go with the PS3 to keep their old game libraries playable, and while the XBL vs. PSOnline is a little bit confusing due to Sony still developing the online system, if it does end up having all of the features of XBL, and is free as has been hinted by Sony, that is a big plus to saving money on the time.

Of course the question is a bit moot at this point as you have a very slim chance of landing any kind of PS3 for under $1000 before next year, so if timing is a concern, the 360 is really the only next-gen choice at the moment (well, you do have the Wii, but seeing as graphically it is only marginally better than the GameCube, I am not sure if I would fully consider it a next-gen system).

r500? R500 > RSX. RSX is a g70...
NulloModo said:
First off, you don't need the $600 PS3 if you are comparing just against the 360, the $500 PS3 has all of the capabilities of the 360 premium.


Even at full price, that's a 400 dollar vs 500 dollar gaming experience. And that ps3 comes with composite cables. Xbox 360 price drops and deals are very common nowadays. I bought mine as mentioned earlier for 299 at microcenter. They've had that deal 4 times now for 3 weeks at a time...that's very attainable for lots of people. So essentially, is a 500 buck low end ps3 worth 200$ more than my 300 dollar premium 360? And is the 60 gig ps3 worth the price of TWO premium 360s?

Not to me personally, especially considering it will probably take the ps3 the same amount of time it's taken the 360 to develop a game library that makes it even worth buying.
NulloModo said:
First off, you don't need the $600 PS3 if you are comparing just against the 360, the $500 PS3 has all of the capabilities of the 360 premium.

As for RSX vs G500, there is some argument on which is better. The RSX has greater raw power and push more pixels, the G500 looks like it might be better for tweaking. As for AA, I find the lack of it a plus, I never play games with AA as I find it blurs over fine details, so a little bit of jaggies is worth the trade-off.

Judging from the PS3 sales so far, I think there will be plenty of developer exclusives in the future. Slightly to moderately greater development costs will count into it more this gen than previous, but at the same time, there are a ton of people who will go with the PS3 to keep their old game libraries playable, and while the XBL vs. PSOnline is a little bit confusing due to Sony still developing the online system, if it does end up having all of the features of XBL, and is free as has been hinted by Sony, that is a big plus to saving money on the time.

Of course the question is a bit moot at this point as you have a very slim chance of landing any kind of PS3 for under $1000 before next year, so if timing is a concern, the 360 is really the only next-gen choice at the moment (well, you do have the Wii, but seeing as graphically it is only marginally better than the GameCube, I am not sure if I would fully consider it a next-gen system).

I'd say it's clear as bell that RSX is *inferior* to Xenos. For starters, RSX is basically a 7600GT, which right off the bat tells you that unlike Xenos, it's not capable of doing HDR rendering and AA at the same time.

It's also wise to note that *NVIDIA*, the guys who built RSX, have abandoned the architecture it's based on (nv47) in favor of the painfully Xenos-like G80 architecture in their new 8800 series cards. The fact that NVIDIA abandoned the GPU architecture used in PS3 in favor of an architecture quite like the GPU in 360 should speak *volumes*.

In the end, you'll likely find that the best Sony exclusives come from their first and second party teams, because third parties are going multiplatform in force.
Since your Fav games are "MGS and Final Fantasy, GT, GOW".
I recommend you purchased a PS3.
When you see how good Grand turismo, GOW, MGS and Final Fantasy will look when they come out, you will
regret buying a XBOX 360.
I would say with your very own reasoning to go for PS3, bit of a no-brainer if 'the games are the most important facter' isn't it?

Otherwise get both. I'd echo what has already been said......your unlikely to get a PS3 for a reasonable price so get a 360 now and when PS3 is more sensibly priced and the games are out that you wanna play jump on PS3. Easy.
Tigerblade said:
I would say with your very own reasoning to go for PS3, bit of a no-brainer if 'the games are the most important facter' isn't it?

Otherwise get both. I'd echo what has already been said......your unlikely to get a PS3 for a reasonable price so get a 360 now and when PS3 is more sensibly priced and the games are out that you wanna play jump on PS3. Easy.
This is indeed what i will do. Especially after now reading what everyone has had to say, this option really does make the most sense. Congrats to again another hardforum successful thread
DragonMasterAlex said:
I'd say it's clear as bell that RSX is *inferior* to Xenos. For starters, RSX is basically a 7600GT, which right off the bat tells you that unlike Xenos, it's not capable of doing HDR rendering and AA at the same time.

Actually it is a lot closer to a 7900GTX which is more than capable of handling the graphics output for any HDTV resolution.
Personally, I would say go with the 360. I'm not just saying that because I have a 360. First of all, gpu wise the ps3 and 360 are about the same so there is no reason not to go 360 there. Second, the 360 games are only going to get better. The 360 has 3 cores on the cpu so once game developers start using more of the cores and make the games multi-threaded the games are just going to be even more awesome than some of them are now. The 360 has better online system also. Nowadays, it seems that a lot of games come out for both the ps3 and the 360. The way i see it, unless you are willing for fork out $600 for a ps3 cause its the new thing, or you are strictly a sony playstation fan, then there is no reason not to go for the 360.
Personally, id say get a 360. The library is better, interface is better, online community is better, and its easier to develop for. It support all tv formats 10801i and p included. Lets not forget that the cell is hard to develop for. So many developers arent gonna take advantage of the processor. And the games will get better for both systems, so, if its all about the up and coming games (which is why you buy a console) then the 360 is a must have. Now if you want to buy a cheap blu-ray player then get a ps3. But theres a site about the good, bad and ugly about the ps3, i cant remember it off the top of my head, but its a good read.
I'm torn too for now. I'll admit that using the PS3 as a Bluray player is the biggest appeal, but there are few movies out just yet that I care about. The X360 has used games too, but I'm still beating on my PS2 with older titles and enjoying it.

