DDoS Attacks Ruined Christmas For Millions Of Gamers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
And hackers like this (and I use the term loosely) wonder why people hate them.

Millions of people could not use their games consoles for a second day as disruption on the Xbox Live and Sony Playstation networks continued after an apparent cyber-attack. A group calling itself Lizard Squad claimed responsibility for bringing down both networks on Christmas Eve, which could have affected nearly 160 million gamers.
I can see xbox fanboys DDoSing the PSN network, and vice versa, but who does both at the same time? What is the point.
I have a question.

I did digitial download of GTA5 at launch and tried to play yesterday. I received the error that my key could not be validated. So does this mean if the network is down I cant play my digital purchases?
Wouldn't be surprised if the networks were just unavailable due to genuine high demand and someone is claiming responsibility. You don't need to DDos those networks, they'll come to a crawl on their own.

Oh yeah, last year when it was impossible to connect to Nintendo's services to update your Wii U that you got for Christmas, that was me... DoS'ing Nintendo's network by trying to update my Wii U.
Sony you are assholes you released a movie based on Greed Lust and killing a communist leader of a country you don't agree with or just for sport. Now millions of idiots who plays with consoles can't have fun where is the Wambulance.
Sony you are assholes you released a movie based on Greed Lust and killing a communist leader of a country you don't agree with or just for sport. Now millions of idiots who plays with consoles can't have fun where is the Wambulance.

Both Sony and MS got their networks taken down by a group NOT affiliated with Guardians of peace. This had nothing to do with the movie and everything to do with a bunch of kids who just wanted to prove what douchebags they are.

I fully expect that most of them are future CEO's.
Sony you are assholes you released a movie based on Greed Lust and killing a communist leader of a country you don't agree with or just for sport. Now millions of idiots who plays with consoles can't have fun where is the Wambulance.
Nice to see someone regurgitating the media spin here :rolleyes:. It was a group of kids who were looking for attention, plain and simple. And they'll keep doing this shit so long as they keep getting attention like this. They're trolls, and the only way to make trolls go away is to ignore them.

By the way, this is the same group that the media linked to ISIL when they grounded an airplane carrying a Sony exec with a threat. The media likes to sensationalize for more uninformed viewers to increase their ratings.
This is why I try to stay away from any DRM in my single player games. Shouldn't ever be kept from playing your games you paid for unless there multi servers are down.
It was foretold in the Gaben prophecy. His beard glowed with brilliance and he looked down on the console peasants and said, "there's a Steam sale going right now".


Nice to see someone regurgitating the media spin here :rolleyes:. It was a group of kids who were looking for attention, plain and simple. And they'll keep doing this shit so long as they keep getting attention like this. They're trolls, and the only way to make trolls go away is to ignore them.

By the way, this is the same group that the media linked to ISIL when they grounded an airplane carrying a Sony exec with a threat. The media likes to sensationalize for more uninformed viewers to increase their ratings.

Yeah, the when I looked at CNN this morning and the lead story on the website was the DDoS all I could think of was "Yep, and as long as they get front page news they will continue to be asshats to get attention and feel like they are something special.
Here is what I do not understand. Why cant those frickin punk ass pussies stop hiding behind a computer screen? If they think they are hot shit, quit hiding a man up to the world. It takes a special type of momma's house basement dwelling pussy to ruin what is usually a family day and derive satisfaction.
What I don't get is why...

Anyone can do a DDoS. The hacker community looks down on it, it takes no skill and it's just being assholes to do it. The gamer community looks down on it for obvious reasons. I guess you can go for the anti-corporate greed liberal hippy BS angle, but that's weak.

They are doing a simple (probably a premade bot network they bought for this use, not of their own work) DDoS that any kid could do. It has no meaning other than to bring some attention to their name. Even then, it's not good attention no matter what angle you come at it with.
Gotcha, saw the news this morning about "hackers"... then come here for the real info.. and it's a DDoS attack, not a hack.

