CPU compatibity


Limp Gawd
Oct 30, 2008
The last support list from Abit regarding the IP35-e motherboard is from July 2008 and it doesn't show if an intel Q9650 would run on this board. So my question is, has anyone run this chip on this board or heard of anyone who has or is running it successfully, and if not, what is your opinion of it possibly working.
The reason is I see that the price for it has dropped to 330.00;)

You should try updating the BIOS and see if that works. And the P35 chipset is kinda outdated so it would make some sense that it won't support newer 45nm CPU's.
It does support 45nm CPU's. According to the last support list from Abit the Q9550 works but with the list ending in July 08,it doesn't list the Q9650 and I was curious if it worked on a IP35-e.
I'd update to the most recent bios and then plug in the CPU. I don't think you'd have a problem.
One way or another the Q9650 should work, although if your BIOS doesn't officially support it the chip may not be detected properly. However, since it supports other 45nm quads, it should function fine with the Q9650 as well.