CS. FF. on or off?

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Jan 29, 2001
i seriously can't even comprehend why this is an "option" in this game.

trying to say "my BULLETS IN MY GUN hurt the bad guys but not my pals" seems to indicate you don't know what a bullet is or what it's made to do.

i mean, i know CS isn't the top of the pile in terms of sheer realism, but COME ON... seriously?

if you're a CT, and have three buddies stand in a straight line, and put a Terrorist at the end of the line... shoot a bullet THROUGH your buddies and somehow get a headshot on the last guy.... i mean...

christ, i can't even type this post up... it just boggles the mind...
You forget to take in to account the sheer number of idiots.

You know the ones.

The ones who run ahead and prance like faerie princesses towards the enemy while your making your gun glow cherry red from the sheer ammount of lead your spamming to hit the enemy...then next thing you know, Mr.Faerie Princess jumps infront of you and BAM.

yeah but... THEY'RE BULLETS. that's my main point.

a bullet doesn't magically fly through one thing and impact with something else.

if there are idiots on the server, then you'd better be careful, because they're spraying bullets everywhere.

i dunno, maybe they need to make a CareBear verison of CS where you shoot 'bad feelings' and 'frowny faces'... but it doesn' really hurt anybody, because that would be 'not nice'.

bjork said:
yeah but... THEY'RE BULLETS. that's my main point.

a bullet doesn't magically fly through one thing and impact with something else.

if there are idiots on the server, then you'd better be careful, because they're spraying bullets everywhere.

i dunno, maybe they need to make a CareBear verison of CS where you shoot 'bad feelings' and 'frowny faces'... but it doesn' really hurt anybody, because that would be 'not nice'.


if you dont want to play in a server where FF is off, then dont play in there... simple as that...
I don't like FF on servers because when/if I pub I'm usually not trying my absolute hardest to check every target and make sure I don't accidentally shoot someone when aiming at the enemy. That kind of stuff can be reserved for matches. Additionally, there is always some moron who doesn't realize there is a radar and shoots you round after round.
I absolutely LOVE Friendly Fire. It's what makes or breaks the game. There are times I have to hold on sniping when the shot is obvious becuase there are guys in front of me that are in the way. I only play on servers with FF on becuase the level of maturity on the server seems to be much higher, since it weeds out the weenies. Of course there are TKers, but they are often voted out before it becomes a nuisance. It's takes CS from being an amateur game to a mediocre one heh.
I usually play FF, but sometimes it's fun to get on a 32 player server and just shoot wild (no FF).
For playing in publics, FF off is a must.

For competitive play, having it off would be stupid.
astern said:
For playing in publics, FF off is a must.

For competitive play, having it off would be stupid.

Yes, this was the first good response. You people are forgeting that FF off in pubs is a must because there are immature teens who enjoy killing you at respawn. If FF is on in a pub the mp_buy time should be turned off that way I can run away fast from tkers. ^^
Personally, I think people should exercise using FF more often. No FF tends to creates that "spray and pray" mentality. Even if FF is on, I instantly assume that I shouldn't shoot when someone runs in front of me. If the other team is used to not having FF, they know to just shoot their friend in the back until the bullets hit me.

If they continue to turn FF off in all public games, people will continue to run around like idiots. It wouldn't be a problem in public servers if people used it more often. That way little Timmy doesn't run in front of you while you're firing. And if he does, he doesn't have the right to "punish" you for killing him. Then again, I hardly care enough anyway. It's just a game.

i don't play on FF off servers... (in response to post #5).