That said, anyone else still complaining that the XBox1 doesn't always require an online connection to run? even in "single player" games?
While it might not be easy, do the kids behind lizard squad really think they can hide forever? Microsoft has a net profit of $8 Billion - $15 Billion a quarter. it doesn't take a very big slice of one quarter's profit to hunt these kids down and put them in jail.
Didn't the first group of Lizard Squad turn out to be a bunch of school age kids (at least the ones who FinestSquad posted pictures & info about). If that's the case, why bring down something that targets your demographic?
Here is what I do not understand. Why cant those frickin punk ass pussies stop hiding behind a computer screen? If they think they are hot shit, quit hiding a man up to the world. It takes a special type of momma's house basement dwelling pussy to ruin what is usually a family day and derive satisfaction.
I think at one point someone did post their real name and address on the original Twitter account, bragging that nothing would happen to them because their actions were technically not illegal. Their reasoning, not mine...
Steam gets DDOS attacks quite frequently, I guess they are ahead in this regard as well (since they have not succumbed like both MS and Sony just did)
The media should start using the term script kiddies when describing them. I'll bet we'll see lesser of these DDoS crap if they are referred to as script kiddies rather than being glorified as hackers.
I did a chargeback on my card account with my bank. Unless they offer some freebies for this its off to ms land for me.
What about the system admins and network people at those online services who are now using "Lizard Squad" as a curse word because they get called in on Christmas or worked remotely to deal with this business-affecting issue? Of course, they get overtime and on-call pay, but still, it would suck.
I think at one point someone did post their real name and address on the original Twitter account, bragging that nothing would happen to them because their actions were technically not illegal. Their reasoning, not mine...

Hence why they are pussies. Real men don't pull this sucker punch and hide routine. XBL appears to be down as I just tried logging in after being out with the flu the past several days. At my age, the body does not heal as quickly anymore.
Can't play console = ruined Christmas for millions! Doesn't anyone realize how petty that statement sounds?

I turned on my pc the last couple of days then clicked on some icons and played two or three games. I feel blessed. :-|
haha you dumb twit "hackers"...i outsmarted you and bought my kids a Wii U.

Poor kids, I feel sorry for them. :D

I kid I kid..hopefully you bought them a couple pro controllers at least.

The media should start using the term script kiddies when describing them. I'll bet we'll see lesser of these DDoS crap if they are referred to as script kiddies rather than being glorified as hackers.

This..these kids aren't hackers.

I did a chargeback on my card account with my bank. Unless they offer some freebies for this its off to ms land for me.

Because Live wasn't affected by this obviously...oh wait..it was as well. Way to be oblivious. :rolleyes:
Can't play console = ruined Christmas for millions! Doesn't anyone realize how petty that statement sounds?

Have you seen the videos of teens getting PISSED that they 'only' got an iPad Mini and not the iPad Air (or iPhone 5 instead of the 6 or whatever). My kids were happy with what they got, even if it wasn't exactly what they wanted.

My son figured out Xbox Live was down last night. I figured out what was happening pretty quick, and I remember the threats... He didn't care. Turned it off and went and did something else. My other son and I did get in a game of Lego Super Heroes, which was fun. But, my kids helped cook a nice dinner and enjoyed just hanging out on vacation with family. I didn't expect it to happen that way (I usually have to force them to unplug), but it was a great Christmas this year.

Ruined Christmas? Pfft. Turn around and hug the guy/girl that bought you those games. Then tell me it was ruined. Some kids have no perspective. :/
Never could ddos a SNES or N64. Just saying.

Also, if a video game not working 'ruined' your Christmas then you really should step back for some perspective.
What about the system admins and network people at those online services who are now using "Lizard Squad" as a curse word because they get called in on Christmas or worked remotely to deal with this business-affecting issue? Of course, they get overtime and on-call pay, but still, it would suck.

F that. I don't work on my time off. Not my problem if your business plan doesn't account for network attacks, especially if you are in the business of providing internet based services.
Riddle me this. Why are these fucking companies constantly suffering from DDoS attacks? They're huge. It's like Amazon or Google getting DDoS attacks. It's not supposed to happen.

Xbox Live is fucking horse shit, and PSN is fucking horse shit.
Riddle me this. Why are these fucking companies constantly suffering from DDoS attacks? They're huge. It's like Amazon or Google getting DDoS attacks. It's not supposed to happen.

Xbox Live is fucking horse shit, and PSN is fucking horse shit.

You'd be surprised at how often companies get DDoS attacks or people trying to break into the system (I refuse to call it hacking). It's a lot more common than people believe.

That said, I wonder how many of us were unknowing zombies because we don't possibly think that our computers could be riddled with Trojans or viruses.
You'd be surprised at how often companies get DDoS attacks or people trying to break into the system (I refuse to call it hacking). It's a lot more common than people believe.

That said, I wonder how many of us were unknowing zombies because we don't possibly think that our computers could be riddled with Trojans or viruses.

He needs to GOOGLE "How the Internet Works".
I did a chargeback on my card account with my bank. Unless they offer some freebies for this its off to ms land for me.

So Sony should offer you freebees because some asshat's decided to do a DDoS against them? Not too entitled are we?