Db gain = translation into distance

Jul 12, 2003
So I'm looking at getting this, but I'm wondering if the 6 db gain that it offers would get me around 2-300 ft through 2-3 walls maybe less. If any other info is need just ask.

Without knowing the effective transmit power and the recieving radios sensitivity you won't get very far with just a dBi rating of the antenna. Even with said info you'll still only get a solid number figuring the distance between two radios with LOS (clear fresnel zone); practical applications are rarely so stoic.
Not to mention that any obstructions will cause degradation of the signal and thus lower the effective distance. :p
plus that antenna could have 6dBi gain but the cable could have like 4dBi loss so you only have 2dBi effective lol
Ok, so making a trip to home depot and building my own antenna would proabably get me better gains then?

Other question is... I have a WG111 USB wireless card, is there anyways of attaching an antenna to that for inproved directional range?
I have one of those adapters too. Short of breaking off the casing and soldering on external antenna connections, the best makeshift way of achieving better gain may be

"Poor man's wifi".
Bump for any more help. I might just do that frying pan trick, I dont really want rip a pan apart though, heh.