Combining Jpgs to an avi

Jan 8, 2003
Hey all. I was wondering what I could use to combine a sequence of jpgs into a single avi movie file. Thanks.
Easiest way to do it is to convert them to gifs and then download a free gif animator (do a search on ) and combine them into an animated .gif

[edit] Just checked, you could do it in Windows Movie Maker as well, if you're ok with a .wmv file for the output ... takes forever for it to render, though. Just tested with about 10 jpgs, takes 3+ minutes for the finished output, which was over 30 megs in size (each picture was about 50 kb!)

[edit 2] OK, it predicted 30 mb, but actual size was only 6 mb
This is possible to do with VirtualDub, however they must be in either .bmp or .tga format, the filenames must have a sequential order and base, and they must all be the same dimension.

It seems to me that I saw someone else talking about sequencing jpg's into some kind of video format here on this forum a few days ago, so there may be another freeware program that does this far easier.

Adobe Premier also does this... but that's not an option for very many people :p
I used flash or swish, and converted a bunch of jpgs into s slideshow presentation of sorts. Came out real nice with music and all. The transitition effects are great, plus they have a export to avi feature....