Cooler Master Centurion - weak fans?

rx jr.

Limp Gawd
Feb 6, 2008
I purchased a Cooler Master Centurion case about a month ago, and i'm really disappointed with the fans.... I put my hands right on the fans, and I barely feel the fans blowing air. anyone else with the case have this problem?

or am I just screwing things up again!?

Never had problems with mine. Sure you have it plugged into the correct molex?

rear case fan goes into case fan 1 on mobo

front case fan goes into case fan 2 on mobo

can't get more straightforward than that, right? ? ? ?

If they're the 0.06A fans, then they're low-RPM. The front case fan is 80mm, so it won't move much air anyway. Replace them with the medium-speed Yate Loons and be happy, that's what I did. Or better yet, move to an all-120mm case like the 690 and stick 6 fans in it if you want tons of air moving.
If they're the 0.06A fans, then they're low-RPM. The front case fan is 80mm, so it won't move much air anyway. Replace them with the medium-speed Yate Loons and be happy, that's what I did. Or better yet, move to an all-120mm case like the 690 and stick 6 fans in it if you want tons of air moving.
i just checked and it's 0.16A. horrible! it moves less than 11CFM, and I know this because it moves less air than my other Cooler Master fan!!


same problem with the 80mm in the front... no difference in speed when I plug it into a 4-pin. disappointed.

what is this medium speed yate loon you speak of?