Comcast Caught Lying To Customer On Tape

Snip all the awesome........

The best part? The best part had to be that Comcast later tried to bill me for this the following month. After much frustration they finally deducted the fees and also gave me a month of free service. It really makes me want to know what goes into training these people and what, if any, are their standards for hiring them.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh how I wish I lived just a few miles closer to SF, then I could get Astound.

This is SERIOUSLY going to depend on where you live, certain GM's take their franchise very seriously. The one we had here in Brunswick, GA personally interviewed me when I worked for Comcast, and they actually gave me some good questions, including general knowledge of a tv and how a remote "actually" worked, and if I couldn't figure it out, what would I do, to which I would ask "Wheres your TV manual?".

After I was hired I was trained for a day to do disconnects, which I did for 2 weeks, than went to a 3 week training course at a "real training facility" in Jacksonville, FLA. There we learned the ins and outs of cable SnR, db ratings, etc etc, was actually rather in-depth. We were tested in the end, both on paper and in "field testing". If you scored below a 70 on either tests, you were let go, if you scored below an 80, you were send back for a refresher week of training, anything above an 80 you passed.

After becoming a tech 1, I trained with a fellow tech on the job for 2 weeks (like a journeyman) and after the two weeks became a tech 2, most tech 2's (at the time) only did TV and internet, nothing else. Tech 1's could do TV installs only.

If you wanted to move to a tech 3, you were sent back to training for 2 weeks to learn phone systems (VoIP) and more on SnR's as these play a MAJOR roll in dropped telephone calls.

Even after completing tech 3, you would than be on site with a fellow tech 3 or tech 4 for another week, and they supervised you. On the last day of the week, the supervisor would drive around with you and watch you and if you completed the day satisfactory, you become a tech 3 and could than handle, TV, internet and VoIP phone systems.

When I left Comcast I was tech 4 and handled mostly businesses. What made me leave was a botched call from a dispatcher who screwed up, and the company he screwed up for was run by a state senator, who wanted recourse from the dispatcher screw up. Since I was newer than the dispatcher, I was "let go" and he was slapped on the wrist for what was 100% his fault. We never do work without a work-order, he never submitted one, I never received anything but word of mouth, to which I told him, work order only, never got it, never went. I became a scape-goat, and for that, I will always vouch that Comcast is a joke, not only did I lose a job, but I also got marked, which sucks.

But all in all, it DEPENDS on where you live and how they are trained, not everyone has the same standards across the company.
So I just called comcast to review my bill to make sure there are no unnecesssary chages

Me: I see your webpage the rate for performance internet is $53.95/month. We are getting charge $66.95/month. Can you explain the difference?

Comcast rep: Looking at your account we are charging you the base rate.

Me: Can you tell me what I'm paying in taxes. My bill doesn't say

Comcast rep: No it doesn't break down the individual charges.

Me: How do you explain the difference between what is on your webpage and what you are charging me?

Comcast rep: It's a regional offer. Pricing differs by region.

Me: Can I select that package online and reduce my bill?

Comcast rep: Yes.

Me: It's charging me $8.00/month for a cable rental. I don't rent my cable modem. I own it. And it won't let me remove that option.

Comcast: That is correct.

So basically it's the same rate even though Comcast is advertising it as lower and it wouldn't have mattered if I rented a cable or not.

Completely worthless customer service.
this kind of stuff is so lame, the rep is doing her job, Comcast policies are what is the problem, not Daisy's
I don't really see corporations as people. They are more like masses of partial souls, but I don't like to bring up Platonic topics at this website.

What I'm getting out of your argument here is that lying is ok if you don't get caught and that Comcast is doing nothing wrong until they get caught. Lying is morally wrong and saying it's ok as long as you don't get caught is a failure of integrity on those that feel that's ok. Trying to muddy the issue with your views of what a corporation is or is not is just an evasive tactic.

