Configuring Cisco Access Points


Jan 8, 2003
So I'm more of a wired-networking guy and haven't done much with cisco APs ever, so while I know it's possible I'm not sure how to go about doing what I'm trying to do.

I have three buildings, our main office, a shop, and an outlying office. The shop and the outlying office are on more remote parts of our property, currently the shop connects back to our main office using a P2P wireless connection and gets it's network access, etc. and it works just fine. What I need to do is now connect the outlying office back to the main office as we are going to have people moving in there in the next few weeks or so. Unfortunately there's no line of sight, so my plan is to connect to the the shop with P2P wireless then use the shop to relay that connection back to the main office. I'm currently using Cisco 1240AG access points with dual-radios. So my setup is like this:


In the Shop (and in the Outlying Office) I have just a few PCs that hang off the Lan interface to get connectivity through a switch. There's no different subnet/vlans, etc that I need to deal with. The wireless is strictly for connectivity between buildings, no devices associate wirelessly. Since the APs have two radios I'm currently using a 2.4GHz radio to go from the Shop to the Main Office and plan to use the 5GHz radio between the shop and Outlying office.

So my question really is what does the configuration need to look like ok the shop and outlying office APs to make this work? I have the SSIDs configured with the correct keys, etc. It seems to me that my issue is setting up the bridging correctly, but I'm not sure. Like I said I'm familiar with Cisco, just not the wireless side of things so I'm hoping someone here can throw down a quick answer and I can get this banged out today or tomorrow. ;)

Thanks in advance for the help.

So apparently I've stumped the [H]orde... this might be the first time I've done that :p ;)
i dont use cisco stuff, but its possible.

you need a wireless bridge, you already have one bridges from main to the shop, now you just need one from shop to outlying office. as long as configured in same ip network you will be good.

i use Engenius gear or UBNT with great results and very cost effective.
^^ These guys have it right.
You need a wireless bridge from Point A to Point B, then another bridge from Point B to Point C.
If it's the same subnet; it's cake.