CONFIRMED. nVidia RTX 2080 Ti 50% faster in games over the 1080 Ti!

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Oh boy, I wonder what you think about Titan V SLI owners. Or practically anyone into a hobby lol.

Don’t go into the Hobby section of GenMay. You’ll lose your mind.

I'd rather have a $1,200 GPU than most new laptops for $1,200. And definitely the 2070 over $600 laptops. I just test them for 20 seconds at Costco and feel sad. The most expensive XPS 13 they have is good but it soars past $1,200.

But that was true in 2005 and I did get a $1,000 one where you had to buy a separate wireless card. So maybe it is old news and bashing HP or Lenovo is played out.
I'd rather have a $1,200 GPU than most new laptops for $1,200. And definitely the 2070 over $600 laptops. I just test them for 20 seconds at Costco and feel sad. The most expensive XPS 13 they have is good but it soars past $1,200.

But that was true in 2005 and I did get a $1,000 one where you had to buy a separate wireless card.

I have absolutely no idea why you are comparing a portable laptop with a dedicated desktop GPU. Even in your case the comparison is apples to oranges. They are irrelevant to one another. I am not sure what the point of the comparison is other than justifying the purchase.

You are telling me that my 15 inch Omen 15 laptop that I just got on the side with 1060 and i7 6 core processor with 16gb of memory is not worth 1200? Common man! Someone wants to buy a 2080 ti all power to them. They have their reasons, but to compare a 1200 GPU to a laptop that is 13 inch have two different purposes. I am not sure why one needs to justify their purchase on top even worse compare it to a laptop makes no sense.
Not even close. I understand the human condition of obsessive compulsive ignorance. They are simply addicts. Addicts do illogical foolish things.

So do you just horde your money? How do you determine what is reasonable or not? What if the Titan V owners make in a day what you make in a month? Should they be as frugal?
So do you just horde your money? How do you determine what is reasonable or not? What if the Titan V owners make in a day what you make in a month? Should they be as frugal?

I personally use my money for more fruitful purposes but to each their own. One mans fool is another mans prophet.
I have absolutely no idea why you are comparing a portable laptop with a dedicated desktop GPU. Even in your case the comparison is apples to oranges. They are irrelevant to one another. I am not sure what the point of the comparison is other than justifying the purchase.

You are telling me that my 15 inch Omen 15 laptop that I just got on the side with 1060 and i7 6 core processor with 16gb of memory is not worth 1200? Common man! Someone wants to buy a 2080 ti all power to them. They have their reasons, but to compare a 1200 GPU to a laptop that is 13 inch have two different purposes. I am not sure why one needs to justify their purchase on top even worse compare it to a laptop makes no sense.

But Acer has a $999 IPS laptop with the 1060 and i7-7700HQ since that is from 2017. So does Lenovo for $950 at Costco, though they say LED not IPS so it might be TN. 16GB RAM. You're a pretty early adopter of Coffee Lake mobile i7's.
But Acer has a $999 IPS laptop with the 1060 and i7-7700HQ since that is from 2017. So does Lenovo for $950 at Costco, though they say LED not IPS so it might be TN. 16GB RAM. You're a pretty early adopter of Coffee Lake mobile i7's.

No I am not lol. I got the laptop for 1199. it came with 2 more cores. Runs at 3.5ghz all cores even under extreme load. Most of the time during gaming it runs from 3.5-3.9ghz. It has IPS panel, it had 128gb nvme drives + 1tb 7200rpm storage drive. It has dual cooling solution that doesn't overheat, latest thunderbolt port. Standard gtx 1060 that is not the slowed down version. Boosts to 1700-1800 under games.

All that for 200 more! Laptop like that is worth absolute every dollar. I mean I am not paying almost double the amount from the laptops you have mentioned.
what is confirmed about the new architecture that it has 50% faster per core performance than that of Pascal.

Nvidia uses the same number of Volta, that it's shader cores are 50% more efficient. What's also interesting is Turing's published FP32 TFLOP numbers are no better than Volta's.

No I am not lol. I got the laptop for 1199. it came with 2 more cores. Runs at 3.5ghz all cores even under extreme load. Most of the time during gaming it runs from 3.5-3.9ghz. It has IPS panel, it had 128gb nvme drives + 1tb 7200rpm storage drive. It has dual cooling solution that doesn't overheat, latest thunderbolt port. Standard gtx 1060 that is not the slowed down version. Boosts to 1700-1800 under games.

