COD2 Server lockdown in progress

That's pretty cool that they're actually going somewhere with this.
The CCA supporting servers aren't very significant in number if you ask me... I see maybe 40 or 50 of these servers as compared to the 500+ others that I see that are playing as usual.
Wow that's the dumbest thing I ever heard, do they seriously think the game company gives a shit after they have your money.

Cracked servers FTW
C4rniV0r said:
Wow that's the dumbest thing I ever heard, do they seriously think the game company gives a shit after they have your money.

Cracked servers FTW

I don't think your getting the jist of this.

Of course shutting down a bunch of servers isn't going to make any difference for IW and Activision, what it can do is attract neg press, which it has.
Tiny said:
MTV as press? pfft.

While I would tend to agree with you on principal, lets consider MTV's demographic. Its a prime market for video games, especially console games. From what I understand, X-box 360 owners playing COD online play on servers run by PC gamers. (I have not confirmed this but have heard it from many sources) I'd think MTV would be one of the best venues for media attention.

CreamySoupUSA said:
Haha, that's like boycotting Microsoft by not playing your 360 you already bought :rolleyes:

Again, its a ploy to bring attention to the issue, not to bring IW and Activision to their knees.
I just don't see the point. Has Activision or Infinity Ward ever said they weren't going to patch the game or implement some Punkbuster-esque solution for cheating?

If so, then I can see protesting. But if not, this just seems like a bunch of whiney little punks on a fanciful (and delusional) power-trip.

Hurin said:
I just don't see the point. Has Activision or Infinity Ward ever said they weren't going to patch the game or implement some Punkbuster-esque solution for cheating?

If so, then I can see protesting. But if not, this just seems like a bunch of whiney little punks on a fanciful (and delusional) power-trip.


Read the thread on IW Nation I linked to. Its not that long. Basically the people that keep online games going are the modders and people who finance/run servers. IW has been ignoring both and Grant Collier gave an interview saying COD has no modders supporting it which is a major slap in the face to all the modders that managed to make some great mods with little or no support from IW. In addition, they complain about no modder support then release the game with no map editor and no SDK.
cgrant26 said:
Just thought you guys might be interested in this. As of about 2am, approximately 1/3 of all COD2 servers were password locked. Many of them say "Supporting CCA." News of this has made it as far as MTV News. Whats most interesting about this is that it has never been done before.

lol, like i care. I and most othe rpeople have filtered out passworded servers, so the only difference is there's a few less servers for a couple of hours. not exactly devastating, tbh
All I know is that Infinity Ward has already made a statement on this. I think the community is just impatient. As far as I know, many game development studios go on a break for a few weeks after shipping a big game, then return to (usually) support it for a few months, then continue on to their next project. In Infinity Ward's case, it probably would have been smart to release a statement to let people know what would happen with the support side of COD 2 and THEN go on break, rather then leave everyone in the dark and have people speculate leading to mass 'OMG OMG OMG OMG WTF IW NO ANTI CHEAT?!"
IW has made a statement on this, people are just impatient little children. If they could just snap their fingers and make a patch come out their @$$ they would, but they can't. They are working to the best of their ability to make a patch that will fix issues and make everyone happy.
OK, either you guys can't read or your not comprehending what I've said now three times. This is not about a patch. IW has said from the very start that they wanted COD to be modder friendly and harped on supporting the modding community. They also asked on THEIR OWN FORUMS what people wanted for COD2. They then ignored everything that was suggested. They rarely reply to questions by modders and don't even post or reply on their own forums. When questions DO get addressed its often with hostility. The only support modders get is from each other and then the head guy at IW gives an interview saying there is no mod support when they don't don't even answer questions from modders on their own damn forum. Also, server admins have been asking for an anti-cheat since it was first announced that IW was going to start working on COD2. Hell, as much as I hate EA, at least they communicate with their core fanbase and the people that keep their games going. (IE: server admins and modders) Even the vague announcment made by IW was made to some 3rd party and filtered down to their forum through hearsay. What kind of company makes announcements like that and doesn't say a peep about it on their own site?

There is no one issue that brought this to a head, rather, a long chain of BS that finally ticked people off enough to do something about it.
So, if your going to criticize this, at least take the time to realize what the actual issue is. Damn I feel like I'm talking to a wall here.
I'd rather just play the games and have fun than take the time to understand it. Anyways, no, a lot if it sounds like trying to get media attention rather than disgruntled modders. Well, that's my opinion anyways. Maybe the wall is that people don't agree with you.

People want to boycott xbox360's now too which are unavailable! I think it's all rather embarassing, like the "kiddie" gamer sterotype is legit.
Even though I do think this boycott is absurd and stupid, I give the community ALOT of credit for actually going through with this.
texuspete00 said:
I'd rather just play the games and have fun than take the time to understand it.

Most people just want to play which is completely understandable. The ones who have the issue are the server admins and modders. They want to play too but they also put a lot of time and money into helping others enjoy the game. If the COD multi-player were 100% people who "just want to play and not understand it" there wouldn't be any decent servers to play on or mods to keep the game interesting. If you look at the longest running popular online games such as UT, its solely the modders and server admins that have kept it alive and fun. IW does not provide game servers so it's astounding to me that they would shit on the very people that do.

texuspete00 said:
Anyways, no, a lot if it sounds like trying to get media attention rather than disgruntled modders. Well, that's my opinion anyways. Maybe the wall is that people don't agree with you.

I like to hear legitamate arguments, it makes me think. What I don't like is people making arguments without actually grasping the concept of the subject. Basically, I don't like ignorance.
Also, try working hard for six months with a team of modders making a great mod that becomes very popular. Imagine doing it with very few modding tools, support from the devs or an SDK. Then imagine the same people that ignored all your requests and questions turn around and tell the world they love modders and that the game has no mods or modders supporting it. I don't know about you, but I'd be pissed.