Cyberpunk 2077 MP monetization will make you happy to spend real money


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
"Cyberpunk 2077's upcoming multiplayer mode will have microtransactions and in-game monetization, and CDPR is taking a novel approach to in-game purchases. Instead of nickel and diming gamers, CDPR wants to inspire some joy when you spend money on in-game content. No details have been outlined on how the digital economy will work in CP2077 multiplayer, but the company says there won't be aggressive monetization and mTX won't upset fans.

"We won't be aggressive, but you can expect great things to be bought,"Adam Kicinski said in a recent earnings call.

"The goal is to design monetization in a way that makes people happy to spend money."


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Same here, I never had any plans on playing multiplayer so I'm ok with them keeping it over there. If you don't want to pay for something you don't have to buy things.
as much as i hate microtransactions and although this is self-centered, i don't care so long as it stays in MP. let the kids online deal with that bag of garbage.
I hope they don’t pull a rockstar and ignore the single player to add useless shit to the multiplayer. It’s the only thing that really bothered me about GTA V.
I hope they don’t pull a rockstar and ignore the single player to add useless shit to the multiplayer. It’s the only thing that really bothered me about GTA V.
i like GTA Online :(
I hope they don’t pull a rockstar and ignore the single player to add useless shit to the multiplayer. It’s the only thing that really bothered me about GTA V.

i really doubt it but stranger things have happened i guess. CDPR has always been about single player so i'd be shocked if that happened.
So, I think they give people that wrong impression by constantly saying "Cyberpunk 2077 MP" as if it's something releasing with the game or even part of the same project. From what CDPR has said elsewhere it seems like they're treating the MP stuff, whatever it ends up being, as a separate project, and something that won't be out for at least another couple of years. They've also stated it won't be out until after they're done with updates and the like for the single player game. So they're not pulling a Rockstar here and abandoning the SP mode to solely focus on MP. I don't think they've said one way or other, but I get the impression that the MP will end up being something stand-alone and not something that requires you to own 2077 to play.
So, I think they give people that wrong impression by constantly saying "Cyberpunk 2077 MP" as if it's something releasing with the game or even part of the same project. From what CDPR has said elsewhere it seems like they're treating the MP stuff, whatever it ends up being, as a separate project, and something that won't be out for at least another couple of years. They've also stated it won't be out until after they're done with updates and the like for the single player game. So they're not pulling a Rockstar here and abandoning the SP mode to solely focus on MP. I don't think they've said one way or other, but I get the impression that the MP will end up being something stand-alone and not something that requires you to own 2077 to play.
If that's the case then I have no issue with it and I wish more game devs separated MP and SP portions into separate games and projects. This is a great example of one of the reasons since I loathe MT in SP games but I understand that a free or cheap MP game with MT can be a viable business model for that type of game.
Micro transactions have no ethical place in a game that ALREADY costs money.

That's what the price of the game is. You're buying the game. That's where the developers are making their money back.

Unless they have a market place, because fuck yeah then

Pubg and CSGO paid for several years of games for me.

Got like over 300 dollars alone from pubg, and probably a couple hundred from CS. Pubg I sold the pre-order shit because people are idiots and bought it for be ridiculous amounts and CS I just played the market when I was bored. Easily funded multiple games off it.

Finally exhausted my credits like 6 months ago and have been paying full price like a loser since.
CDPR is dead to me. The only way I will be happy to spend money on MTX is if I'm using monopoly money.
Micro transactions have no ethical place in a game that ALREADY costs money.

That's what the price of the game is. You're buying the game. That's where the developers are making their money back.

The problem is, game development costs have skyrocketed while the (now initial price) has stayed fairly static. I'm very unhappy hearing Microtransactions coming into this game in any form but I need more information to make a final decision if this will actually make me want to buy this title or not.

This could be a deal breaker for A LOT of people.
Micro transactions aren't made for the people that hate them, they are made for the people with money. It's only in the online.
They probably want to be the next GTA V online. They make good games that aren't shit, they deserve the success.
Lets see what it actually is.
I suspect it is weapon skins, sprays, and other purely cosmetic items, but don't know for sure. Outside of possibly co-op mode if it has one, I never intended to play MP anyway.
I just hope it is not P2W. Otherwise, yeah, even if I don't intend to play MP, that is no good.
The problem is, game development costs have skyrocketed while the (now initial price) has stayed fairly static. I'm very unhappy hearing Microtransactions coming into this game in any form but I need more information to make a final decision if this will actually make me want to buy this title or not.

