Dark Souls 3

Man that freaking
Nameless King
is a bastard. First boss I've given up to save for later when I'm stronger, I hope...
Not sure what I was doing last night. Beat his dick into the ground first try tonight, and forgot to even change shields/gear to resist his attacks. At the final boss now, giving up again for tonight lol.
I finished the game for the first time yesterday and decided to look at a walkthrough to see what I missed...I missed the Yorel/Yuria quest lines...looking at the wiki/walkthrough it seems extremely convoluted and complicated...had to read it a few times and it still doesn't 100% make total sense...I can't believe people actually did this quest by going in blind...seems way more complicated then any of the side quests in the previous Souls games

before I fought the last boss I looked at a walkthrough to see if there were any locations I missed as I wanted to find every location in 1 playthrough...
I did not find Smouldering Lake and Archdragon Peak on my own...Archdragon Peak in particular seems like a tough place to find unless you know exactly what to do

time to start another playthrough...DEX this time maybe
Not sure what I was doing last night. Beat his dick into the ground first try tonight, and forgot to even change shields/gear to resist his attacks. At the final boss now, giving up again for tonight lol.

Actually this sort of thing has happened to me a lot over the years, then I read about it actually being a thing. Apparently you can only get so good at something in one sitting. Then when you go to sleep, your brain sorts and processes the activity, and you can improve again the next day. (or something along those lines anyway) Happens to me with games, when learning new things (typically circuit design these days) and when I used to play the piano as a kid. It seems to apply particularly to games like this for me. I'll get totally pissed off trying to do something, put it down for the day, and waltz right through it the next day.
seems like when the player gets knocked down he stays on the ground forever...it's literally around 5 seconds...plus the enemy can still attack you while on the ground...I'm literally screaming at my screen "Get Up!!"
I finished the game for the first time yesterday and decided to look at a walkthrough to see what I missed...I missed the Yorel/Yuria quest lines...looking at the wiki/walkthrough it seems extremely convoluted and complicated...had to read it a few times and it still doesn't 100% make total sense...I can't believe people actually did this quest by going in blind...seems way more complicated then any of the side quests in the previous Souls games

Yuria's sidequest was straightforward for me (although I did miss the Obreck interaction part). It didn't take me long after reaching Irithyll church to figure out 'the bitch must die'. Looking at the wiki now, it seems leaving her alive is far more convoluted.

In retrospect, I found Sirris sidequest to be the one easily missable and ignored. It is really vague on what to do with her. That said, I damn near screwed up Seigward's (easy to do if you don't things in the precise order).

time to start another playthrough...DEX this time maybe

Maybe that's the beauty of the Souls games. You fail miserably the first go, and that possibly encourages you give it a second go (after some research heh).
I'm on my second character now as a dagger-only thief and it's been much easier than I thought it would be. Due to the messed up poise system, I can just stunlock 99% of enemies to death versus having to block/dodge everything on my first character which was a typical sword/shield knight. Probably isn't gonna be great for PvP but dagger has been wrecking face in PvE.
Holy hell, I just discovered the Estoc...I loved the Estoc in DS2 and bought it and tried it on a whim....dear god does it wreck in PVP.

I'm like 30 to 5 in wins losses now and used to be about 60/40 split. I think it needs to get nerfed...
seems like when the player gets knocked down he stays on the ground forever...it's literally around 5 seconds...plus the enemy can still attack you while on the ground...I'm literally screaming at my screen "Get Up!!"
If you mash the roll button after getting knocked down your character will get up faster this time around. I discovered this because I got pissed that you pretty much have no i-frames when knocked down, so enemies can keep pummeling you. I guess out of shear frustration I was mashing roll one day and had one of those great "a-ha" moments you get while playing Dark Souls.
Holy hell, I just discovered the Estoc...I loved the Estoc in DS2 and bought it and tried it on a whim....dear god does it wreck in PVP.

I'm like 30 to 5 in wins losses now and used to be about 60/40 split. I think it needs to get nerfed...
It's because of the broken poise system in this game. Don't be a dick in PvP by using this all the time, is all I have to say about this.
Holy hell, I just discovered the Estoc...I loved the Estoc in DS2 and bought it and tried it on a whim....dear god does it wreck in PVP.

I'm like 30 to 5 in wins losses now and used to be about 60/40 split. I think it needs to get nerfed...

Yeah it is the current pvp cheese. Along with all the other rapiers. They will def be rebalanced or RIP DS3 PVP.
wtf is this game?
First time playing a dark souls game. I just started and am doing the little what I assume tutorial, and I get to the boss guy at the end and can't win :(
wtf is this game?
First time playing a dark souls game. I just started and am doing the little what I assume tutorial, and I get to the boss guy at the end and can't win :(
It's a bit harder than your typical game nowadays, but nothing impossible. I recommend starting with Knight and/or Warrior if you're a beginner. Block, roll, combo, roll, block, combo, until he's dead. Once you get the rhythm it's addictive as hell being that there are so many weapons and enemy types in this game.
wtf is this game?
First time playing a dark souls game. I just started and am doing the little what I assume tutorial, and I get to the boss guy at the end and can't win :(
Welcome to your first lesson of Dark Souls:

Great post on reddit about the current viable weapons in the game. It's alarmingly small.

