compusa doom3


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2002
doom 3 is only 49.99 with $0.01 one day shipping at compusa. you have to add it to your cart to see the special price.
Yep, saw it today too.

I wonder if I can just pick it up instead.

However, if my Best Buy is one of the stores that gets to release the game midnight on the 3rd, that's where I'm headed!
this is pretty hot. even with tax, it's still about the same as it would cost me to go pick it up at best buy. thanks man.
Doesn't Best Buy usually discount games $5-10 the first week they are released?? Maybe im alone on this but $49.99 even if its after tax doesnt seem like anything warm much less hot.
Fry's Electronics will probably run the game for $39.99 or possibly less once it arrives. They always do that...
I dunno guys, consider it has been said that Activision has a $54.99 minimum advertised price for D3 on launch.

That being said I hope it sells for cheaper.
Jake said:
I dunno guys, consider it has been said that Activision has a $54.99 minimum advertised price for D3 on launch.

Where did you get that specific information? (source) will already let you pre-order for 47.99...I am willing to bet like the guy above stated that Fry's will have it for around 39.99 very soon. I picked up Far Cry there for $27.99 shortly after it was released.
Where did you get that specific information? (source)

In one of the 3-4 Doom3 interviews that were published in the past day or two. (From the horse's mouth)
i went to and they must have changed it already or it was a one day deal becuase its 54.99 with no shipping offers. :mad:
BSMaier said:
Doesn't Best Buy usually discount games $5-10 the first week they are released?? Maybe im alone on this but $49.99 even if its after tax doesnt seem like anything warm much less hot.

This is usually true, but on really hot games it can take months. I remember when Warcraft III came out. It took a long time before it went on sale. Hopefully I'm wrong.
megawzrd said:
i went to and they must have changed it already or it was a one day deal becuase its 54.99 with no shipping offers. :mad:

That's an internet price only
I just got Doom 3 from CompUSA for less than 60 dollars, with overnight shipping that cost me 1 cent. :D
Currently the Employee price at Best Buy is $1.05 for Doom3, I'm hoping it stays that price and if it doesn't I'm going to try and hold them to it... :D
Just confirmed, that $49.99 price is no longer valid at Compusa. Just as well, to save the $5 they would probably make you wait a week or two for delivery anyway.
First off, it is not the price mentioned in this post. It is for $54.99! Overnight shipping is free! Good.........however, the Compusa charges you tax! That's right TAX!! The tax in my case was $4.59. What kind of internet site charges taxes? What a joke. Sorry, but I'm not paying almost $60 for a game over the internet when I can walk into a store and pick it up for the same price.
lowstandards - the reason they charge you tax is because they have a presence in your state.
I am gunna get it from target. I am wokring overnight all this week and next week..they are gunna let me buy it the night of August 2nd (well, I spose I wot actualyl be paying till the 3rd)...i get off at 4AM, so I will have it bright and early....
Ordered mine. Yea those taxes sucked major ass. But I couldnt argue since it was free overnight shipping. I mean I highly doubt any place around me is gonna have it on the 3rd. Best Buy by me usually doesnt get games until a few days after the release and EB games sells out FAST. Hell, i went up there at 10 am on the release day of CoD and got the very last one.
Your best chance is to live in the ghetto like I do. People around here only buy madden and espn games or games with rappers in it. I was the only one to preorder UT2k4 at EBgames. :eek:
lowstandards said:
What kind of internet site charges taxes?
Any online site that has a store in your state has to charge you tax. That's why it sucks to live in CA or NJ cuz Newegg is located there. :D
I agree, why pay $60 for a game that might not be delivered on time when you can hop down to BB and grab one yourselft for $5 cheaper.
as opposed toi starting a new thread, I figured I may as well ask here, how well will a Ti4200 @ 4400 handle this game?
Actually, all internet purchases are subject to sales tax (officially termed “use tax”) regardless of where you live and where you purchase from, except states that do not collect sales tax (i.e., Nevada). If the seller does not collect the sales tax from out of state purchases, then it is the responsibility of the purchaser. Most states have a form to complete and attach your payment. Although, I personally have not known anyone to actually fill out one of these forms and send it in with their payment....including me. :D
this ain't no hot deal. plunking down $50 or $55 for any games these days is a bit rediculous. even if it's a great game, that's pretty steep.
Best buy also does sales on this stuff the first week it's advertised in the circular every sunday. If it is out before the circular it will be reg 54.99 but 90% of the time they discount it the week it's in there. I don't see why you guys are all falling sucker to the 54.99 price tag
like it was said before id said they have to have a $55 price tag for the first week or so. i would say the deal is hot, ive been looking for a place offering free overnight on Doom 3 for a long ass time.
How about a change of this title and letting it be the official DOom3 deal thread. i bet in the next 3 or more week there are going to be 10 different threads popping up!!! At least we would have a central thread to look for :)
because these people have put in a lot of time and effort to make the game. I think they deserve the purchase. If you are a person who d'loads games it should only be done as a trial and if its a solid game and you like it you should buy it!!! Walk a mile in their shoes wouldnt you want someone to buy your hard work??? :D
thats what i do. all the games that deserver to be bought, I buy immediatly. some I download, but If i like em I buy em. what fun is a game if you cant play it online?
As an FYI.....

If you have Micro Center near you, they will be selling it for 49.99 on August 4th. It will show up on their website around that time for 49.99 as well.....

I'd go for that sort of deal or one of the pre-orders...there's a problem with those though. By the time it's released, that's three or four days of shipping wait time. As it is, I'll run out to Fry's, and have the game beat before anyone who ordered it online even gets it :D