Connecting my network- M>PC>R>PC's


Limp Gawd
Sep 27, 2003
Since BT(BitTorrent) always makes my router drop internet connection to all the computers in my house...
i want to set it up so that, the modem connects to my computer, then goes out NIC, into router ( dont know if i should just use one of the regular ports, or somehow setup to WAN port ) then to the rest of computers in house...
The computer that is connected directly to the cable modem is on Windows Server 2003, and the rest of computers are WinXP Pro, and one Win98.

I tryed to setup VPN/NAT, but once i started to get somewhere, i didnt know how to finish it, and when i would enable the NIC that was leading to router, it would not allow me to use internet, unless i disabled TCP/IP

How should i setup my arrangement, and the modem is not moving...