Copying files without changing file dates possible? (Windows 7)


Limp Gawd
Feb 27, 2012
I recently reinstalled Windows, but not before making a backup of the entire hard drive, and now that I've got the system more or less working fine I want to copy the documents I have on my old drive. Problem is, using Windows file copy modifies the file creation dates - and I really don't want those to be changed.

I tried using Robocopy, but it kept complaining that the file location names were incorrect - apparently because the source folder has a space in the name... So I'm looking for another tool that can do the same without giving me headaches.

Can anyone help? Thanks!
If you're doing it from a command line you need to put the entire path in quotes.


C:\Program Files\My Stuff\Space Space Space\


"C:\Program Files\My Stuff\Space Space Space\"
I know. It didn't work, it kept thinking the second path began right after the space, even with the quotes.
Remove the ending slash from the source/destination folder.

For example:

robocopy D:\Music H:\Music /DCOPY:T /MIR