All that for 200 more! Laptop like that is worth absolute every dollar. I mean I am not paying almost double the amount from the laptops you have mentioned.

And people will buy a 2080 Ti with a cooling solution that doesn't overheat, great boost clocks, latest USB Type-C port offering VirtualLink support for VR headsets, etc. Hopefully quiet as well. Maybe they're actually similar instead of apples and oranges. I'd rather have the MSI 2080 Ti than an MSI gaming laptop.
The amount of people here getting offended is quite appalling, it is comical how much effort is being put on attacking or defending the price point of the card.
I feel like if these early adopters were as excited and confident about these new cards as they claim to be that they wouldn't have this hostile response to not being validated by those choosing to wait and see.

It's quite entertaining.
I feel like if these early adopters were as excited and confident about these new cards as they claim to be that they wouldn't have this hostile response to not being validated by those choosing to wait and see.

It's quite entertaining.

I see hostile response from both sides, it is one thing to be critical about the performance of the card since it is about the company but another thing to criticize the purchase or non purchase of said card by the person since it doesn't affect anyone.
I see hostile response from both sides, it is one thing to be critical about the performance of the card since it is about the company but another thing to criticize the purchase or non purchase of said card by the person since it doesn't affect anyone.

Well I am not sure it can't affect the other. If enough people choose to purchase then Nvidia will keep the price high and I think that is why people are so vocal about it right now. In the end it doesn't matter as you will never sway someones idea of value. To me they are seriously overpriced but I am not going to brow beat someone because they spent more money then I think it's worth.
Your brain seems to lack the processing power to comprehend that plenty of people have disposable income and they like to spend it on stuff that entertains them and gives them enjoyment.

Fun part is that I spend more money on traveling to and attending Systema seminars around Europe than I spend on hardware...but then again I work in enterprise, so I got earn a decent living allowing me to pursue my hobbies.
I enjoy my life.

I guess I rather be a "happy fool" doing what I like and earning enough to do it, than be a "wise man" filled with envy and anger and not making a lot of money.
Your brain seems to lack the processing power to comprehend that plenty of people have disposable income and they like to spend it on stuff that entertains them and gives them enjoyment.

Negative. There is no such thing as disposable income. Every cent counts when it is applied toward positive fruitful endeavors. Paying $1200 for a video card that really isnt needed what so ever to play games even REALLY WELL is foolish. Even the words "disposable income" scream FOOL lol.
Namecalling / Insults
Negative. There is no such thing as disposable income. Every cent counts when it is applied toward positive fruitful endeavors. Paying $1200 for a video card that really isnt needed what so ever to play games even REALLY WELL is foolish. Even the words "disposable income" scream FOOL lol.
At this point you either have to be trolling or you have reached new levels of idiocy.
The amount of butt-hurt in this thread is epic to another level.

Particularly from the folks bashing 2080 Ti buyers. Wow, lol.

Like they want control other people and what they do or don’t do with their money.

What is it to you if somebody buys a Porsche when they really only need a Corolla? Is there this level of butt-hurt then?

What an awful, miserable way to view life.

Giving skewed lessons of economics to a group of enthusiasts. I think there’s something wrong with these people.
why does thread say TI but article does not reference the TI?

Probably because the OP bought a ti.

2080ti has 21% more CUDA cores than the 1080ti.

2080 has 15% more CUDA cores than the 1080.

The deltas should be similar.
The amount of butt-hurt in this thread is epic to another level.

Particularly from the folks bashing 2080 Ti buyers. Wow, lol.

Like they want control other people and what they do or don’t do with their money.

What is it to you if somebody buys a Porsche when they really only need a Corolla? Is there this level of butt-hurt then?

What an awful, miserable way to view life.

Giving skewed lessons of economics to a group of enthusiasts. I think there’s something wrong with these people.

The amount of butt-hurt in this thread is epic to another level.

Particularly from the folks bashing 2080 Ti buyers. Wow, lol.

Like they want control other people and what they do or don’t do with their money.

What is it to you if somebody buys a Porsche when they really only need a Corolla? Is there this level of butt-hurt then?

What an awful, miserable way to view life.

Giving skewed lessons of economics to a group of enthusiasts. I think there’s something wrong with these people.