i just think it's a stupid option, period. pubs or not... they're bullets. why bother striving for a realistic physics engine if your bullets can magically hit 'only baddies'?
no FF is for pussies. period. why so many bitch about unrealistic/implausible issues is beyond me. just go cheat and get it over with if you want it easy. I don't get it..never will. realistic options should be the single factor that needs to be at heart of every option chosen, why some exploits exist ruin the game. therefore:
- fatigue factors need to be in the game. no one can run, shoot, be accurate 100% of the time and able to repeat this over and over
- recoil / gun realism. go shoot a real ak and you'll see wtf recoil is, how inaccurate it can be and how HOT the buggar gets! ...get it in the game!
- weapon accuracy. lesson them as they are too accurate! period! at least add the math where every x'th shot, running like a banshee has disadvantages. ie: golf slice, stumble?
- personal space / bunching up. whatever implementation, its needed. any kind of movement frustration needs to be diminished. having someone blocking/hindering movement needs a counter measure. how about a push or make players like magnets and have a small amount of force factor movement
- awp gameplay needs realism! since its the worst example of unrealistic gameplay and is the one single factor that separates too many players and gameplay it needs correcting. again, no one can run and snipe with a steady hand over and over through or not through a scope. then add; its too accurate, perpetuates camping wars, most don't complete objectives cause they're too worried about their stats and bruised ego's and etc etc etc. whatever math is needed DO IT. lessen its advantage!
- changing between the primary and secondary gun must not have advantages in reloading and etc. hello exploit! why everyone is an ambidextrous freak is unrealistic
- faster movement without armor or half armor
- hits. hits take out arms and legs and are factored in with stats so use them! someone without a leg cannot run, let alone walk. action quake at least addressed this with bandaging but I know many don't like it but its realistic! how about shooting an awp with one arm? point taken...
- somehow, teamplay must be addressed 10 fold. factors needing people to stick together and work as a group need huge advancements
- limiting flash grenades and/or stricter measures tailored to their proper use. when one is queue'd the people around have some kind of PRE-heads up or PRE-reactive/PRE-emptive factor
- less money or money related issues/penalties/swapping etc. point is; the best guns should be something a player has to save and work towards. ANYTHING TO DETER THE AWP HOR IS GOOD FOR THE GAME! not having it only perpetuates selfish players. teams should be able to swap/exchange money quickly and efficiently ensuring a strong/balanced team. maybe even loose money altogether. there are other ways...
- lastly, loose sprays or time penalize them. albiet fun but there's no need. and now there's animated sprays? soon we'll be ordering pizza's and seeing more advertisement in game too? yikes! its only perpetuating...

..on the other hand I love the work done to the new nades and minimal skins. the best example of added realism over 1.6. love being deaf, blind and scared like a wee school girl. if you want infinite skins go play quake 2 as homer or whatever floats your boat. a billion, dumb, kiddie skins have no place in source. too those opposed, GET IN THE WAMBULANCE!
G'ßöö said:
no FF is for pussies. period. why so many bitch about unrealistic/implausible issues is beyond me. just go cheat and get it over with if you want it easy. I don't get it..never will. realistic options should be the single factor that needs to be at heart of every option chosen, why some exploits exist ruin the game. therefore:
- fatigue factors need to be in the game. no one can run, shoot, be accurate 100% of the time and able to repeat this over and over
- recoil / gun realism. go shoot a real ak and you'll see wtf recoil is, how inaccurate it can be and how HOT the buggar gets! ...get it in the game!
- weapon accuracy. lesson them as they are too accurate! period! at least add the math where every x'th shot, running like a banshee has disadvantages. ie: golf slice, stumble?
- personal space / bunching up. whatever implementation, its needed. any kind of movement frustration needs to be diminished. having someone blocking/hindering movement needs a counter measure. how about a push or make players like magnets and have a small amount of force factor movement
- awp gameplay needs realism! since its the worst example of unrealistic gameplay and is the one single factor that separates too many players and gameplay it needs correcting. again, no one can run and snipe with a steady hand over and over through or not through a scope. then add; its too accurate, perpetuates camping wars, most don't complete objectives cause they're too worried about their stats and bruised ego's and etc etc etc. whatever math is needed DO IT. lessen its advantage!
- changing between the primary and secondary gun must not have advantages in reloading and etc. hello exploit! why everyone is an ambidextrous freak is unrealistic
- faster movement without armor or half armor
- hits. hits take out arms and legs and are factored in with stats so use them! someone without a leg cannot run, let alone walk. action quake at least addressed this with bandaging but I know many don't like it but its realistic! how about shooting an awp with one arm? point taken...
- somehow, teamplay must be addressed 10 fold. factors needing people to stick together and work as a group need huge advancements
- limiting flash grenades and/or stricter measures tailored to their proper use. when one is queue'd the people around have some kind of PRE-heads up or PRE-reactive/PRE-emptive factor
- less money or money related issues/penalties/swapping etc. point is; the best guns should be something a player has to save and work towards. ANYTHING TO DETER THE AWP HOR IS GOOD FOR THE GAME! not having it only perpetuates selfish players. teams should be able to swap/exchange money quickly and efficiently ensuring a strong/balanced team. maybe even loose money altogether. there are other ways...
- lastly, loose sprays or time penalize them. albiet fun but there's no need. and now there's animated sprays? soon we'll be ordering pizza's and seeing more advertisement in game too? yikes! its only perpetuating...

