Color Sustainer causing stuttering


Aug 29, 2010
So I recently purchased 2x Asus PB278Q's. They had the best performance for my budget. I do some photo editing, so I wanted something with good color accuracy. These monitors were pretty good out of the box, and even better once calibrated, so I justified the purchase.

I don't have a colorimeter, but I am using an ICC profile posted by NCX in his review of this monitor. I'm applying this profile using Color Sustainer. However, this program seems to be introducing some stuttering in everything I do - gaming, videos, scrolling web pages. When I kill the program, it obviously removes the color profile, but the stuttering goes away. So I'm sure it's this. It's only using 2-15% of my CPU capacity (depending on what's going on), so I was a little surprised to see this was causing it.

My question is - is there a better alternative to applying a color profile for monitor calibration, or will all software calibration solutions do this?
strange, I wonder if you'll have better luck with ckeeper

Do you find the display looks better wtih the ICC profile that NCX posted? (i.e. more consistent white balance across the grayscale, and no black crush or banding). Because there's a chance it could make things worse, given that it isn't based on your own specific display.

For desktop use, you shouldn't need to use a sustainer or keeper or whatever - once the LUT's loaded into the system, it should remain active until something else overwrites it. Some games allow you to respect the LUT that is already loaded, which means you won't need an app to "sustain" the LUT.
Just use windows to load the ICC, there are tutorials in the web.
Because directx game reset your gpu lut when go into full screen mode.

Long time ago, some games, I can alt tab out and force reload of the icc and it may work~
Because directx game reset your gpu lut when go into full screen mode.

Long time ago, some games, I can alt tab out and force reload of the icc and it may work~
Not all games override the Windows LUT. There is actually a flag in DirectX that lets you program your game to either use it or ignore it. Unfortunately most studios choose to ignore it because they believe it interferes with their "artistic vision," even though it really has no bearing on the color palette being used.