Dead Space 2 hitching a little while walking around


[H]F Junkie
Nov 27, 2007
I fired up Dead Space 2 for the first time since getting my gtx670 and noticed some hitching when walking around. I had vsync forced on from the control panel and thought that might be causing it since the 600 series are having issues staying at 60 fps with vsync. before going to the control panel though I noticed when it hitched it was not always dropping below 60fps. anyway I turned vsync off and started the game up again and it was still there.

to be clear all I have to do is walk around and Isaac will hitch every 2 to 3 seconds at what seems like perfectly spaced intervals. its like something is polling so I turned off Precision completely and restarted the game and it is still there. it might not be very noticeable to some people at first and does not seem to hitch when running but as soon as you see it happen while walking its obvious that something is not right.

I tried Dead Space 1 and it is perfectly fine so it seems to just be Dead Space 2 that is affected. I know it has never done this before because I have played through this game numerous times on my gtx570 as well as some other lower end systems. I guess it is either the gtx670 or 301.42 driver that is the culprit here.
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I've had the same thing in the Witcher (1). The Witcher2 stuttering fix got rid of most of it.
Dead Space 2 is DX9 right? Then this thing might help with this game as well. Put "d3d9.dll" in the same folder as "deadspace2.exe".

I've also noticed in Deadspace that it helps to turn OFF Vsync in the game itself, but turn it ON in the driver-controlpanel.
I've had the same thing in the Witcher (1). The Witcher2 stuttering fix got rid of most of it.
Dead Space 2 is DX9 right? Then this thing might help with this game as well. Put "d3d9.dll" in the same folder as "deadspace2.exe".

I've also noticed in Deadspace that it helps to turn OFF Vsync in the game itself, but turn it ON in the driver-controlpanel.
having "d3d9.dll" in the folder kept the game from launching. I was not using the in game vsync since it caps the game at half refresh rate. vsync on or off from control panel makes no difference in the hitching.
okay I have tried completely uninstalling Precision, re installing game, going to all low settings, 301.25 drivers, various pre rendered frame settings, disabling all cp settings, using max power, using controller instead of mouse, and unplugging controller but no dice.

I have done everything but use 302.71 drivers which I do not really want to do. I am really pissed off right now because this is not normal and I want to fix it. again last week this was not an issue on my gtx570 and 301.24 drivers.