..on the other hand I love the work done to the new nades and minimal skins. the best example of added realism over 1.6. love being deaf, blind and scared like a wee school girl. if you want infinite skins go play quake 2 as homer or whatever floats your boat. a billion, dumb, kiddie skins have no place in source. too those opposed, GET IN THE WAMBULANCE!
People like CS because those features are NOT in it.
kick@ss said:
People like CS because those features are NOT in it.
and they are the puss's! :D ...sure they're other games with added realism but their other qualities suck. source kicks ass. love it but it could be more realistic.

...the rapid side to side dodge and shoot crap aspect makes me laugh. it could be better...

EDIT: are the in game crosshairs the only ones you can use in source?
I prefer it on. It adds a little more realism, plus if someone is really annoying me I can just end their life. LOL
G'ßöö said:
and they are the puss's! :D ...sure they're other games with added realism but their other qualities suck. source kicks ass. love it but it could be more realistic.

...the rapid side to side dodge and shoot crap aspect makes me laugh. it could be better...

EDIT: are the in game crosshairs the only ones you can use in source?

If you want a game like you described, go check out Americas Army. Its free to. CS became so popular because it was so unrealistic. People could jump in and blast things without too much hastle, yet it still seems to be kind of realistic, unlike games like Quake or UT2004.
CS is filled with retarded players, thats why its an option. Thats all there is to it.
The only option that is more useful is the ability to turn off the in game voice chat thing.
On, most servers I play on will auto kill spawn attackers and will kick Tkers after 3 or 4 TK's
I prefer FF on. In the server I run Mani's mod takes care of most of the idiots. Any FF shot within the spawn area = auto slay. Not to mention Burn, cash stealing, drugged etc for retaliation if someone kills you.

