Corsair Expert PC3200XL. Some help?


Jul 16, 2003
I have a DFI Lan Party SLI-DR Board with a a64 3700+ San Diego

The ram on my machine is Corsair Expert PC3200XL

Now i have been able to get 10x280 Stable with the help of (cf)Eclipse and his memory knowlege

Now my problem is i am trying to really stable this machine at 2900, 10x290

now if i do 281 it fails prime within 1 hour.

my ram timings are at 3-4-4-8 1:1 DDR560

The others i would have to write down and post here... which i can do in a few.

my problem is did i hit the ceiling? i don't think i did cause i can 9x300 with ram at 1:1 prime stable for 16 hours (wanted to play fear)

is there anyone here that knows what good timings i can use for my ram? and has had any experience with this kinda setup.

Any help would be helpful. btw i also got A64 Tweaker. :D

Thank you in advanced for the help
sounds like you're hitting the cpu limit at 280x10

if your ram can do it.. 311x9 would work

or try to tighten timings up at 280mhz.. 2.5-4-3 may be doable, 2.5-3-3 if you're really lucky
what is really catching me is i can't get 9x300 anymore....there has to be somthing i am doing wrong here
probably one of the random timings in that memory menu ;)

which bios are you using?