Debezeled my Obutto eyefinity setup!


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 27, 2005
Went from 6048x1080 to 5884x1080 bezel correction resolution! woo.
i got it all done in less than an hour. totally removed the front/rear bezel on the middle monitor but left the rear bezel on the side monitors as the mount worked out well for that setup.

some before and after pics:



I still need to reattach some speakers. Looks like it may take me a little while to get used to the side monitors behind the front monitor...i guess i'll see how i like it. i may end up putting them side by side again, who knows.
Are the bezels really that obtrusive during gameplay?

Of course, I want to have almost no bezel whatsoever. But, I don't know if doing what you've done is really worth it?

I'm not knocking you at all. I'm just debating with myself whether I would do the same if in your shoes?

EDIT: Can you post a pic of your new setup with your desktop? I can't really judge the effect without two pics of the same picture, to see if the debezlement made much difference.
I think it's worth it but some monitors are harder to Vesa mount without the cover than others. Consider outlining the silver border with black electrical tape, another huge imporvement and it looks like you never took the bezel off either.