I just find it more fun when people have to check their fire along with not being able to shoot through their teammates.
In CS, I play on a 32 player pub with FF off. With the number of pre pubescent punks out there, having it off is a must. I'd only play with FF on during CAL scrims or matches. And I would not play with FF on in CS until Valve puts something on VAC that would ban people from all servers automatically for a certain period of time for TKing. Not a year, but maybe a few hours or so, because accidents DO happen.
G'ßöö said:
no FF is for pussies. period. why so many bitch about unrealistic/implausible issues is beyond me. just go cheat and get it over with if you want it easy. I don't get it..never will. realistic options should be the single factor that needs to be at heart of every option chosen, why some exploits exist ruin the game. therefore:
- fatigue factors need to be in the game. no one can run, shoot, be accurate 100% of the time and able to repeat this over and over
- recoil / gun realism. go shoot a real ak and you'll see wtf recoil is, how inaccurate it can be and how HOT the buggar gets! ...get it in the game!
- weapon accuracy. lesson them as they are too accurate! period! at least add the math where every x'th shot, running like a banshee has disadvantages. ie: golf slice, stumble?
- personal space / bunching up. whatever implementation, its needed. any kind of movement frustration needs to be diminished. having someone blocking/hindering movement needs a counter measure. how about a push or make players like magnets and have a small amount of force factor movement
- awp gameplay needs realism! since its the worst example of unrealistic gameplay and is the one single factor that separates too many players and gameplay it needs correcting. again, no one can run and snipe with a steady hand over and over through or not through a scope. then add; its too accurate, perpetuates camping wars, most don't complete objectives cause they're too worried about their stats and bruised ego's and etc etc etc. whatever math is needed DO IT. lessen its advantage!
- changing between the primary and secondary gun must not have advantages in reloading and etc. hello exploit! why everyone is an ambidextrous freak is unrealistic
- faster movement without armor or half armor
- hits. hits take out arms and legs and are factored in with stats so use them! someone without a leg cannot run, let alone walk. action quake at least addressed this with bandaging but I know many don't like it but its realistic! how about shooting an awp with one arm? point taken...
- somehow, teamplay must be addressed 10 fold. factors needing people to stick together and work as a group need huge advancements
- limiting flash grenades and/or stricter measures tailored to their proper use. when one is queue'd the people around have some kind of PRE-heads up or PRE-reactive/PRE-emptive factor
- less money or money related issues/penalties/swapping etc. point is; the best guns should be something a player has to save and work towards. ANYTHING TO DETER THE AWP HOR IS GOOD FOR THE GAME! not having it only perpetuates selfish players. teams should be able to swap/exchange money quickly and efficiently ensuring a strong/balanced team. maybe even loose money altogether. there are other ways...
- lastly, loose sprays or time penalize them. albiet fun but there's no need. and now there's animated sprays? soon we'll be ordering pizza's and seeing more advertisement in game too? yikes! its only perpetuating...

..on the other hand I love the work done to the new nades and minimal skins. the best example of added realism over 1.6. love being deaf, blind and scared like a wee school girl. if you want infinite skins go play quake 2 as homer or whatever floats your boat. a billion, dumb, kiddie skins have no place in source. too those opposed, GET IN THE WAMBULANCE!

That's a response that should be in like, Steam Forums or something. The game is not realistic, it never was, never will be, and was never intended to be. It's basically arcade-like in terms of realism if you're a nazi about that stuff. There will never be any of this bandages or fatigue crap because it's not part of the game.

CS(excluding somethings in Source) plays fine now,
What is wrong with some of you people? Not everyone wants the ultimate in realism in every game they play. Do you people also bitch about the lack of acceleration in Tetris? Because there's no way that those blocks have reached terminal velocity! Unless they're on the moon...OH WAIT, THERE ARE NO FALLING BLOCKS ON THE MOON *head explodes*. It's an arcade shooter. If you want something more realistic, there are PLENTY of other options available. Some people just want to run around and shoot stuff...and they have a good time. Deal with it. It's not like there aren't thousands of FF on servers out there.

I prefer off, just b/c i some idiot start being stupid, I'd shoot his ass up :)

O yah, and its alot more realistic with FF on..
NO FF,you know that feeling you get if you saved up for a nice machine gun primary ammor amor and flashbangs and after spending 7grand some ass hole shoots you in the back?my point exactly,also spawn killing fuck your ratios and when people jump infront of you they canpunish you
fromage said:
That's a response that should be in like, Steam Forums or something. The game is not realistic, it never was, never will be, and was never intended to be. It's basically arcade-like in terms of realism if you're a nazi about that stuff. There will never be any of this bandages or fatigue crap because it's not part of the game.