The more I play and try to make a variety of viable builds, the more I am disappointed by DS3. The amount of builds isn't as low as Bloodborne, but it's close.
wtf is this game?
First time playing a dark souls game. I just started and am doing the little what I assume tutorial, and I get to the boss guy at the end and can't win :(
You're getting your Souls cherry popped. It will take a little time to 'click', but once it does you'll get the kind of enjoyment from this series you can't get from any other game series out there (in recent times at least). Don't worry about dying repeatedly, it's normal and a part of the game, especially for players who didn't play a Souls game before.
It might help to think of it like a Super Mario level - when you die you respawn back at the checkpoint but now have increased knowledge about what you did wrong and how to progress past the point you died at, and how to reach there at a faster pace.

Here are a couple tips: When you roll you have some invincibility frames for part of the roll - timing your rolls so that the enemy's attack hits when you are invincible will leave you with the upper hand often. That means in many situations, unlike other games, its actually advantageous to roll towards the enemy rather than away from him. Also, when fighting tougher mobs/bosses - the distance you stand from them may affect the attack they choose to do - in many cases it's actually safer to be closer to the boss rather than midrange or far, unlike other games. Also keep your equipment load (weight) less than 70% of your maximum so you don't slow roll.
Estoc is the bestoc. lol. I am pretty much a PvE player. Around the ithryl dungeon. I guess that is 2/3rds of the way? Pontiff was a GD dick. Not sure how a caster can do that fight solo. 5 or 6 times and I got help.
Estoc is the bestoc. lol. I am pretty much a PvE player. Around the ithryl dungeon. I guess that is 2/3rds of the way? Pontiff was a GD dick. Not sure how a caster can do that fight solo. 5 or 6 times and I got help.

Pontiff is an absolute joke if you get help from both NPCs. Just sit back and watch.

If you're in ember form, soon as you walk outside the back of the Irithyll church (where Pontiff fight was) you'll get invaded (guaranteed if online) by those Aldrich Covenant blue bastards. Zero fucks given even if you're a Blue Sentinel. That's the first annoying area of the game for me.
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So, I decided to do a little grinding for a bit, and pump up my dex and int. (plus a tiny bit of strength and endurance) Right now, the way I've got my sorcerer set up (short sword and staff) the game feels like a heavy Arkane Studios game :D (think Dark Messiah or even Dishonored) He's very quick (for this game), and it feels really nice. I can run circles around a group, and pick them off one at a time without being hit. Granted, I'm not terribly far into the game yet, but I feel like I've got a solid build to proceed with now. Plus grinding for a couple hours was actually kind of fun. I discovered a lot of tricks during that little run, found some ways to exploit the environment a bit, and the controls are 100% transparent to me now. (This is my first serious play of a Souls game, and the way I've got it now feels right to me.) Going to press on tomorrow. (no more grindery)
I am happy to note that 21:9 seems to be an option, haven't started the game yet but theres 3440x1440 available.

edit : nope just started game, 3440x1440 is an option, and the main menu seems to be 21:9, but the game doesn't do ultrawide. didn't really expect something like DS3 to be 21:9

You can edit the exe with a hex editor (find 80 07 00 00 38 04 in the exe, replaece with 70 0D 00 00 A0 05 for 3440x1440) and then change the config .xml in the games's %appdata% directory to start windowed and 3440x1440 (setting it read-only afterward so the game doesn't just overwrite it). The game will always start windowed, but you go in to system settings and fullscreen... and get proper 21:9. Sadly, in my experience this makes the game extremely unstable -- rarely makes it more than 10, 15 minutes between hard crashes. I'm hoping later patches will add proper support, or someone will write a third-party patch like they did for DS2 by way of FlawlessWidescreen.

EDIT: Actually, all seems well now. I was so tired of the black bars I tried again, and I've been playing probably 2-3 hours since without crashes. Turned down the OC on my chip a touch and brought my RAM back to stock -- seems DS3 is very sensitive to an "iffy" OC, much more so than literally any other game I've been playing lately -- Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age Inquisition, Rise of the Tomb Raider, etc. (wasn't having any issues outside of this title). Good to know.
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what exactly is the point of going hollow (with the Dark Sigil) in this game?...is it purely for cosmetic purposes or is there some other reason to do it?
the assumption is for story line/endings. there is a cheat sheet posted here, I am not looking at it until after my first playthrough
what exactly is the point of going hollow (with the Dark Sigil) in this game?...is it purely for cosmetic purposes or is there some other reason to do it?

Hollowing is mostly for story (the Dark Sigil is the plot device), but it is also used, albeit minorly, as a game mechanic. A player actively wanting to stay unhollowed/hollowed is a tradeoff as you can potentially boost a certain stat yet take a penalty on yet another stat while remaining hollowed. Actually there is no penalty for hollowing, that's assumed now by the whole ember mechanic. It's basically the same mechanic from DS1 but a bit more intricate.

