combine games to make the ultimate game


May 1, 2003
What 2 or 3 games would you combine to make the ultimate game?

For me:
Freelancer, Halo, Planet Crafter
Blood...ya just Blood :D. I used to think Doom + Tomb Raider would be neat before discovering it..

Something like HL: Alyx (VR) + (classic) Tomb Raider would be pretty neat if it was well crafted.
Diablo 4 open world, graphics, combat and animations
World of Warcraft MMO gameplay, pvp and updates
Fortnite store/battle pass
The Witcher 3 codex (OP asked for 2-3 games but this is a minor thing)
Ultima Online with Diablo Graphics

EverQuest 2 with Patheon Rise of the Fallen mechanics but Ashes of Creation graphics and Dark Age of Camelot level design
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DeusEx: RPG mechanics, world state, player freedom
Ghost Recon Wildlands: Shooting, weapon, stealth and gameplay mechanics
Hard Truck Apocalypse: Vehicle upgrading, trade system, roadtrip type progression
APB Reloaded: Character creator
Anything with the healing playstyle from World of Warcraft. That's the only thing I miss about that game.

Almost like an ARPG with groups and a healing class. That'd be neat.
Well I have been thinking about a division type game in the walking dead setting, and some state of decay 2 type of basebuilding
Zelda II + Castlevania + Terraria

A side-scrolling Zelda game, with heavier rpg elements (like Zelda II), darker more mature tone (lots of blood) and procedural world-building mechanics
Zelda II + Castlevania + Terraria

A side-scrolling Zelda game, with heavier rpg elements (like Zelda II), darker more mature tone (lots of blood) and procedural world-building mechanics
So... Symphony of the Night with world building?
Terraria, Skyrim, Street fighter. Terria for its awesome crafting mechanics, Skyrim for the adventure, and Street fighter the battle mechanics!
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A loooong time ago I had an idea for a MMO combining elements of Supreme Commander, Ground Control, and Battlefield.

A single player from each team would see a strategic-level map (like SupCom) and would direct resource allocation, base building, and movements of large groups of units across the entire map.

Then multiple squad/division leaders per team would direct the movement of smaller groups of units on a tactical level with the units and general directions provided for them by the strategic command (like Ground Control)

Finally, the individual units would be people playing in first person in a limited area of the map (like in Battlefield) taking movement and objective direction from the squad leaders to battle it out with the other team organically in real-time.

I'm pretty sure since then there's been a game or two that does have gameplay similar to that concept but I can't recall which games...
A loooong time ago I had an idea for a MMO combining elements of Supreme Commander, Ground Control, and Battlefield.

A single player from each team would see a strategic-level map (like SupCom) and would direct resource allocation, base building, and movements of large groups of units across the entire map.

Then multiple squad/division leaders per team would direct the movement of smaller groups of units on a tactical level with the units and general directions provided for them by the strategic command (like Ground Control)

Finally, the individual units would be people playing in first person in a limited area of the map (like in Battlefield) taking movement and objective direction from the squad leaders to battle it out with the other team organically in real-time.

I'm pretty sure since then there's been a game or two that does have gameplay similar to that concept but I can't recall which games...

Natural Selection 1 (2002) and 2 (2012) and Savage The Battle for Newerth (2003).

They were pretty fun. I'm not sure if there is anything more recent.

I guess those were RTS FPS games, I'm not sure if that is exactly what you meant.
The Division/The Division 2 with something like The Witcher 3. I want to see a game similar to books like Dies the Fire by Sm Stirling where overnight some of the laws of chemistry change ruining combustion engines and things like firearms.

Diablo 4 meets something like Civilization. This covers a few ideas I have always wanted to see.
First I would love an ARPG that goes through the time periods and technological advances while at the same time spreading over the world opening up new areas to be conquered and explored with new techs being unlocked as you find new materials.
Second I would love an ARPG that instead of doing things like repeating content for leagues actually has you fighting to take back the world. Each season could be a new part of the world with the chance of failing to secure the new area. As you conquer and push back on areas, it allows new villages, towns, cities to pop up with new quests while at the same time the original starting point increases in quality over time as new materials and resources find there way back from the new areas.

I guess I just really want to see some ARPG that has lasting changes in the world rather just rinse and repeat of the same content.