Aug 15, 2003
Craigslist is a site dedicated to connecting people in many major metropolitan communities.

So why is this a hot deal?

1. They have FS/FT sections where locals sell stuff for cheap. Keep in mind that local = no shipping.
Live in LA and want a 19" monitor for $40 or less? here you go
Live in NYC and want the same deal? here you go

2. They have a free section where people just give stuff away.
Live in Houston and need a school bus? free for the taking - no joke
Live in Seattle and need clothing? take your pick

You get the idea. All sections are searchable, so you can find stuff quickly. Also, there's a ton of info about local events and groups. This isn't a tradition hot deal, but I find it a very valuable resource and I think some of you will too.

There are some nice deals to be had, it may be used but since they are in yer area you can inspect them when you buy it.
you'd think you'd notice that the site in all 6 of those links is "craig's list", not craiglist.
some cities have better tech deals than orders. but its always a good idea to search up in them once in a while. but buyer beware: best bet to checkout the item in person before buying it. i once got a cisco 2950 switch for about 50 bucks. it turned on and everything. but ididnt have a console cable to check it. 4 weeks later when i had time to turn it on and see it boot, BANG...hardware errors left and right. none of the switch ports were functional. no wonder it was so cheap. So do your homework before you go and buy anything.
Great for selling stuff locally but there's way too many idiots on there that try to run their business off of the computer forums. They build systems bought from zzf,cv, or newegg and then try to sell them on there at some overpriced godawful amount.

It's quite annoying. It's rare to find a "good" deal anymore. You've gotta look online for that kinda stuff.
I put my Dell SC420 on it, one of the ones from the deal Dell had like a year ago, nobody seems to be biting though :(
i sold a toilet for 50 bucks on the site and bought a new dell 1704pvt monitor for 250
I've had good luck with Craigslist, usually buying things that are way, way underpriced and resell them on eBay. Cellphones worth $150 selling for $50 because they're changing providers, and can't use it anymore... etc. I have never purchased something I couldn't test at the time that I bought it.

Tip: If you're buying a monitor, take along a laptop to test it using external VGA. :)

Beware though... free to list means that it's also free to come up with the most rediculous excuse for not selling something - example: Yeah that $60 20GB iPod I was selling that I've had for over a year, well I finally dropped it/sister made me keep it/friend wanted to buy it/blah blah blah.

Flakey for sure. eBay does have this problem but since they make you still pay for listing the item, you don't get it quite so much.
Ok, I've been selling on Craiglist frequently for about a year now. Old stuff, new stuff, good deals, even buyin and reselling stuff FROM Craigslist.

Anything with DELL in the name, don't bother trying to sell it. There are dozens of scammers and horrible resellers that buy a $400 dell and try to sell it for $1200. Since that's a daily thing, most people just don't buy them.

Ipods. NEVER buy an Ipod from anyone on CL. Very often, these people are scammers as well. It's amazing that they can sell an empty box for $200 bucks eh?

Oh, and if you sell anything, NEVER sell it to someone demanding that you take a bidpay or western union payment. These are well known CL scams. Never take CODs either. The best way to handle CL is to only make deals with people you can meet face to face.
Craigslist == PURE CRACK

I'd say nearly everytime I visit craigs list I buy something.

So far:
1 - LaserDisc Player & 200+ Discs (don't ask), resold most of the discs for the cost of the player & discs.
1 - Broken 19" LCD $80, fixed for $100 power inverter on ebay. Retail price $400+ sweet deal, stupid seller.
1 - 1984 Mercedes Benz 300SD Turbo Diesel 130,000 miles @ $3000. Wrecked old car, cashed out insurance. Fixed Benz for $2000, now is my daily driver. Invested about an additional $1000, so far.
1 - Computer system. Saw a deal for a P4 for $500, looked like a decent system, didn't bother reading the rest of the ad, only read the first 2 or 3 sentences. Showed up at the guy's house, he gave me: 1 custom system P4 2.4GHZ, 1GB RDRAM (expensive stuff), 200GB RAID, decent sound, decent mb, DVD-RW; 1 set of logitech surround sound speakers (retail $200); 1 MS force feedback joystick; 1 19" Samsung LCD monitor (retail $400+); 1 PDA; some software; logitech laser mouse & wireless keyboard. As he was filling the cart, which I brought, the LCD was the last thing he put in it .. I almost sh*t my pants.

So, yeah, there are good deals, just don't go insane like me.
Oh and when you sell something, sell it away from your home/business. Meet at a store or something. You wouldn't believe the amount of weirdos/nerds/whatever that want to buy from you. They want to be your best friend suddenly and wont leave.

I've had that happen once and now I wont even sell from the house.
craigslist is good, yes!

However if your trying to sell anything dont expect what its actually worth, especially in my area ( its just full of lowballer's.

Anyways, ive gotten 3 different jobs in under a year off of it, so its good for other things too.