Is lying wrong: Yes
Do people do it: Yes
Does it make it right: No

People make up a corporation, people lie but nowhere in there does it change to where lying is an acceptable practice and, in fact, as a corporation, they have to be held to a higher standard. We all hold individuals who excel to a higher standard, corporations are no different. Corporations excel at what they do, hold greater knowledge than the general public, and have a greater public image than a given individual. All these things demand we hold them to a higher standard because we entrust them with something greater.

Smoking pot is generally accepted by individuals but NFL players are penalized for using it, higher standard. (individual who excels)

Celebrities are nailed to the cross by the media every time they do something wrong that a random non-famous person wouldn't get negative press from their own family for, higher standard. (Individual with public awareness)

Intellectuals of every field are expected to conduct themselves in a civilized, morally upright way, higher standard. (Individual with greater knowledge)
What I'm getting out of your argument here is that lying is ok if you don't get caught and that Comcast is doing nothing wrong until they get caught. Lying is morally wrong and saying it's ok as long as you don't get caught is a failure of integrity on those that feel that's ok. Trying to muddy the issue with your views of what a corporation is or is not is just an evasive tactic.

Is lying wrong: Yes
Do people do it: Yes
Does it make it right: No

People make up a corporation, people lie but nowhere in there does it change to where lying is an acceptable practice and, in fact, as a corporation, they have to be held to a higher standard. We all hold individuals who excel to a higher standard, corporations are no different. Corporations excel at what they do, hold greater knowledge than the general public, and have a greater public image than a given individual. All these things demand we hold them to a higher standard because we entrust them with something greater.

Smoking pot is generally accepted by individuals but NFL players are penalized for using it, higher standard. (individual who excels)

Celebrities are nailed to the cross by the media every time they do something wrong that a random non-famous person wouldn't get negative press from their own family for, higher standard. (Individual with public awareness)

Intellectuals of every field are expected to conduct themselves in a civilized, morally upright way, higher standard. (Individual with greater knowledge)[/

An advance in human morality inevitably means saddling ourselves with individual and specific moral problems rather than adhering to collective moralities that inevitably miss own our reality. i said nothing of lying being okay if you don't get caught. If I lie to save your child from certain and evil suffering, is it wrong? I think not. Now can one say lying is always wrong? And isn't it a lie to say so?
What I'm getting out of your argument here is that lying is ok if you don't get caught and that Comcast is doing nothing wrong until they get caught. Lying is morally wrong and saying it's ok as long as you don't get caught is a failure of integrity on those that feel that's ok. Trying to muddy the issue with your views of what a corporation is or is not is just an evasive tactic.

Is lying wrong: Yes
Do people do it: Yes
Does it make it right: No

People make up a corporation, people lie but nowhere in there does it change to where lying is an acceptable practice and, in fact, as a corporation, they have to be held to a higher standard. We all hold individuals who excel to a higher standard, corporations are no different. Corporations excel at what they do, hold greater knowledge than the general public, and have a greater public image than a given individual. All these things demand we hold them to a higher standard because we entrust them with something greater.

Smoking pot is generally accepted by individuals but NFL players are penalized for using it, higher standard. (individual who excels)

Celebrities are nailed to the cross by the media every time they do something wrong that a random non-famous person wouldn't get negative press from their own family for, higher standard. (Individual with public awareness)

Intellectuals of every field are expected to conduct themselves in a civilized, morally upright way, higher standard. (Individual with greater knowledge)

An advance in human morality inevitably means saddling ourselves with individual and specific moral problems rather than adhering to collective moralities that inevitably miss own our reality. I said nothing of lying being okay if you don't get caught. If I lie to save your child from certain and evil suffering, is it wrong? I think not. Now, can one say lying is always wrong? And if it isn't always wrong, then isn't it a lie to say so?
Doesn't matter if customer is azz-hat or not. Your job is to treat everyone equally. Maybe you are part of the problem.