CS(excluding somethings in Source) plays fine now,
sure but no thnx. steam forums are the worste example of forums going. but thanks for the tip?? :confused:

sorry I don't get ya at all but I don't care to with that tone of response. the game is based on realism, how isn't it? guys run walk, shoot. that's based on realism..... and bandaging was in action quake, the DADDY of cs and it worked wickedly!! what a great option it is! bottom line is I offer plausible options that would help the game but to each iz own. the exploitive awp hor who does nothing but use the awp and never completing objectives ruins the game so anything to deter that helps it. you must be one of them...:p
truffle00 said:
What is wrong with some of you people? Not everyone wants the ultimate in realism in every game they play. Do you people also bitch about the lack of acceleration in Tetris? Because there's no way that those blocks have reached terminal velocity! Unless they're on the moon...OH WAIT, THERE ARE NO FALLING BLOCKS ON THE MOON *head explodes*. It's an arcade shooter. If you want something more realistic, there are PLENTY of other options available. Some people just want to run around and shoot stuff...and they have a good time. Deal with it. It's not like there aren't thousands of FF on servers out there.

funny man but chillout young one. I'll tell ya what's wrong with me. its opinionated naive people like you who cannot talk about something rationally. so deal with that troll

I personally prefer FF on in CS, but then I also like to have automatic kick/ban of TK'ing players on the server.


with good retribution options it only makes sense to have it on. albeit probably not the best on 32 player pubs..
This topic has come up before. CS is NOT a realistic FPS. IF you want something more realistic you should check out Raven Shield or something. IF you dont like CS dont' play it, simple as that. I enjoy it and have been playing it since Beta 2.0. Over the years it HAS been modified to become more realistic, and these modifications usually upset most of the people that take CS competitively. You used to be able to shoot people with the AWP in the foot and kill them... you also could run while scoped and when you jumped it didnt slow you down when you landed and tried to run again. IF they made CS to realistic I would stop playing it and find another game that has the same realism and better graphics. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
G'ßöö said:
funny man but chillout young one. I'll tell ya what's wrong with me. its opinionated naive people like you who cannot talk about something rationally. so deal with that troll


Opinionated? Yes. Naive? Maybe, maybe not...either way, you have no proof. Lacking the ability to speak rationally? Now look who's trolling...

Please, show me which part of this argument is not rational:
"It's an arcade shooter. If you want something more realistic, there are PLENTY of other options available. Some people just want to run around and shoot stuff...and they have a good time. Deal with it. It's not like there aren't thousands of FF on servers out there." Prove my irrationality by showing me where Valve claims CS to be a combat simulation. Prove my irrationality by showing that there aren't plenty of other more realistic games out there. My post also contained some bitter, sarcastic remarks, but once again, show me how I lack the capability for rational speech.
G'ßöö said:
no FF is for pussies. period. why so many bitch about unrealistic/implausible issues is beyond me. just go cheat and get it over with if you want it easy. I don't get it..never will. realistic options should be the single factor that needs to be at heart of every option chosen, why some exploits exist ruin the game. therefore:
- fatigue factors need to be in the game. no one can run, shoot, be accurate 100% of the time and able to repeat this over and over
- recoil / gun realism. go shoot a real ak and you'll see wtf recoil is, how inaccurate it can be and how HOT the buggar gets! ...get it in the game!
- weapon accuracy. lesson them as they are too accurate! period! at least add the math where every x'th shot, running like a banshee has disadvantages. ie: golf slice, stumble?
- personal space / bunching up. whatever implementation, its needed. any kind of movement frustration needs to be diminished. having someone blocking/hindering movement needs a counter measure. how about a push or make players like magnets and have a small amount of force factor movement
- awp gameplay needs realism! since its the worst example of unrealistic gameplay and is the one single factor that separates too many players and gameplay it needs correcting. again, no one can run and snipe with a steady hand over and over through or not through a scope. then add; its too accurate, perpetuates camping wars, most don't complete objectives cause they're too worried about their stats and bruised ego's and etc etc etc. whatever math is needed DO IT. lessen its advantage!
- changing between the primary and secondary gun must not have advantages in reloading and etc. hello exploit! why everyone is an ambidextrous freak is unrealistic
- faster movement without armor or half armor
- hits. hits take out arms and legs and are factored in with stats so use them! someone without a leg cannot run, let alone walk. action quake at least addressed this with bandaging but I know many don't like it but its realistic! how about shooting an awp with one arm? point taken...
- somehow, teamplay must be addressed 10 fold. factors needing people to stick together and work as a group need huge advancements
- limiting flash grenades and/or stricter measures tailored to their proper use. when one is queue'd the people around have some kind of PRE-heads up or PRE-reactive/PRE-emptive factor
- less money or money related issues/penalties/swapping etc. point is; the best guns should be something a player has to save and work towards. ANYTHING TO DETER THE AWP HOR IS GOOD FOR THE GAME! not having it only perpetuates selfish players. teams should be able to swap/exchange money quickly and efficiently ensuring a strong/balanced team. maybe even loose money altogether. there are other ways...
- lastly, loose sprays or time penalize them. albiet fun but there's no need. and now there's animated sprays? soon we'll be ordering pizza's and seeing more advertisement in game too? yikes! its only perpetuating...

