Comcast Considering 250GB Cap, Disconnecting Pirates

You've been here for what? 16 days? Already starting the flames?

how long do i have to be here before i can flame?

If you think ATT is better than Comcast in terms of service then I've got news for you, they are completely incompetent. I work with ATT on a daily basis and it's amazing how much they can screw up.

why yes i do, im on dsl 6mb right now with 768k up and its only $35 a month. how much is it on comast?

WOW does have cap limits, they are unwritten. Also, a few folks I know have WOW and the service seemed awesome at first but are now wondering if they have made the right move.
my wow account is still active at my moms house everytime i go over there its still working at the same 4mb down 512k up at $45 a month ive been paying for the past 4 years it was the right move

Did you get letters from Comcast? If you have then you would know what bandwidth you have consumed, making your argument below, moot.
i got a letter from comcast this was some 4-5 years ago so pardon me if i dont remember exactly what it said

While we do pay a lot, I do also realize that we have a 1/3rd of BILLION people with a massive LAND MASS. We also have first generation infrastructure, other smaller nations were fortunate in being very LATE that they got in on better technologies from the start.

we pay a lot so that means that these companies comcast specifically which has like the lions share are also making a lot. so how come they cant spend some of those profits to upgrade the infrastructure again? whats that you say? greed?

Nothing is or was ever truely "unlimited" you are a fool if you thought so. Nothing in this world is "unlimited".
i gues im a fool for thinking it meant unlimited when they said UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS IN THER FUCKING AD's

Obviously if you only operate on 20gb a month, you wouldn't have recieved the letters nor would the 250gb cap affect you.
i didnt say i operate on 20gb a month i said i dont know how much i use a month because it varies. some months i download a bunch of movies and games, tv shows and music some months i dont

You are welcome to pay the x amount of dollars for the higher bandwidth packages. You are also welcome to go with another carrier. And don't think that the other carrier won't have caps, because you would be foolish to believe so.

i do pay x amount for higher bandwidth packages $35 x dollars to be exact, whatever caps they have i havent hit them yet with my 24/7 uploading and sometimes/7 downloading

So you'd rather want 56k speeds and then you can transfer as much as you want? I'd prefer screaming speeds with caps thank you very much.

id prefer truth in advertising. if comcast said up front you can only dowload so much per month for this price we wouldnt be having this conversation now would we?

three characters actually like 32.
i can do 20+G easily if i format and reload all my Steam games.... it is at almost 30G alone.
lol, I used the recommended Firefox extension Hyperwords to lookup "outlier" and one of the definitions said:

vagrant individuals outside their ecological range

I love Hyperwords.

I don't know where you get this from or consider this a "hyperword", but outlier has long meant in the math and science industry (they teach this in Basic Math elementary classes for example), that an outlier is a deviation from the mean. It's a pretty common word.

When dealing with outliers, they are usually considered abnormal and not part of the normal occurances... they are usually discarded. In your case, your usage is considered an outlier, you have over 1tb of usage on that one particular month... hardly common or regular.
Now what I want to know is does VoIP use a lot of bandwidth?
We have three teens who can talk and talk for hours. Now, throw in gaming, downloading, youtube, myspace, etc and I wonder just how much bandwidth that really uses.
I would gladly switch ISP but there is not really any choice.
In the middle of the city I am right on the fringe for DSL. I found out I'm in the overhead reserve or something like that (however they put it) so I was only getting less than half the speeds I paid for along with frequent drops and disconnects.
I used to have RoadRunner cable but with the Adelphia thing Time Warner and Comcrap swapped certain areas. Everything was running fine with RoadRunner then all of a sudden Comcrap comes in and it all goes to hell.
I'm being charged about $5/mo more (used to be $42 and now it's $47) for internet and getting less than I used to. I used to be steady and stable for months on end, then comcrap comes in and my service goes out about one day a week, not to mention all the lags, high pings, and latency. I've had numerous techs come out, numerous days taken off work to sit here, and nobody can figure out a thing. I believe that comcrap's motto must be "if it ain't broke, let's break it real good".
They certainly did a good job breaking things here when it used to be fine.
I really wish I had a choice for broadband internet here. The two choices both suck and FiOS is nonexistent here.
I'm sick of cable companies and their mini-monopolies.

... :cool:
why yes i do, im on dsl 6mb right now with 768k up and its only $35 a month. how much is it on comast?

You don't even know how much it is on Comcast and you are flaming away how bad of a ripoff it is?!


