Creating a cron job that also has a file/txt with it?

Jan 24, 2002
I'm new to Cron Jobs... but I would like to try something to make it a little easier on myself here at work.

I have a template that I use that's in txt /text file. It looks like this:

Backup Group name1 via Legato:

Backup Group name2 via Legato:


It is only 15 groups so it's not a big file persay just long. I check the status of my backups and then log it as successful or not... 99% they are.

I would like to create a cron job so that it has this template in it and can simply email me everyday M-F this template so that way I can just fill it in, save it and be done.

I am currently running Fedora 7 on my pc.

Thanks for the help in advance,
If I understand you correctly and you would just like this text document sent to you daily you could do something as simple as this as long as your server has the "mail" command.

open up your crontab (crontab -e) and put this on a new line

0 6 * * 1-5 /bin/mail -s "SUBJECT" "[email protected]" < /path/to/template/file

This will send you your template at 6:00am every Monday-Friday