There are also items in the game that will "fake" your hollowing (i.e. cosmetic). Progress a certain part of the story and you'll be given the opportunity to permanently rid yourself of hollowing, if you so choose.
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DS3 is easier than DS2, but I like the gameplay.. Thief getting dirty...


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Just beat the game as pure melee 45 hours in, did all the side areas and killed all the bosses/side-bosses* and ended up at level 86 naturally without soul farming. Used the warrior's starting battleaxe+10 from start to finish. Successfully completed Yuria's questline and got that ending, which is pretty cool considering I went in blind and it's a fairly convoluted quest. The game is a masterpiece and brought back memories of being a kid playing videogames for the first few times, the awesome feeling of exploring wonderful, dangerous and exciting worlds not knowing what's around the next corner. Much kudos and thanks to FROM for raising the bar, DeS/DaS/BB/DS3 will be remembered fondly in the hearts of many gamers for a very long time.
*except Nameless King

Funniest moment for me was the (not a spoiler just an attack animation)
Tekken juggles. A couple of the bosses have Tekken juggle combos, watching them execute a 5 hit Tekken juggle combo made me laugh out loud. Not even mad you just took away 80% of my life with a juggle combo, lmao

There are some occasional issues of course, such as weapon balance, gear balance, hitbox weirdness, enemies having infinite stamina, camera wonkiness during some boss fights, enemy gank squads, enemy swivel-chair (that's where they rotate mid attack animation to hit you after you dodge), enemy 100% stamina drain moves, un-skippable fights on overly narrow walkways/corridors, NPC quests being a little too vague/convoluted/easily broken - but hey it wouldn't be a FROM game without those things. And whether or not they are improved in future patches, they don't really detract from the amazing experience that this game is.

PS. I recommend the first time you play a souls game to play as pure melee, you're doing yourself a disservice if you do otherwise.
PS. I recommend the first time you play a souls game to play as pure melee, you're doing yourself a disservice if you do otherwise.

Because you will get your ass handed to ya =) If you don't play Melee
I don't get all the complaining about "builds" and "bosses".

I have about 50 hours into the game and have 3 different builds, all totally different. If you're trying to make builds like you did in DS2 or DS1...that's part of your problem. I think there are PLENTY of options. I don't get why so many are complaining.

ALSO whoever thinks the bosses are even cheaper in DS3 vs DS2....I think you're getting killed more. I think the bosses are better in DS3.

I don't get it, at all.
I don't get all the complaining about "builds" and "bosses".

I have about 50 hours into the game and have 3 different builds, all totally different. If you're trying to make builds like you did in DS2 or DS1...that's part of your problem. I think there are PLENTY of options. I don't get why so many are complaining.

ALSO whoever thinks the bosses are even cheaper in DS3 vs DS2....I think you're getting killed more. I think the bosses are better in DS3.

I don't get it, at all.
I also have three different builds with 50 hours in the game at this point. I think it's a mistake to judge the game based purely on PvP, alone. I've always taken the Souls games as the sum of its parts, never focusing on one system over the other. The most important part for me when choosing a weapon is if I'm comfortable with the moveset for my character's current attributes. Once I find one I like in that regard, only then do I worry about damage.
in my 2nd playthrough with a DEX build (using a walkthrough) and I'm discovering I missed quite a bit of side quests the first time around...looks like I started a lot of the side quests but never did the multiple steps required to complete them...same with a few covenants...some of the quests/covenants are so obscure and tricky to even know what to do...DS3's side activities are definitely more complicated then any previous Souls games and can easily be missed if not doing things in the exact order and even then you risk screwing another quest in order to complete your current one...really well done by From Software...this is easily my favorite Souls game and a fantastic 'ending' to the series...

Siegward in the well was so easy to miss...Patches, Hawkwood, Irina, Yuria etc were also complicated to finish...I even missed a few of the more obscure covenants such as Mound-Makers and Rosaria's Fingers
actually they have come out and said it is not the ending

new patch coming, unfortunately text only in japanese

seems like they are changing some NPC rules, which may be good since my buddy is permanently stuck in a well
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my only issue with DS3 was that they sometimes went a bit overboard with the nostalgia from earlier games...seems like they could have made a few more unique areas or levels without as many callbacks to previous Souls games...

the Anor Londo section in particular felt like a remaster of Dark Souls 1...it still worked within the story of DS3 but the overall references, level design, characters etc in places felt a bit like a shot-for-shot wink at players
those Ghru Leaper enemies in Smouldering Lake and Farron Keep are the most annoying non-boss enemies in the game
those Ghru Leaper enemies in Smouldering Lake and Farron Keep are the most annoying non-boss enemies in the game
Wait until you get to the Dragon Barracks in Lothric Castle if you haven't, yet. It wouldn't be so annoying if player poise was actually working... Or they could get rid of infinite enemy stamina.