My job is to make sure your shit works and that's it. If you're friendly I'll go above and beyond. If you're a dick you get it by the book and that's it.

Take that into account when you deal with any kind of service person, waiter, mechanic, etc and you'll be amazed how much better you're treated.
My Comcast account must be flagged or something. I ditched their TV service for five years, and only came back from DirecTv when they offered me their X1 package with free HD, StreamPix and HBO along 105 down internet for $99 a month. Well sure enough, they screwed up the billing on the first bill. Not only did they not fight it when I raised holy hell, but I apparently got a $10 dollar credit added to the account for the 2 year duration of the contract.

Not that I'm complaining....
lol, "negotiating".
I get the feeling Comcast is going to be one of the final bosses of the mega-corps in the future.
Wow i thought AT&T was bad but comcast eats the shitty basket

Makes you wonder how may congressmen they 'own' to keep their business going. Must be a whole lot to endure all the complaints there are out there about how bad they treat their customers. And to think that congress approves all their buying out of other cable providers; something's seriously screwed up. comcast should be dismantled and sold to outside bidders, and no one can buy more than 10% of it. Treat it like all other utilities, because that's what it is. Get rid of the current board of directors and put in a dozen former customers and see how things change. And change THAT board every three years. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and comcast is a perfect example of that.
lol, "negotiating".
I get the feeling Comcast is going to be one of the final bosses of the mega-corps in the future.

Nahh, everything is going to eventually end up owned by the banks.
That's what happens when you earn exponential interest on money you can conjure out of thin air, loan to someone based on collateral (house, car), and then repossess the collateral if you're not fully repaid. Banking is a lottery where you play with someone else's money and win no matter what.
lol, "negotiating".
I get the feeling Comcast is going to be one of the final bosses of the mega-corps in the future.

Yeah eventually there will be no competition at all.. And I mean less than the very little they have now... All the "Deals" on their page will have the price of "$Whatever the fuck we feel like when we bill you."
An advance in human morality inevitably means saddling ourselves with individual and specific moral problems rather than adhering to collective moralities that inevitably miss own our reality. I said nothing of lying being okay if you don't get caught. If I lie to save your child from certain and evil suffering, is it wrong? I think not. Now, can one say lying is always wrong? And if it isn't always wrong, then isn't it a lie to say so?

I've been trolled

Congrats and 10 internets for you.
Corporation actually comes from the Latin corpus meaning "body." When one holds others to an inhuman moral code, then one forces oneself into living an inhuman life. It is much easier to say to oneself, "There is certainly an occasion where I, myself, would find lying correct," than it is to go around blaming corporation for every evil in the world. Certainly corporations make a plenitude of mistakes, but they are also the scapegoats for a bunch of people that are unwilling to be realistic about the world.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I sleep fine. It is funny that I personally am deeply critical of corporations and my intent had nothing to do whatsoever with protecting them. I was simply pointing out that most people use them to avoid themselves. That message is, of course, lost in this forum.
I sleep fine. It is funny that I personally am deeply critical of corporations and my intent had nothing to do whatsoever with protecting them. I was simply pointing out that most people use them to avoid themselves. That message is, of course, lost in this forum.

Pretty sure the message is just pointless.
Yeah eventually there will be no competition at all.. And I mean less than the very little they have now... All the "Deals" on their page will have the price of "$Whatever the fuck we feel like when we bill you."

LOL, that's the truth.
I sleep fine. It is funny that I personally am deeply critical of corporations and my intent had nothing to do whatsoever with protecting them. I was simply pointing out that most people use them to avoid themselves. That message is, of course, lost in this forum.

No, your message is that lying is philosophical, rather than a matter of ethics or morals.

Most of us if not all, happen to disagree with that message. I'm guessing that you go by a philosophy of moral relativism, which IMO is a rather weak way to live rather than having a more concrete definition of right and wrong.