This could be a deal breaker for A LOT of people.
Yea and they sell 100x+ game copies then did in the past. It is not a valid excuses. I am disappointed in CDP Red but I will give them a pass since they have been very pro consumer in the past and I don't give a fuck about multiplayer. Don't fuck it up CDP Red.
I have nothing against MT’s for cosmetics, but I hope they do a fun twist on it like if you buy your character a sick face tattoo they will find you an actual tattoo artist in your area willing and able to do it for real. Stuff like that, want a couple of awesome facial scars they can arrange a mugging at a convenient location those ones can have a bonus random element where if your defensive wounds are visible they can add them back to your in game avatar.
Lame, but as long as the campaign is left alone that isn't too bad. I assume they want to copy GTAV's success. Given the type of game it is, certainly it can be possible. Still I am not a fan of microtransactions. I am okay with small cosmetic things if they fit the theme as long as enough free options exist.
Yeah, that's all fine and good but she's half metal! If I'm going to spend real money on a game dame then she'd better be 100% human. :p
That would be too hard. But on that note, I'd also like for all these people to reference their posts from around 4 years ago went Gwent went online with MTX :joyful: I can only assume CDPR was dead to them back then as well, and now they're just reminding us of that again :p

Wasn't Gwent free to play? Free to play games are well within their rights to have in-game monetisation.
Micro transactions aren't made for the people that hate them, they are made for the people with money. It's only in the online.
They probably want to be the next GTA V online. They make good games that aren't shit, they deserve the success.
MT are generally targeting those that can't or won't spend $60 on a game(especially kids spending their parents money) but will spend double that a few bucks at a time. That or they're predatory games that are targeting people with poor self control.
Combine the lack of DRM with the years of built-up hype and popularity, and safe to assume Cyberpunk will be one of the most pirated games of all time, since it won't even require a crack for someone to copy it from GOG to free filehosts and all their friends. The production budget is staggering, and it won't have the luxury of remaining uncracked and unpirated like RDR2 has, which also had an insane budget but that Rockstar has been able to recoup several times over.

Thus let CDPR have their MTX's, I trust this developer to do it tastefully. And if no one's interested in spending money on MTX's then the problem solves itself. Otherwise, who is a vocal minority to antagonize how other people might enjoy spending their cash? Yes some developers do the most obnoxious version of MTX's - pay2win, etc. and they give the more harmless cosmetic ones a bad name.

Kids spending money on Fortnite dances for example seem like a big waste of money, but the enjoyment they feel is real. So how pathetic would I be to call them idiots for doing it?

/devil's advocate
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Go fuck yourself, was going to get this game, now I’m not touching it on principle alone.

We need to take a hard line against this garbage
Go fuck yourself, was going to get this game, now I’m not touching it on principle alone.

We need to take a hard line against this garbage
As much as I agree with you it won't happen. Too many people willing throw their money at MT. Garbage companies like Was make more off MT then game sells. People are 5o weak and stupid to stop supporting these practices. I have and will never purchase any kind of MT period. Hell I don't 3ven like season passes cause most are a rip off for what you get for the price.
Go fuck yourself, was going to get this game, now I’m not touching it on principle alone.

We need to take a hard line against this garbage

I think we need to take a second to chill here. CDPR seems to mostly indicate that the MP component is not part of the main CP2077 game. If it's a stand-along thing (ala Gwent perhaps?) then I don't feel like a "fuck you guys" response is entirely warranted. That is, only if the MP stuff is stand alone and free.
That said, mildly interested to see what kind of microtransactions I would be "happy" to pay for.

As am I. I'd be happy to get everything for free, including the single player portion. I'm not sure how spending more money is supposed to make me happy. Unless it adds something very entertaining to the game, in which case it should've been included in the first place.

Taco must resist.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Why do you always refer to yourself in the 3rd person?
The problem is, game development costs have skyrocketed while the (now initial price) has stayed fairly static.
- gaming market is at least an order of magnitude larger today = far more sales/profit
- games were finished and full experience at sale before, now you often get a basic experience and need >$100 for full content with all the season passes, content ripped out for DLCs, mtx...
- digital distribution allows bigger margins per each sale, especially for own stores

The gaming industry didn't become larger than the movie and music industry combined by making less over time.
I think we need to take a second to chill here. CDPR seems to mostly indicate that the MP component is not part of the main CP2077 game. If it's a stand-along thing (ala Gwent perhaps?) then I don't feel like a "fuck you guys" response is entirely warranted. That is, only if the MP stuff is stand alone and free.

So now we pay full price for a game game and only get half of it so they can milk the shit out of the MP side through extra purchases...
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Well, don't play MP, don't play at all or whatever.

I don't see a problem.

Lots of Angst over these things, as usual.
Funny, as no one is forced to spend one fucking cent :)