Creative SB XiFi Titanium Fatal1ty Professional Install Nightmare.....


Limp Gawd
Dec 7, 2003
I reinstalled Windows 7 and successfully updated the Fatalitys driver to the most version. Installed the most recent driver version 266.58 with release date of 1/11/2011 for my 480 vid card. The Fatality card showed up in the device manager with most recent driver and operating fully functional. while set as default device the test showed the card working. however i was not having sound coming out of my 5.1 speakers. played an mp3 in windows media player and the card showed it was operating. tested speaker output in sound and they showed to be functioning. made sure no mute settings were present. i made sure my bios settings had not changed with onboard sound disabled. it was still set as disabled.

At a loss as to why no sound coming out of speakers i reinstalled windows 7 and my old audigy 27 card. updated soundcard drivers and the 480 with most recent drivers. same result with sound card reported as fully functional but no sound from seakers. prior to installing the fatality this audigy 2z worked fine. it had older version of drivers for video card though.

i reinstalled windows 7 for a third time with the fatality card. still no sound from speakers.

i contacted evga support and he stated i may be having a conflict with the 480s integrated sound output with most recent driver. he suggested i remove driver to vid card and reinstall it with custom install and uncheck everything but the actual driver itself.

anyone else have similar issues with sound card installition?

I disabled my ATI HDMI out because I do not use it on this box. Also, can you be sure to click your speakers (x-fi) and choose "set as default device". do you have any NVIDIA entries in your sound applet of the control panel?
My sound playback applets looks just like the one you have depicted except my hdmi display is enabled. My speakers are set up as default and under test mode or media player shows active by green bar moving. Also my pass through device is listed as xifi and I think it is spdf output. I'm currently at work and do not have acess to my pc.

Should I attempt to disable the monitor hdmi applet and see if it works before uninstalling the evga 480 driver?

I assume I should go the easier route first before uninstalling driver to vid card.
"Should I attempt to disable the monitor hdmi applet and see if it works before uninstalling the evga 480 driver?"

For the Creative card to work right it needs to be check as default under the control panel. Yes, disable your HDMI temporarily and see if your card functions properly.
I have a GTX 460 and Fatal1ty X-Fi Titanium Pro running Win7 64-bit. Didn't have any conflicts with the latest drivers from each company. Sorry, no suggestions, but you asked if anyone else had problems.


Screenshot of my settings and one with sound test enabled. Still no sound coming out of speakers.
still no sound from speakers. Tonight I will disable card activate onboard sound in bios and test my speakers with onboard sound. If no sound comes out of speakers w onboard sound maybe there is a chance the speakers took a dump on me. I will also be using ear plug phones to test output for sound. I unfortunately obly have the usb G35 headphones and aren't compatible with this card.
If speakers have no output sound with the audigy 2Z n the fatility and onboard sound, then sure its the speakers. If speakers work with onboard sound then its cards probabvly. If fatality works with earphones then sure it will be speakers.

Any other test to confirm speakers?

Sorry for horrible tytping but at work w restricted/monitored internet usage and using crapberry.
I'm not at home so don't know the specifics... But if you're using 5.1 speakers are you using a digital connection? Under properties for "Speakers" is there a tab for Digital I/O? There's a check box there that needs to be enabled.
That could be possible and I am using 5.1 speakers. That would also explain no sound output from speakers also on 2 different soundcards. I may have had it checked on audigy 2z I installed 6-7 mnths ago prior to installing the fatality. Don't rem$eber how I originally configured it.
I'm not at home so don't know the specifics... But if you're using 5.1 speakers are you using a digital connection? Under properties for "Speakers" is there a tab for Digital I/O? There's a check box there that needs to be enabled.

I do not see such a tab for digital I/o setting under properties for speakers.

I plugged in my blackberry earphones into the fatality card and it worked. I still can not get sound out of speakers.

I think it may be a setting with darn speaker settings.
my speakers are an old set of creative inspire 5.1 5300 set. just saving up the coin to update but they do the job. I believe they are analog.
Creative Inspire 5.1 5300 :

"Since there's no 5.1 decoder included in the package, you'll need to run these speakers through one (such as a stand-alone unit or a sound card with a built-in 5.1 decoder). There's also no digital input, so you can only run these from an analog source."
Ok so the blackberry headphones worked out of the fatality card? Did you ever get any sound out of the speakers when you tested them? I'm assuming the way its set up now is that there are 3 plugs going into the sound card which are probably green/orange/black. If you take one of those (the green should be front left and right so I would use that) and plug it into a phone/mp3 player/cd player or whatever you should get sound. If not then the speakers aren't plugged into the wall, turned on, the volume isn't turned up on them, or they are shot.

The only other thing I can think of is that you have something plugged into the headphone jack on the speaker control pod and its coming out of there instead of the speakers.
How are your speakers hooked up? Digital Optical cable, Digital Coax, or the triple Analog connector (Front, surround, center/sub)?

If its digital, and your speakers don't have a decoder, then you'll need to use the analog connection. However, if your speakers have a decoder, the you need to enable the digital Encoder in the Creative drivers...either the dolby digital or DTS option...depending on your speakers. This was already posted above, but I'm not sure if you understood what the guy was saying or not.
They are hooked up with triple analog connector with black, orange, and green. They are color coded and hooked up correctly. These speakers worked 3 days ago right before I installed this card. I then uninstalled it and reinstalled my audigy 2z card that I had prior and it no longer plays sound also. Speakers volume is all the way up and they are plugged in wall and i tested all connections.
I am going to enable onboard sound through bios and unisntall soundcard and see if they play that way.
Well just enabled evga onboard sound and speakers did not play any sound just like my other 2 soundcards. took my blackberry ear bud speakers and plugged into green port and played music just like it did with green port on the x fi card. I think my creative inspire 5.1 5300 speakers are no longer working. had them since 2002 and wonder if they just went out. think i will have to take to brother's house and see if they work on his pc. time to save and upgrade time.
Did you try taking the green cable out of the sound card and plugging it into your blackberry? It does sound like the speakers went out which sucks but that is one more quick test you can try before lugging them over to someone else's house.
Speakers probably nuked a fuse. It can happen...especially on older speaker sets. You might be able to fix it...though a new set is probably a good idea. Its been 9 years...they've served you well!
Plugged green cable into blackberry and nothing. Speakers seem dead. any suggestions on how i can replace the fuse.
Open up the amp and take a look. I was just taking a 9 years old, it could be a million different issues.
Google is my friend, lmao. I opened it up last night. I'm a gov tax auditor but have high aptitude with mechanicals skills since age of 14. Always hated and still hate electrical problems. I tore it apart last night but to remove panel I had to take out solder iron to take off solder off of speaker wire to panel. Then I guess I will start testing leds with volt meter and find fuse. Not end of world. Unfortunately this weekend I'm replacing front suspension on a 2008 Dodge Quad cab for someone. I may just put some money away for the logitech 5500 when they go on sale. Meanwhile ill tinker w it and use my g35 headphones.