Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be at E3 2019


Mar 3, 2018
CD Projekt Red, the developers behind the critically acclaimed and wildly popular Witcher RPGs, just confirmed that they'll be showing off Cyberpunk 2077 at E3 2019. This isn't exactly a huge surprise, since the studio already started hyping up the game early in its development cycle, but seeing how the developers already showed off a gameplay demo at E3 last year, some people are already speculating that the game could finally get a release window this year. Thanks to KitGuru for the tip.

For those of you asking, yes, we will be at E3 this year... This is a city of dreamers.
Ohhhh yea baby! And I'll just say this. If CDProject Red doesn't have a good presence of booth babes/hunks/chummers then they are freaking missing out on some excellent marketing buzz! Cyberpunk is all about style before substance! Chromed out cyber arms poking out of an armani armored suite with a modified cased heavy pistol under the jacket able to blow holes in anything smaller than a milspec armored Vectored Thrust vehicle. With a body sculpted cat girl/assassin on their arm and a solo that makes their cybernetically enhanced reflexes look like a hippy painting happy little trees with care.

Uhhh... I might really enjoy the Cyberpunk universe. ;) Looking forward to this!

Next up.. SHADOWRUN! (Man a AAA title shadowrun MMORPG could be a lot of fun but freaking HARD to do right.)
Hell yeah. This is about the only game I'm really looking forward to. I have half a mind to do another replay of Witcher 3 at this point - though ESO is still holding my interest (that 810??? level cap is still a ways away).

But man, Grimlaking if they ever did a Shadowrun AAA game (or base it on the Will Smith show Bright, which was a Shadowrun rip-off anyway) I would flipout!
This game looks so good - My buddy watched the whole 48 min gameplay video with great interest!

(we're talking about a 36 year old man that probably hasn't picked up a controller since Playstation 2)
since i really like the witcher series, i will be looking at this game as well as i am sure it will be well done
The 48min demo was disturbing for me I had to turn it off. My bro in law thought it was awesome . We probably both would get it. I really hope they add multiplayer though.
I'm certainly interested but I hope they manage to diversify the game so every quest doesn't feel so cut/paste. After doing 50+ menial quests in Witcher 3 that start off by using fish eye eagle vision I can't help but think Cyberpunk will have the same issue.
Well if you end up doing a breakin without a netrunner your stupid. ;) So that should be a part of any job. Having someone on your team that is a medic is good.. Especially if you want the mark alive. Not everything can be a SOLO (the combat monkeys that make a mongoose look slow.) run and gun.
Mark my words, this will be CD Projekt Red's DAIKATANA!! :D
Hopefully it will release by 2020 - the start of the dark cyberpunk future is upon us! :borg:
That would be awesome. It would be MORE AWESOMER if it released this year but I'll take what I can get. I also want a Cybergenerations expansion at some point as an open world MMO style game. Or at least a reference to it in 2077 time line. Or are they throwing all of that out?
I just watched "Ghost in the shell" last night, eerily similar to the 2077 demo.........
I just watched "Ghost in the shell" last night, eerily similar to the 2077 demo.........

GiTS draws heavily from cyberpunk themes and ideas. The movie (as well as the original manga, which I highly recommend) also had a pretty big impact on the genre itself, so the game and GiTS sharing a lot of similarities is pretty natural.