I'm torn becuase my next PC upgrade is looking to be cost prohibitive and my gaming fix will need to be on a console.

Plus Microcenter has a $100 MIR on the X360 these days...

I think I'll need to troll the used X360 games at the mall tonight.
You know, i can't answer this question ( actually, all the pros / cons ), because all i want to do is list factual data, but ill be flamed because its all bad news about sony... even though it would all be backed up by facts.

to be honest i couldn't care less about people wasting money on a PS3. hell, Sony hasen't even found an answer to halo yet. Now they have to deal with GEARS storming the scene, which is a system seller all by its self, Halo3 next year, and all the AAA titles inbetween which were originally made for 360 (no ports, yay!). How can anyone think the PS3, which has no games right now, can even be considered for a purchase? You are only buying a console, it offers nothing else right now unless you have a newer sony 1080p HDTV.

by the time theres something worthwhile on the PS3, that the 360 won't have, your 360 will have payed for its self two or three times over. Don't pay for hopes man, buy a 360 and play the best developers have to offer right now.
JSC450 said:
You know, i can't answer this question ( actually, all the pros / cons ), because all i want to do is list factual data, but ill be flamed because its all bad news about sony... even though it would all be backed up by facts.

to be honest i couldn't care less about people wasting money on a PS3. hell, Sony hasen't even found an answer to halo yet. Now they have to deal with GEARS storming the scene, which is a system seller all by its self, Halo3 next year, and all the AAA titles inbetween which were originally made for 360 (no ports, yay!). How can anyone think the PS3, which has no games right now, can even be considered for a purchase? You are only buying a console, it offers nothing else right now unless you have a newer sony 1080p HDTV.

by the time theres something worthwhile on the PS3, that the 360 won't have, your 360 will have payed for its self two or three times over. Don't pay for hopes man, buy a 360 and play the best developers have to offer right now.

I'm a multi platform gamer, have Xbox360, PC and PS2, but ur opinions are biased, ur a Xbox fan boy"
Sony hasnt even found an answer to halo yet?", what so good about halo?.
Sony don't need anything to answer halo. They did well enuff without it in last gen.
Also learn to read, he stated MGS, FF, GOW, GT are his fav game.
Tell me what franchise on the Xbox360 is better than those game under each sub category. RPG, Racing, Action strategy etc.
neostars said:
Also learn to read, he stated MGS, FF, GOW, GT are his fav game. Tell me what franchise on the Xbox360 is better than those game under each sub category. RPG, Racing, Action strategy etc.
I'm a multiplatform gamer too and I offer you:

Splinter Cell (next one is exclusive), Blue Dragon / Lost Odysee, Ninja Gaiden, Forza. They're direct replacements for the four games. I can do almost any other genre you want too. :) But I would say that JRPGs were much stronger on the PS2. We'll see what happens with the PS3.
Psychotext said:
I'm a multiplatform gamer too and I offer you:

Splinter Cell (next one is exclusive), Blue Dragon / Lost Odysee, Ninja Gaiden, Forza. They're direct replacements for the four games. I can do almost any other genre you want too. :) But I would say that JRPGs were much stronger on the PS2. We'll see what happens with the PS3.

MGS4>Splinter Cell
FFX>Blue Dragon

None of whose XBOX 360 title are system selling.
Point really is that i'm getting s*ck of ppl saying the PS3 is crap.
PS3 has alot of great title coming for it.
neostars said:
MGS4>Splinter Cell
FFX>Blue Dragon

None of whose XBOX 360 title are system selling.
Your opinion, certainly not mine. I much prefer Splinter Cell and Forza to MGS and GT. I will wait and see on Final Fantasy. XII is pretty cool. Of course PS3 has good titles coming, but it pretty much has only one right now meaning that there's not many good reasons to buy one. Especially when you consider the price will come down pretty quickly.

I'll be looking forward to giving resistance a blast, but it's certainly not worth $600.
I agree that the PS3 launch titles are ordinary.
But I dislike ppl bashing the system and saying it crap.
I feel that most of the games out of PS3 have been rushed to go with the launch date.
I firmly believe that PS3 will shine next year and produce better graphics than Xbox 360.
Now if you were president of Sony. Would you released a system many months after the Xbox 360 and make it a weaker system graphically???.
Now if that true, PS3 is going downhill, but i higher doubt it.
Look at the new Fight Night Pics on IGN.
Some very nice pics of the PS3 potential.
neostars said:
Now if you were president of Sony. Would you released a system many months after the Xbox 360 and make it a weaker system graphically???
You only need to see the number of mistakes Sony have been making recently to get your answer to that question. It's a very capable system, but you've only got to look at Nvidia's comments about the GPU to realise it was another mistake.

Weaker overall? I doubt it. More powerful? If it is, it's not by much... the developers certainly don't think so anyway.