I pay $29/month for Comcast and I get a 2Mb up and a 16Mb Down, latest I heard was that they are upgrading me with the next phase, which is a massive increase from this. And I get PowerBoost, which can deliver large bursts of bandwidth 30+ Mbps.

If I signed up now with the specials, it's $19 for the first 6 months and 42 afterwards.
youu pgrade your back end to provide the service your customers are paying for and stop over selling "hoping" people dont actually use what they paid for, exactly what they do, they, as others pointed out, they are only caring about that profit for the head honcho's, theywould be happy having all grandma's emailing and web surfing all day and nothing else.

My word what kind of hippy idle are you living in? Does John Lennon's 'Imagine' play in the background while you walk down the street?

Seriously, you dont spend billions upgrading your backbone if there are other means to smooth stuff out. Sure it's the right and just thing to do but your shareholders are not going to like it.

Your options are -

1. Spend $10 billion upgrading your entire network to fibre so all your customers can have 100Mbps connections.

2. Get rid of the couple of thousand users that are using the majority of your bandwidth at no cost other than the loss of their monthly subscription which you can write off as market churn anyway.

I know which option my $8 million dollar annual performance bonus would be riding on.
Its easy for people that Have a choice to complain, but what about those of us that Use their Home connection for WORK, and Have NO alternative to Comcast (except maybe AOL Dial Up *shudder*)
Now what I want to know is does VoIP use a lot of bandwidth?
We have three teens who can talk and talk for hours. Now, throw in gaming, downloading, youtube, myspace, etc and I wonder just how much bandwidth that really uses.
I would gladly switch ISP but there is not really any choice.
In the middle of the city I am right on the fringe for DSL. I found out I'm in the overhead reserve or something like that (however they put it) so I was only getting less than half the speeds I paid for along with frequent drops and disconnects.
I used to have RoadRunner cable but with the Adelphia thing Time Warner and Comcrap swapped certain areas. Everything was running fine with RoadRunner then all of a sudden Comcrap comes in and it all goes to hell.
I'm being charged about $5/mo more (used to be $42 and now it's $47) for internet and getting less than I used to. I used to be steady and stable for months on end, then comcrap comes in and my service goes out about one day a week, not to mention all the lags, high pings, and latency. I've had numerous techs come out, numerous days taken off work to sit here, and nobody can figure out a thing. I believe that comcrap's motto must be "if it ain't broke, let's break it real good".
They certainly did a good job breaking things here when it used to be fine.
I really wish I had a choice for broadband internet here. The two choices both suck and FiOS is nonexistent here.
I'm sick of cable companies and their mini-monopolies.

... :cool:

I have two VOIP lines and frequently host lanparties at home, no problem here yet.
The mathematical definition was the first one to come up, but the end of the 2nd definition had the term "vagrant" and thats what made me smile inside. :)
You don't even know how much it is on Comcast and you are flaming away how bad of a ripoff it is?!


I pay $29/month for Comcast and I get a 2Mb up and a 16Mb Down, latest I heard was that they are upgrading me with the next phase, which is a massive increase from this. And I get PowerBoost, which can deliver large bursts of bandwidth 30+ Mbps.

If I signed up now with the specials, it's $19 for the first 6 months and 42 afterwards.


really cheap.

5down/1up FiOS + HD/DVR Box TV = like $113 a month... We're getting fucked on that deal.
Its easy for people that Have a choice to complain, but what about those of us that Use their Home connection for WORK, and Have NO alternative to Comcast (except maybe AOL Dial Up *shudder*)

Actually you do. You have Sattelite, and other business connection options, such as T1, ISDN, etc.. and believe it or not, the cost of a T1 these days is more than affordable. You may also have wifi options or EVDO options.
I had to stop reading, it all sounds the same :p

I've had comcast for 5 years or so. Never had any problems to complain about. I may have not had net for 1 full day outta 5 years.
I'm not sure what contract you signed (Veng) but i never signed anything for my service except the paper from the guy who installed the stuff which states he was there and installed x things ( sub contractors) If you had a contract, it is unlikely you would be able to cancell your service with them any day you please ( as you can)
Comcast has such a strangle hold in so many markets, its amazing. But last I checked they dont have a monopoly.
I would gladly welcome this change. It would do many things that people aren't thinking of. 1st off, for those low end users it would drop their price by a fair amount, probably save about 10-15 bucks a month.
You don't even know how much it is on Comcast and you are flaming away how bad of a ripoff it is?!