..on the other hand I love the work done to the new nades and minimal skins. the best example of added realism over 1.6. love being deaf, blind and scared like a wee school girl. if you want infinite skins go play quake 2 as homer or whatever floats your boat. a billion, dumb, kiddie skins have no place in source. too those opposed, GET IN THE WAMBULANCE!

I'm sorry to say, but it's because of people like you that CS has gone downhill over the years. The game no longer takes any skill whatsoever to play, and it's lost it's fun because it's getting too realistic. The game was near perfect around 1.3, and the only decent change that Valve has made in years is the money change, but because bad players kept pushing for the game to become easier, it's only gotten worse.

Source is for the bad pubbers, go there and never come back.
G'ßöö said:
sure but no thnx. steam forums are the worste example of forums going. but thanks for the tip?? :confused:

sorry I don't get ya at all but I don't care to with that tone of response. the game is based on realism, how isn't it? guys run walk, shoot. that's based on realism..... and bandaging was in action quake, the DADDY of cs and it worked wickedly!! what a great option it is! bottom line is I offer plausible options that would help the game but to each iz own. the exploitive awp hor who does nothing but use the awp and never completing objectives ruins the game so anything to deter that helps it. you must be one of them...:p

CS isn't a realism-based FPS, it's no Tom Clancy. It's an arcade shoot-em-up game.

The AWP is already nerfed, you can't kill 5+ people rushing you anymore, so how much more do you want them to deter it? When the game is played how it's meant to be played(competitively, because they use strategies to complete objectives, unlike in public servers where everyone runs around), the awp plays a great role for both teams, and 1.6 is quite even in that respect.

Source however, is just terrible.

I suggest you post your suggestions on GotFrag forums.
if you guys were good as me, and had controlled aim.
you could play in a ff server and not even know it was ff till u see that"x has attacked a teammate".

it really doesnt matter for me, but thats why they got thousands of servers out there.
you dont like one, please leave because there are plenty out there.

ff in public servers is a NO NO
fromage said:
I suggest you post your suggestions on GotFrag forums.

I would like to see that. It would be hilarious seeing how bad he would be ripped apart.
astern said:
I'm sorry to say, but it's because of people like you that CS has gone downhill over the years. The game no longer takes any skill whatsoever to play, and it's lost it's fun because it's getting too realistic. The game was near perfect around 1.3, and the only decent change that Valve has made in years is the money change, but because bad players kept pushing for the game to become easier, it's only gotten worse.

Source is for the bad pubbers, go there and never come back.

so, you still play 1.3???

Just wow..

Regardless what happens to counter-strike, people will still play it.
If the game changes, you can either change with it or move on.
Yes you can complain how "gay" x version of the game is.. but
you know what? It's been done over and over before. Some people
adapted, some quit, and apparently some STILL troll forums complaining
how better "x" version is cause they could bunny hop in circles around you
while awping everyone with the quick reload glitch and no recoil penalty.

"OMG cS retale ish teh gayzor! They rUN liKe faGzoRs!"
"OMGWTFBBQ mY Mp5 sKiLLz Ish nO gudd FIX mp5 plz!!!"
"plz chg cs bk 2 vr7.1 so I cn ownzors those nubs!"

As for friendly fire? I prefer it when proper anti tk are installed on the server
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