Critique wether or not should get this Dell 700m


Mar 20, 2002
P-M 1.6 GHz wxga
free upgrade to 512 mb (2 dimms)
24x cdrw/dvdrom
40 gb hardrive
free upgrade to intel pro wireless
upgrade 8 cell battery

all for $1256. And I should be able to call in and get 8% student discount

Looks good to me and would be a upgrade over my Inspiron 8200 (p4m 1.6 ghz)

What do you guys think? Should I add anything else? I just need something with really good battery life for web surfing, DVD watching (and xvid/divx), SNES emulation, maybe some light RTS like WC3.

Looking forward to input :)
Be sure to check the dell outlet. Have had an inspirasion 5160 for a little over a week now. From what I remember they have a billion kazillion xxxm lappys for cheap from there.
mrtheshaggy said:
Be sure to check the dell outlet. Have had an inspirasion 5160 for a little over a week now. From what I remember they have a billion kazillion xxxm lappys for cheap from there.


not bad seeing a 1.8 Ghz one for $1084. But only has CDRW and 256 memory.

How reliable are refurbs and what is warranty?
I just got a 700m using the $750 off $1500 coupon that floated around a few weeks ago and I've been using it for the past two weeks or so. I't a great laptop overall. I'm particularly loving the screen.

If you are concerend about good battery life make sure you get the 8-cell battery. It sticks out of the back of the laptop a bit but it will give you between 4-5 hours of battery life. The standard battery will give you two hours at most and I would not recommend even getting it. Dell does offer the primary battery to be upgraded to an 8-cell.

If you are concerned about buying refurb, don't. They are a great deal. We've purchased quite a few of them at work and haven't had any issues. The only thing with the refurbs is that they probably don't come with the upgraded battery so you'll have to find one that does. Refurbs usually come with a standard 1 year warranty which can be upgraded as well.