I pay $29/month for Comcast and I get a 2Mb up and a 16Mb Down, latest I heard was that they are upgrading me with the next phase, which is a massive increase from this. And I get PowerBoost, which can deliver large bursts of bandwidth 30+ Mbps.

If I signed up now with the specials, it's $19 for the first 6 months and 42 afterwards.

You're correct i should have looked at the price before i hit submit. last thing i need to do is give you more ammo.

I just naturally assumed that since it was $45.99+tax =$54 a month for the 1.5mb later upgraded to 3mb connection back in 2004 when i ditched them that i would be like $70 or more a month now for the 6mb connection. im glad you are able to get 16mb down and 2mb up for $30 for 6 months. i didnt even know they could go that fast on cable now. what is the real price though? you know after the 6 months is up, and also is that just for the internet part? because back when i was on comcast (in chicago anyway) you had to buy basic cable too which was another $15 on top. $45 for the internet another $15 for the basic cable. i didnt add it in to my price up there because i left before that kicked in officially.

if its working out for you i applaud you.
Well last year comcast shut off my service on a one year ban because i went over 100 gig a month, so i decided to bring back all 4 of my Hd Boxes and shut off my TV/PHONE service as well, i mean come on i was all ready paying upwards of $200 a month to them. Just to get even i poured water in 2 of the boxes the day before i brought them in.
Comcast has such a strangle hold in so many markets, its amazing. But last I checked they dont have a monopoly.

I would gladly welcome this change. It would do many things that people aren't thinking of. 1st off, for those low end users it would drop their price by a fair amount, probably save about 10-15 bucks a month.

Comcast/random cable provider & telco companies have strangle holds and "duopoly" in most areas. They both offer mediocre service & high prices. There is no real competition between them except for possibly FIOS which is slowly creeping out. Though with Verizon though you have problems where they're handing over your info to the government without court authorization. So I do not think there is any honest or decent communications company out there.

I would highly doubt prices are going to change. Comcast & most companies offer high price or higher price service. I didn't read anything that said they were going to lower prices on the service with the caps in place. I don't think any company is going to offer something like a 1Mbit connection with a 20GB cap for $20/mn which would benefit lower income / light users. The fact is they want people who only use the service for a couple GB a month to pay $55 with everyone else. Also you cannot count DSL or triple play options. Sure you can get internet for $33/mn or $15(DSL) if you sign-up for both TV & Phone @ another $66/mn or with DSL you must get a physical phone line as well which is usually another $30/mn.

Also I would not look at usage as it is ~now~. Imagine ten years ago, how much LEGIT bandwidth as being used? Now imagine ten years from now. I bet a lot of people on dial-up only used a few GB a month if that. Now you get cable, now somehow you're up to 30 - 60GB. 10 - 20 times greater than what you had before. Imagine ten years from now? The web evolves and will take advantage add bandwidth.

The entire infrastructure doesn't need to change to make room for "disruptive" technologies to come into play. The copper wire that comes into your house can possibly pump out up to 5GB/sec. That is just for your neighborhood. That is a lot of media & that will become more available when a lot of analog bandwidth is saved once cable can drop analog broadcasts off their wires.

With everything digital, I could see or hope for a day & age where you buy service from a "Digital Carrier" and then hook up with content providers over the internet. This could allow for major content freedom. Imagine being able to purchase TV channels ala carte, rent the latest HD movie over the internet and have it download in a few minutes... Imagine having multiple providers actually compete and lower prices. Frankly I think this should almost be made mandatory & that communication lines be opened and leased out. This is something that would be way far in the future and some people may not be able to wrap their heads around the concept of actual competition & the content freedom it would grant. The same people who will probably be fine with a cap and the internet just being for web pages, pictures & grainy blurry videos. Just fine while they're locked into their local cable provider as their ONLY source of content. Exactly what the cable company wants and what they want to protect. It's the reason behind "tiered" internet & this capping BS. No need to upgrade their service so long as people have the mentality that this is the only way things can be done.
250gb cap is fine if they lower the price on it. If they're going to make tiers, the capped bandwidth shouldn't be as expensive as it is now.

I'll hate it but I'll deal. FIOS will get here eventually. I check every month, as soon as I can I'm jumping ship. Comcast sucks.
Umm.. 250GB is terrible. Thats 10% utilization on my current connection. I.e. if I download for 10% of the month, 3 days, I will hit the cap.
Nothing is or was ever truely "unlimited" you are a fool if you thought so. Nothing in this world is "unlimited".

