Computer shutting itself off


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 3, 2003
A while back my computer shut itself off. The NIC activity lights were lit, the standby lights on the motherboard were lit, and USB devices could charge. But when I pressed the power button, the PSU would make this short whine noise it usually does right at power on, the lights in the room would flicker like normal for when I turned it on, but the computer wouldn't start. I could make it try to power up again by holding down the power button for more than 4 seconds, waiting a moment, and then hitting it again.

I started tearing down the computer component by component, and then trying it again. After I took the sound card out and then tried the power, it finally roared to life. Unfortunately, all this did was make me intimately familiar with how Windows 10 will confuse my sound card for an older model when running hardware detection. Much later it happened again. During the course of that teardown, I discovered that some of the leads from some 3-pin Y cables had pulled out of their plugs. This could easily have led to a short-circuit should the lead make momentary contact with one of the other leads. I excised that entire fan circuit from my system and started it up again.

That wasn't the end of it. It's been happening with more and more frequency lately. I'm usually gaming when it happens, but they aren't particularly stressful games - usually CS:GO. Eventually I discovered that the teardown is an unnecessary step - just leave it alone for some time with the power unplugged. I haven't yet experimented as to whether even leaving it unplugged is necessary. Once it came back in as little as 30-60 seconds. The last time it happened, this evening, it took more than 15 minutes.

By now, I'm thinking that the PSU is the issue. Once it came back, I decided to try really stressing the PSU. I ran furmark for more than half an hour. I figure, something easy like CS:GO causes an issue, drawing this much power will make it fail for sure. No issues. I started up CS:GO. Power cut out in the middle of a match, again.

What further diagnostics could I perform to ensure that the PSU is the cause, short of just purchasing a new one and trying it out for a few weeks? As yet, I don't have a quick way to reproduce this issue. I once had a faulty Antec PSU that would shut off when you wiggled the cables coming out of it. I've wiggled everything I could think to get my hands on, no luck. I'm going to try running Furmark for a longer period, but I'd appreciate anything else you guy can think of.

My PSU is the Enermax MaxRevo 1500W from my sig. Rest of my specs can be seen there. I'm also running a custom WC loop not listed. I'm using a D5 pump.

If I buy a new PSU, I will likely get an EVGA Supernova 1300 G2 - I like the [H] Gold Award, 10 year warranty, and it should be more than enough for my setup. If I RMA my current unit, I'll likely also purchase that unit and sell what Enermax sends me, unless Enermax will do an advance exchange.

TL;DR: Computer shuts itself off. Will eventually let me turn it on after time passes unplugged. Can't be traced to cabling or any other specific hardware defect. Not easy to reproduce. Any suggestions for getting to the bottom of this?
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Sounds a lot like PSU capacitors failure.
Some PSUs, when they fail, will let you run benchmarks and stress tests without a hickup (probably putting out more ripple than normal, though) but fail when idling or during some sudden transient.

If you'd like to diagnose it, I'd advise against the popular idea of using a multimeter to tests individual rails. It's meaningless because sure it might show you a nice 12.3V output while in reality it's current output plummets during unfavourable conditions that last miliseconds and aren't even picked up by the meter.

However, do make sure the metal contact pins are fully inserted into all plastic casings (the plugs). For example, when I connect the ATX 20/24 pin mobo connector I always push the individual wires in down as well, to make sure one hadn't gotten stuck halfway.

Try to smell the exhaust grill. Sometimes it's a dead giveaway smoke went through there at some point.

If you are courageous and careful, and have a sitter with you should you get shocked, I'd open the PSU up and just look for heat damage (darkening) on the PCB and check for bulging capacitors.
+1 for the G2 supernova, the supeflower leadex platform is well know for stability and reliable power output. That 10 year warranty is just to get people to buy their product ;).. Sounds like the PSU is on its way out sadly.
lights flicker when you boot your PC?

if the PSU is out of warranty I would have a look at the caps for sure
Similar issue: During gamingsuddenly PC turns the screen black, monitor says "entering sleep mode", but the mobo error code shows nothing wrong, fans spin, like they did before, temps are in check.

I believe that less than one year old 650 XFX XTR should not have any issue with powering not oced 4790k and 980 Ti. Besides it never done this before. In 2d it works perfectly, and in 3d, it really depends - sometimes it doesn't "crash", sometimes it does, sometimes I can play for 2-3 hours, and sometimes it just goes down 10 minutes after play.

