Crysis: Bind a key to a suit mode?


Oct 10, 2007
Is there a way to bind a key directly to a suit mode, rather than doing MOUSE3, and then moving my mouse. The 2nd method is obviously stupid and takes too long.

You can do this in Half life and all source games.
go into you options and in that screen where you choose your crosshair you will see something called suit shortcuts, check that. You can then do things quicker but double tapping buttons.

Speed: Double tap left shift while pressing forward
Strength: Double tap melee or the jump button
Cloak: Double tap crouch
Armor: Double tap backwards button

I kept switching back and forth between the GUI and the shortcuts for some reason still.
Open the options screen, and under one of the menus (game settings I think?) there is an option "Suit Shortcuts" or something like that.
Enable it.

Then once enabled, you can tap spacebar twice to strength mode, crouch twice to cloak, shift twice to speed etc
Hold V and then press 1-4 for the different modes.
I wish I had found out about this sooner than halfway through the game :(
Anyone get the suit functions to work on a G15 macro key? Sounds promising (mine doesn't arrive for another few days, so...:p).
well I want to just press 1 button. And also i want to press the a different button than they ask.