Data Structures Book


Nov 1, 2001
Somehow I passed my Introduction to Data Structures class last semester (all in C). Normally I'd be happy, but I didn't learn anything. I'm not saying I knew the material, quiet the opposite. I still don't feel I know any of it.

So can anyone recommend a book that would give me an introduction to data structures in C? The only thing off the top of my head that we went over was Black Trees towards the end of the semester, Link Lists, Double Link Lists, etc... I'd like this book to have examples and problems that I could try out in my own time over the summer.
C is a crummy language. Don't use it if you're not required to use it. Data structures are a hojillion times more fun in C++.

Not only does C++ provide data abstraction support like constructors, destructors, and access control (public/private), it provides templates, so your data structures don't have to be tied to the data that they hold. It provides operator overloading to make working with data structures more natural - containers-that-look-like-arrays can provide [] random access, iterators-that-look-like-pointers can provide * and -> dereferencing, etc.

And then there's the wonderful Standard Template Library, chock full of commonly used data structures like vectors, doubly linked lists, and double-ended queues.

May I ask why you're so intent on using C?
Off the top of my head, books about data structures in C (not C++ right?) are:

Data Structures Using C by Tenenbaum, Langsam, Augenstein
Data Structures in C by Adam Drozdek
BillLeeLee said:
Off the top of my head, books about data structures in C (not C++ right?) are:

Data Structures Using C by Tenenbaum, Langsam, Augenstein
Data Structures in C by Adam Drozdek

Are those good books to learn from?
malebolgia said:
Are those good books to learn from?

From what I saw when I skimmed through them, they were good as a learning resource and were pretty in-depth. I usually read C++ books, which is why I can't say much about these two.

However, if you're not sure, I suggest going to a bookstore to look at them. Also, head down to and choose "Data Structures" under book reviews->Subjects.

Eh, I'll just give you the link now:

Those are reviews of Data Structures books, some with C, some with C++, some with Java, etc..
BillLeeLee said:
From what I saw when I skimmed through them, they were good as a learning resource and were pretty in-depth. I usually read C++ books, which is why I can't say much about these two.

However, if you're not sure, I suggest going to a bookstore to look at them. Also, head down to and choose "Data Structures" under book reviews->Subjects.

Eh, I'll just give you the link now:

Those are reviews of Data Structures books, some with C, some with C++, some with Java, etc..

Thanks I'll take a closer look at work tomorrow.
Ya i had the same thing happened to me in college freshman year. i retook Data structures in Java and now im like guru of data structures now. if you go over it again im sure you will start to understand things alot better if you program each kind of data structure.