What an arrogant and pretentious thing to say. How does it feel to be an outright asshole???

Luckily, our courts of law don't have your skewed sense of unwritten understanding of the world where nothing you are sold is what it seems and that the reality is that everything you buy is a lie, else we'd still be living in the days of snake oil salesmen. :rolleyes:

Also, you took the saying about things being "Free" in this world and perverted it to your pathetic attempt to insult someone.
i want to make a correction. my earlier maths were off.

768k 24/7 for 30 days = ~248gb not 1.9tb as i stated. i accidentally converted the result to gigabits. most people cant hit the cap unless they download and upload 24/7, but thats at 6mbps or lower. what about the future, and people with 16mb down and 2mb up like ockie, and the "powerboost" that claims 30mbps. what about the future when speeds increase. will the cap also increase to reflect these new theoretical limits?

whatever the case may be you shouldnt stand for any caps of any sort. they advertise unlimited, thats what you should get.
What an arrogant and pretentious thing to say. How does it feel to be an outright asshole???

Luckily, our courts of law don't have your skewed sense of unwritten understanding of the world where nothing you are sold is what it seems and that the reality is that everything you buy is a lie, else we'd still be living in the days of snake oil salesmen. :rolleyes:

Also, you took the saying about things being "Free" in this world and perverted it to your pathetic attempt to insult someone.

What an arrogant and pretentious thing to say. How does it feel to be an outright asshole???

Luckily, our courts of law don't have your skewed sense of unwritten understanding of the world where nothing you are sold is what it seems and that the reality is that everything you buy is a lie, else we'd still be living in the days of snake oil salesmen. :rolleyes:

Also, you took the saying about things being "Free" in this world and perverted it to your pathetic attempt to insult someone.

Oh look, it must be trash day. :rolleyes:
Here is an interesting usage calculator

what a useless calculator, people dont just send emails, watch videos, download music tracks and play games on the internet. The calculator only goes upto 16GB a month. I know i use way more than that per month. and no i dont leech or use torrents.

This is just the beginning, soon comcast will limit how many hours you can watch cable tv as well.

+1 for the upgrading the infrastructure and backbones to meet with the surging demand. Comcast is to big for their britches and now the consumer will have to pay for it.
What an arrogant and pretentious thing to say. How does it feel to be an outright asshole???

Luckily, our courts of law don't have your skewed sense of unwritten understanding of the world where nothing you are sold is what it seems and that the reality is that everything you buy is a lie, else we'd still be living in the days of snake oil salesmen. :rolleyes:

Also, you took the saying about things being "Free" in this world and perverted it to your pathetic attempt to insult someone.

Courts have long been on the side of ISP's for these unwritten bandwidth for consumers.

You need to take some reading and I gotta go take out some trash.
What about the future of HD video on demand? Those would easily go over 1GB per movie, depending how the compression is used.

This is ridiculous.
Stop mitigating this people and look at the future implications. Everything is supposed to shift to digital distribution in the future, yet comcast is imposing limits NOW. Do you honestly for one second think that they will actually raise these limits when their over usage charges are going to start making them money??? Money, that thing they have been hoarding instead of reinvesting in their infrastructure this whole time.

So, while you sit there and rationalize this move, they are giggling to themselves because they have just set you up to have your money drained in the future, as common usage goes ever higher. Not only that, but this will further stifle Americas advancement into modern internet that many other countries are widely enjoying and will be able to take advantage of as new innovations become apparent, while we sit and bitch about how X years ago Comcast put these limits in place, just like how we bitch that Comcast didn't roll out fiber.

Nothing is or was ever truely "unlimited" you are a fool if you thought so. Nothing in this world is "unlimited".

What an arrogant and pretentious thing to say. How does it feel to be an outright asshole???

Luckily, our courts of law don't have your skewed sense of unwritten understanding of the world where nothing you are sold is what it seems and that the reality is that everything you buy is a lie, else we'd still be living in the days of snake oil salesmen. :rolleyes:

Also, you took the saying about things being "Free" in this world and perverted it to your pathetic attempt to insult someone.

Umm.. 250GB is terrible. Thats 10% utilization on my current connection. I.e. if I download for 10% of the month, 3 days, I will hit the cap.

You should be paying enterprise prices anyway.

