Collaborate with you (spam pm)


Oct 23, 2000
"On this side Editor in Chief of Polish computer service (in English version avalible after clicking on the English flag on the main site). I've got a question, would you like to be administrator of news board on this servis? at the beginning your job would be making news board growing , and if you want, also works by site.... are you interested?" from user vader_pl (0 posts)
If there is a reference to problems with the [H] forum or suggestions or questions regarding the operation of this board, I missed it.....
I missed it at first glance, too, Major. ;)

vader_pl was apparently PM spamming to recruit for his site. I saw a boatload of entries for his "sent" box and one for "in" (probably a PM recipient telling him where to go), so I went ahead and showed him the door.

For the record, admins cannot read your PMs. We can only see the statistics on how many are in your in/sent boxes, with an option to delete.
Lethal said:
For the record, admins cannot read your PMs. We can only see the statistics on how many are in your in/sent boxes, with an option to delete.

Yes you can, just look in the MySQL database :D
Quite true, but the main reason for not reading members PM's is ethical in nature. It's like reading their actual postal mail right out of their mailbox...not what we as Admins are here to do ;)

M11 said:
MindBuster said:
Yes you can, just look in the MySQL database :D
Actually, the "regular" admins here don't have that access. Kyle could probably do it, but I remember he said once he didn't care what you talked about in PMs. I doubt he has the time or inclination to look at anyone's PMs unless a court order forces him to divulge them. (He's stated before that he won't turn over any info without a court order.)

Long story short is that your PMs are "safe" here, and not accessible to the regular admins. :)