I don't see it has bashing the 2080 TI buyers did you read all 6 pages of this thread! or just the ones that made up your mind to bash us, we are only give our own opinions because Nvidia is been soo secretly over the performance of card this time round and yes IMO it's a big risk buying into a new graphics system based on unproven tech at $1200, But for those who have pre order that's there choice they will have to live with it if it don't live up to their expectations. Like I said before on another page, also no one is control other people minds here as you put it, many of us have been around computers for long time we call it given advice what you do with that advice is another matter. yes we angry at NVidia mainly for the prices also the lack of information on the card I don't trust Nvidia and it's marketing ways they have lied before I can't speak for everyone one on here that's true everyone on here want the pieces of the action to give their opinions until the card are released then we will know for sure what the benchmarks are then another new thread will start again, and maybe another bashing on cards who knows!

Just like Todd Howard would say it just works!

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I don't see it has bashing the 2080 TI buyers did you read all 6 pages of this thread! or just the ones made up your mind to bash us, we are only give our own opinions because Nvidia is been soo secretly over the performance of card this time round and yes IMO it's a big risk buying into a new graphics system based on unproven tech at $1200, But for those who have pre order that's there choice they will have to live with it if it don't live to their expectations. Like I said before on another page, also no one is control other people minds here as you put it, many of us have been around computers for long time we call it given advice what you do with that advice is another matter. yes we angry at NVidia mainly for the prices also the lack of information on the card I don't trust Nvidia and it's marketing ways they have lied before I can't speak for everyone one on here that's true everyone on here want the pieces of the action to give their opinions until the card are released then we will know for sure what the benchmarks are then another new thread will start again, and maybe another bashing on card who knows!

Just like Todd Howard would say it just works!

I don't see a big risk... one could just cancel the order if benches don't meet expectations. This assumes that the reviews post in advance of the 20th. If they don't post by the 19th, then bail? My guess is that benches would need to be significantly different than what has already been rumored in order for early adopters to bail at this point.
Blah blah
Still trying desperately to convince others. Make your opinion known and move on.
I preordered and there’s absolutely nothing you can tell me that would have changed my mind.
I game at 4K and need a card faster than a 1080 Ti, got it? I’ve been doing graphics cards refreshes since graphics cards, mmmk?
Plenty of us are going to own a 2080 Ti despite whatever comes of the reviews.
Plenty of us could care less about RT and just need horsepower, which the 2080 Ti delivers.
And to the folks that ARE attempting to give economics lessons, disposable money etc, good luck with that one. Keep dragging it on though.
I'm betting $100 that the 2080 Ti will be more or less 50% better than the 1080 Ti. Don't believe me? Take me up on the wager.

It seems poeple will whine to the max...but not actually put their money where there mouth is ;)
It seems poeple will whine to the max...but not actually put their money where there mouth is ;)
it seems Factum is a broken record LMAO.
Anyone know who this guy keeps trying to bet with? And what hes trying to prove?
Still trying desperately to convince others. Make your opinion known and move on.
I preordered and there’s absolutely nothing you can tell me that would have changed my mind.
I game at 4K and need a card faster than a 1080 Ti, got it? I’ve been doing graphics cards refreshes since graphics cards, mmmk?
Plenty of us are going to own a 2080 Ti despite whatever comes of the reviews.
Plenty of us could care less about RT and just need horsepower, which the 2080 Ti delivers.
And to the folks that ARE attempting to give economics lessons, disposable money etc, good luck with that one. Keep dragging it on though.

Like I said But for those who have pre order that's there choice they will have to live with it if it don't live up to their expectations got it? there is no game at 4K it's UHD only did you get that? And stop 'BS' me with your rant. I ask you question but it seems to me IMO that you didn't read all the six pages of this thread to know what's going on.
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I don't see a big risk... one could just cancel the order if benches don't meet expectations. This assumes that the reviews post in advance of the 20th. If they don't post by the 19th, then bail? My guess is that benches would need to be significantly different than what has already been rumored in order for early adopters to bail at this point.

Everyone to their own opinions on the matter I don't look at the crap on the internet Rumoured, Leaks, YouTube fan boys, BS marketing, and so on
it seems Factum is a broken record LMAO.
Anyone know who this guy keeps trying to bet with? And what hes trying to prove?

No he like to play this game where he is push you into an argument and then always thinks he is right at the end.
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Lower TFLOPs than Volta also does not equal 50% in performance increase. Wanna add some more, or is that the extend of your analysis?

Well, considering your example was talking about energy efficiency.. but here, this leaked 3dmark score shows that there is only a 7% increase in performance over the 1080ti.. no where near 50%

comparison graph:

actual article with the graph:

here is another one:
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