It's not the heat - I've put the fans on max spin - I've good Phantex fans - and all the temp readings are in normal. I downgraded the drivers to few versions back, and it's the same. Also switched off all Windows power saving issues.

I guess I'll have to buy new PSU, if it's the case. 650W should be enough for the signature setup, or should I go for 750-850?
Let's hope they're unrelated incidents, imagine another capacitor plague popup now and .. uhh... you get the picture...

OP mentioned something about uninsulated wires poking out.
Short-circuit protection is either completely off, or completely on. No LEDs, no short bursts of life.
I say this on the basis that I've seen it in action by accidentally touching +5 and case and by trying to power a 1 ohm inductor with the 12V rail.

So I'm betting on PSU caps.
Morgoth what company were you looking at?

Wattage-wise, you've got a lot of hefty components. 650W would only do if you got a really solid unit.
Left furmark running overnight. Used Insomnia to ensure it would stay awake. When I woke up and went to check on it, the computer was still running, but the screen was off. Moved the mouse to wake it up and it shut off. Would not start back up.

PSU should still be under warranty, so no cracking her open. Will provide a detailed accounting of what is hooked up to what rail when I am back.

As for short protection - isn't it possible to have the 12v rail disable itself due to a short, but still have the +5sb rail up? That's what I assumed happened when I thought this was caused by a short in the fan cables, but I no longer think this is related to a short in any external cables.
lights flicker when you boot your PC?

if the PSU is out of warranty I would have a look at the caps for sure

EVGA/Golden Flower would be first on my list. Then I'd look at Corsairs - and I'd like to keep below 150 euro budget, even if that would mean non modular design.
Image stolen from JonnyGURU's website.


  1. 12V1,12V2: Motherboard and EATX_12V1
  2. 12V6: GTX 980
  3. 12V5: GTX 980
  4. 12V4: EATX_12V2
  5. 12V6: WD 2TB Black, SSD, ODD
  6. 12V6: D5 pump, Lian Li 6-channel fan controller with 7 fans currently attached to 5 channels (prev 9).

I think I will try moving EATX_12V2 to the unused 12V3 and then move the drives, fans, and pump to 12V4, just to see what happens.

EVGA G2 1300 is on the way.
Was able to reproduce issue with the 12V rail switcheroo mentioned above, with the PSU outside the case, with a different power cord, with a different power outlet, and with the PSU connected directly to the power outlet without the surge suppressor in the way. CS:GO isn't so great at reproducing the issue anymore, but I've been able to reproduce it 100% by running furmark, waiting for the screen to shut off while furmark is still running, then moving the mouse.

G2 1300 isn't expected to arrive until Wednesday :(. Could have had the 1500 G2 or P2 this weekend but I decided it wasn't worth the extra $150+. If the G2 1300 works, I will try to get the Enermax RMAed.
So the new PSU came.

I hooked it up. The molex aux power port on the motherboard gave me a little trouble, but eventually it went in. Tried to start it up, power came on and immediately turned back off. Removing the molex aux power from the motherboard made the system able to stay on, but the system would no longer start. It will no longer start with either the old or the new PSU. Error code 61 on the onboard display, nothing on the monitor.

I believe now that I had the molex in upside-down. Interestingly enough, the molex from the EVGA PSU will happily slide right in, while a molex from my old Enermax won't go in the wrong way no matter how much I try.

Not sure what to do. I wonder if i should give up on computers. The motherboard is probably dead. I killed it.
idk i noticed more than one asus board go bad with that code..shit happens tbh...not sure it was really anything you did wrong...i would clear the cmos, check for updated if that don't work see about rma
Replacement board up and running. Unable to reproduce the original issue with old PSU using the furmark method. Is it too early to say that it must have been the motherboard all along?
It's starting again, this time with the new motherboard. First time it came right back up. Second time, the NIC lights would come on but the system would not start, even with power cycling the PSU. Took roughly half an hour.

EDIT: I can prove it is the old PSU. Got it to do it again (now it's starting a CS:GO match that triggers it, can't reproduce using the furmark method anymore), old PSU won't start PC, 550W PSU from my server will (though it immediately complains that I need to hook up power to the graphics cards). Plug original PSU back in, no joy.

Why it worked so well for the past week I have no idea. I think it just wanted me to send back its replacement - which I did two days ago. This started again yesterday.
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