Dead Laptop????


Jul 13, 2009
I'm at a lost. I'm working on a customer computer laptop. I has a a/c plug and all but the laptop doesn't charge. i try with 2 a/c plugs and the same reaction. could it be dead or is there something I'm missing. Please Help. The Laptop is a dell and its out of warrenty because its a older model. So I cannot RMA it.
Have you tried replacing the battery? Batteries do go bad after a time. What is the model # of the Dell laptop?

I assume that by "a/c cord" you mean the power brick and attached cables... if it's so old that it doesn't even use a power brick, then it's *definitely* time to upgrade.
its a dell inspiron 1150 and yes the power brink. I also lookup the service tag on and it was ship 5/27/2004 so ya old by 7 years
i haven't try replacing the battery yet.
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Is it even worth the effort considering its 7 years old? I wouldnt start replacing parts because before you know it you will have spent considerably more than the worth of the laptop, which I assure you isnt very much.
I know. Thats what im going to have to tell them i can proabley just take the hard drive out and put it in a small external encloser.
Take out the battery. Can you run the laptop without battery? (Going to assume that you are able.)

Replace the battery. What is the model/product number/ID written on the battery? Look it up on Amazon.

EDIT: Or take out the HDD and buy an external IDE chassis for it.
i did but the same thing no power. Trying to get in contact with the person now.
Get a new AC Adapter. Does it solve the problem, or at least can you power the laptop without battery? No? Bake the laptop's motherboard in the oven.
Its either dead or the DC jack is broken. Those models were notorious for having DC jack issues. The only way to check that is to charge the battery in a working laptop and try to power on your laptop with the charged battery.