Coolant, Tubing, & Fan Questions

Mr. Scary

Apr 10, 2010
Haven't posted here before/much but i do lurk frequently! LOL!!! I need some advice from some pro's and guru's! 8) :mrgreen: 8)

First off, i've been comtemplating whether or not to go colored tubing or colored coolant!?!?!?! Decisions, decisions, huh?
I guess the end result is that i'm looking for a really 'cool'(LOL) deep looking, bright UV glowing, PURPLE!!!!! The build's name is The Grape so you can guess...... I have plenty of UV lights to do the job!
I guess if i go with the colored coolant i can always change down the road if i'm bored, that's a plus. BUT, i have clear tubing in another build with Thermaltake UV Green liquid and it does glow&look pretty cool.
Some background and system info:
The entire loop is going to be 1/2" ID, almost all compression fittings. (Koolance, i'm a fan :wink: )
It'll have 4 8800GT's waterblocked on an MSI P6n Diamond mobo, with the cpu being an OC'd E8200 with an Apogee GT for it's cooling. It'll have probably 3 individual loops, the first 2 gpu's cooled by an Exos 2.5, the second loop with a dual bay res/pump going through an XPCS RS360 cooling the bottom 2 gpu's. 3rd loop will be for the cpu with a Corsair H50. I might combine the #2&3 loop though depending on what the interior finally winds up looking like,,,,but,,,,3 loops and 3 different UV colors would be waaaaay yummmmmmmmy!!!!!! The PSU is an OCZ Game XStream 850W.

Sooooo,,,the question(s) is/are:::
what brand of liquid?
what coloring OR dye/dye bomb recommendatons or suggestions, if i can't get purple liquid?
Any land mines i need to know about when using 'dye'?
Any one better for cooling and longevity than the other? a couple of degree's one way or the other isn't gonna cause me any loss of sleep!

If colored tubing instead of liquid, what brand?
I think the tygon tubing is to think for my compression fittings, and actually to much $$ anyway for the old budget, so i think if i go i'll go Koolance, but open to some comments, past experience, and or suggestions :LOL:
Bends & bending shouldn't be a problem as the inside of the case is pretty good size and i have a boat load of fittings to do with and get to where i need to go.

Last and finally,,,,ummmmmm,,,,,FANS!!!!!
they need to be 120mm, but,,,,,::::
what brand?
what size thickness(?) wise
colored frames or UV lighted?(can you even get uv lighted fans?
AND, speaking of that, are there fans that are UV Painted or Coated?
I know this has been a novel! Thanks for the patience :? !!!
Any comments, suggestions, or past experience on any of the points above would be much appreciated! This is another dedicated folder in honor of my mother who has Alzheimer's and newly diagnosed with Dementia :cry: !!!

Thanks again all for any reply(s).

Mr.(tryin' to put the pieces together)$cary!!
These days, the trend is to not use any type of coolant or "non-conductive" fluid. They tend to gum up after a period of use and are a PAIN to clean out of your waterblocks. Using regular distilled water, a biocide (PTNuke or silver coil), and UV or colored tubing seems to be the best route.
I am a fan of the Feser colored tubing. They are anti-kink, and aren't hard to work with. I am using 1/2" ID, Dark Blue UV Feser. If you use compression fittings, make sure to pick the right compression fitting for your tubing's OD as well as ID! 1/2"ID comes in 5/8" OD and 3/4" OD iirc.

I bought a bunch of Scythe fans and are a little less than thrilled, pretty quiet, but not as much airflow as I was expecting. I added 2 more Noiseblocker Multiframes and am very happy with them, although they are a bit pricey. I run 3 Scythe S-Flex pushing air into my radiator, and 2 NB's pulling them out (I can't run a third because of my case, or I would).
Thanks ChuclesC6 for the reply.
i am gonna go the distilled and silver coil route with colored tubing on this build.
which fans are still up in the air, LOL!!!!

tx again!