So once you utilize 10% of your consumer line, you should start paying enterprise prices? Yours and Ockie's logics go hand in hand.
ONLY the truly hardcore abuser of the system will break that cap. (HINT: last month it would have effected under 20 thousand customers)

a hr long program in h.264 format is ~600meg. so you can Download

~400hours of TV programs in HD
~200 2hr long movies in HD

only the abuser of the bandwidth will break the cap. won't be an issue for 95% of Comcast Customers.
Never seen Ockie post before have you :D

Cue "I know more than you because I have NSA/FBI/DoD clearance" response in 3...2...1...

I know more than you because I have NSA/FBI/DoD clearance

Right on the monies :D
ONLY the truly hardcore abuser of the system will break that cap. (HINT: last month it would have effected under 20 thousand customers)

a hr long program in h.264 format is ~600meg. so you can Download

~400hours of TV programs in HD
~200 2hr long movies in HD

only the abuser of the bandwidth will break the cap. won't be an issue for 95% of Comcast Customers.

Be careful, apparently being logical in this thread makes you evil, wrong, and a corporate warmonger, etc etc.

People want everything under the sun, they believe they shouldn't have to pay more, shouldn't have to work more, everything should be delivered on a golden platter. They have no idea how much ISP's dish out for abusers and dont' care, all they want is to be able to download all the illegal content to thier desire and no one should say a damn thing about it.

Next, we are going to have maniacs like Kristoff telling us that Gas should be free and we shouldn't pay taxes and that every person such as himself deserves a Mercedes or whatever car he/she desires.
My word what kind of hippy idle are you living in? Does John Lennon's 'Imagine' play in the background while you walk down the street?

Seriously, you dont spend billions upgrading your backbone if there are other means to smooth stuff out. Sure it's the right and just thing to do but your shareholders are not going to like it.

Your options are -

1. Spend $10 billion upgrading your entire network to fibre so all your customers can have 100Mbps connections.

2. Get rid of the couple of thousand users that are using the majority of your bandwidth at no cost other than the loss of their monthly subscription which you can write off as market churn anyway.

I know which option my $8 million dollar annual performance bonus would be riding on.

exactly for them yes, but they cant keep doing that, they are going to have to uprade to keep up at some point in time, they cant just always cut users off, as FIOS takes over, they will be forced to upgrade, why not just start now slowly but surely nistead of losing potentially thousands of customers to a better servince once it arrives.
exactly for them yes, but they cant keep doing that, they are going to have to uprade to keep up at some point in time, they cant just always cut users off, as FIOS takes over, they will be forced to upgrade, why not just start now slowly but surely nistead of losing potentially thousands of customers to a better servince once it arrives.

They are upgrading, couple of weeks ago they made a huge announcement about upgrading all their subscribers to a much faster platform.

They have been upgrading their pipes, this is why you have some customers with faster connections than other customers. It's not a thing that they can do overnight or all at once. It is incredibly expensive for infrastructure upgrades and you have to realize that customers are only paying 20-50 bucks and are still bitching and want unlimited bandwidth.... adding to the overall costs. This is why a lot of ISP's ditched the consumer market and went straight for business.
I have been using DUMeter since I got my current computer.. I thought going over 60GB in a month was a lot! My average is around 18GB, with a max of 68.77GB.. One would have to download a lot of HD content to reach that cap. That being said, they better keep up with the times and raise the cap when the speeds dramatically increase, and streaming HD content becomes the norm.
250GB isn't enough at all. If you use bittorent for a lot of stuff like linux or even send big video files it will add up. When you got 4 computers on a network like me with people on them simultaniously then you will hit that cap pretty fast. Internet isn't just for surfing these days either. Comcast sux big time. Glad i don't live in their rein of control. Everything is starting to get bigger and bigger. Comcast will say 250gb cap but watch them say 100GB cap later and so on. Why settle for such crap. They are just getting their foot into the door so they can rip everyone off later on and reduce the caps even further and limit our technologies.
There are plenty of legal and legit ways to burn through that much in a month. Azureus has a ton of free and legit torrents to download, a lot of HD ones too which are fun to watch. Streaming Netflix and other media, hosting game servers, downloading demo's / patches with several users ontop of all of it.

I dont think a cap will solve anything, upgrading their network to push ahead and meet demands is the way to go. I get charged a certain ammount for a certain speed. To a point if I need more speed I can pay more for it. Why would they sell me that speed if they cannot provide it. I understand it can happen but as of my entire broadband net usage it never has. Glad I have never had to use cable internet.
I'm glad I don't have comcast. However, if Time Warner follows suite I'll be royally pissed.

Luckily I can also get Verizon DSL.